Downfall by U.S. Empire
is the U.S. Empire?
all know about the Roman Empire, the Empire of Napoleon, the Empire of the 3rd
Reich of Hitler, the British Empire, the Soviet-Empire and the coming Chinese
Empire, which is a joke, because China is dead and has not the slightest change
to survive the next 20 years.
U.S. Empire from 1920 to today is the worst in history of human mankind, since
they touch not only the 7 billion of existing persons on the globe today, but
they destroyed about 25 billion of folks, going to die in the next 100 years,
due to the systems given by U.S. finance industry and the philosophies of their
now, let's explain the case:
are the Crimes of USA?
helped to save the world from the power of SS Germany of Hitler and the
atrocious idiocy of the Japanese around 1940. In addition they brought to bottom
some communist Soviet Union under Stalin and finally got rid of Saddam Hussain
and a terrible Islam system in Afghanistan, without resolving the problem as
such, as we can see now with I.S. in Syria, the blowback in the Arab Spring and
the world short before the complete finance collapse of capitalism.
Crime of USA was not only not to bomb the tracks to Auschwitz, the covering up
of the crimes of Jews in Israel and at the Wall Street, to accept the Jews and
their destruction of the world's finance system under neoliberalism founded by
the Jewish Chicago School and the WEF in Davos.
USA killed millions of socialists without any reason in Vietnam, Cambodia,
Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua and 20 of other nations. Their interventions