Honey Land Switzerland - and the fatal
I wrote about a documentary on TV ARTE, showing very clearly the true reasons
for a coming Crash in finance and economics in the EU.
The false and stupid and superficial documentary started with the ORIGINS as being wrongly assuming to be at the source of a supposed disaster to come in Europe, when in fact it is the EFFECT of a final result of the American criminal neoliberalism and the therefrom resulting Crash on Wall Street around 2008.
The false and stupid and superficial documentary started with the ORIGINS as being wrongly assuming to be at the source of a supposed disaster to come in Europe, when in fact it is the EFFECT of a final result of the American criminal neoliberalism and the therefrom resulting Crash on Wall Street around 2008.
There was not one word about the true origins of the disaster, and the criminal deeds of the Jews since Milton Friedman, Chicago School, WEF, IMF, Worldbank, Fed, ECB - resulting in the coming disaster in rotten nations, running towards total bankruptcies in finance and reaching the end of world-economics very soon.
let's look into the matter from a national standpoint and let's laugh a little
about the gigantic stupidity of the 99,99 percent of folks worldwide:
Land Switzerland
is said to be the best and richest land in the world. These rotten profiteers escaped
all dangers given in the USA and in the EU. They kept away from the European
big politics and did not introduce the Euro. Further Swissness is said to be a
beautiful land for tourism. It is said that Switzerland has the best form of
direct democracy and should be taken as an example for the rest of the globe in
France, Italy, China and the Antarctic.
contrary is the case:
the rotten Nations USA and Israel, Switzerland is third in the line of the most
criminal and shitty nations on this bubble. They have cultivated a system of
worldwide tax fraud, alone in favour our companies paying no taxes, about 5
percent of income taxes on 10 percent of world profits and for fun of the one
per mille of richest VIPs of all nations. Switzerland has taken all raisins (Rosinen)
of the market in EU on bilateral basis and taken no charges. The banks in
Switzerland, touching the ground near bankruptcy, had to be saved by the tax
money of Swiss middle class and poor, being alone charged by normal tax.
Switzerland had all advantage from an own currency, the SFR, when all of a
sudden they had to decide to lean on the Euro at SFR 1.20. This did not function
and the currency had to go free and today, all skunks of the globe want to have
such "strong" currency and strengthen it, until it will fall in
pieces and become no value at all. Further, Switzerland can count that USA will
serve as example and all lands having lost trillions of Dollars on taxes by the
Swiss model, shall claim enormous amounts of stolen taxes from Switzerland,
such grounding the Honey Pot for all times - a rotten land of the Jews out of a
famous Mafia, called WEF in Davos.
here I have not yet mentioned 50 percent of the crimes of the most successful
land on this planet, when all was a fake and did not function at all.
Switzerland shall be dead in the near future and not one person can see the
FACTS and shed a tear about a land full of stupid heads.
fatal Rest
the best land in the World, Switzerland, is going to get rotten soon, what should
we think about other nations?
a closer look:
has not a national indebtedness of 18 trillions of Dollars, but of 250
trillions, and it can serve as example for all other lands: We must count also
the debts of the 50 States like Florida, California, Iowa etc. plus all towns,
counties, rotten infrastructure, under-covered rental systems, mortgages not
repayable or secured by rotten houses, all the debts under Chapter 11, all
debts of firms and private persons in leasing, study lendings, credit card
debts and the rest and you could see: Each American in average owes one million
Dollars to the world.
addition, Wall Street is coming to the next crash, 10 times higher than 2008, the
criminal casino with hedge funds and derivatives will prove to be of zero
value, rental systems are at a loss, America gets rotten with his Army, is
hated worldwide for an arrogant political system having brought terror in Iraq,
Syria, Afghanistan and Israel - and the Shock doctrine of USA resulted in terror
in the Middle East and poverty in Africa and some matters to be discussed
is said to by one of the greatest nations to come. This is bullshit: China has
a huge sub-prime Clash to come like Japan before. China will lose all export
markets and the import of goods will come to a standstill. China has a system
of Black shadow banks gone out of control, the poverty of the today still poor
over 50 percent will explode due to pops explosion, as it will in India,
Indonesia, Egypt and 50 other over-crowded nations of the globe.
is just on the edge to fall down the abyss and there is no way, China could
stand on its own feet, when resources go out and oil will no longer be
delivered in a bankrupt nation and their coal energy will have killed the own
pops. The economic and ecologic collapse is already a fact today, like in all
lands in Asia inclusive Japan, and not one swine can read the firing signs on
the wall.
and South America
is lost since a long time, due to the crimes of the stupid dictators and false
democrats with their cash on Swiss banks. There seemed to come some richness
with oil, diamonds, gold, metal and the rest deep under sea level, but this
treasury is gone and what comes is a huge disaster in ecology, droughts, floods
and the rest, sending all Niggers over the Mediterranean Sea towards Europe,
and there is no Plan B how this stupidity could be stopped.
the deadly ideology of GROWTH will like for Europe, USA and China end up with a
planet delivering still some time a living basis for rotten 10 billion of fools,
before there is nothing left anymore - and still the explosion of new babies is
a fact and will end up with Africa, South America, India, China and all other overpops
lands in very short time from now on.
is, perhaps with Canada and northern European countries the only land to be able,
of having some autonomy and austerity and so the unique chance to live on their
own, take profit of the treasuries they still have on own ground, by using them
for the own population, but in fact not even Russia under Putin, be fought
against by the rest of the world and being completely under spell of capitalism
and the stupid ideas of neoliberal shit, can escape the fate of USA, China and
the rest.
will therefore tumble to hell like the best lands: Rotten Banking Switzerland,
rotten Israel with its atom bomb and be thrown in the Sea by 1,5 billion of
Islamists in terror - and USA being at the source of the downfall of Stock
exchanges, worthless currencies soon and having produced by force some 100 bankrupt
nations all over the globe.
this was only talking of some lands in matters of finance.
imagine what could be written when explaining the coming assured death of world
economics, the growing stupidity of all folks about 99,99 percent of humans
understanding not one word of this report and the end scenery of ECOLOGY, when
soon the crimes of the past with trillions of tons of shit blown in the
geosphere and sent in the oceans, emptied from fish, will show the true face
and end up with such stupid humanity, the real disaster only to come in the
next 50 years.
golden future
take the assumption that we shall have a golden future.
was assumed by Milton Friedman, Karl Popper and 1000 of other neoliberal Shit
of WEF, AIPAC and Wall Street Junk, that we shall have a golden Future in Africa,
EU, USA, Brazil, Greenland and all would be one great Switzerland in the year
2000, Karl Popper said in a Speech in Zurich around 1985.
we have today in 2015 is: Lost resources, a rotten climate, currencies out of
control, nations short before bankruptcy, Jews allowing the rich class not to
pay any taxes and the richness stolen to Middle Class and the poor, some idiots
have taken for free all raw materials, oil, gas, mining and fish from the sea
and making their business. Such criminal and stinky Junk had brought their cash
stolen from normal workers to tax paradises and rotten banks, and such VIPs are
still believing we shall see a golden future for all times to come.
golden future is the one of the coming finance, economy and ecology Crash and
collapse in all 200 nations on the planet, basing on the criminal behaviour of
the 99,99 percent of people with shit in their brains, where the idiocy of the
past will show up only in some years from now - by immense climate collapses
with huge droughts, sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in the oceans --
but believe me and Draghi:
will be enough!"
SFR, Pound, Yuan, Yen, Dollars etc. are short before losing all value, the
stock exchanges in shares and state bonds will tumble to hell very soon, the
subprime junk in real estate short before implosion in China, India, USA again
and Switzerland and be sure:
nations can never pay back to anyone the trillions of debts of nations,
companies, mortgages and casino shit of priceless Junk - and Greece is just a
fine example, the way all other nations are going just NOW - down the Drain.
you have still questions, just try to contact Adolf Merkel, Nigger Obama, Cunning
Putin, Shit Heads of communism in China, Abe crasher in Japan, Swiss money
makers on tax fraud in Switzerland and other idiots from the Mafia of Jews of
WEF in Davos - and try to get the truth on any ways, your small brain would
dictate you to believe in modern shit from Silicon Value and Zuckerman Facebook.
not even TV ARTE is able to make a distinction between ORIGINS and EFFECTS of
the crimes of the Amis and Jews in Europe, how the hell do you assume to be
governed by humans, when I can only see some blind APES?
wake up, man, it's about time to become adult.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on April 24, 2015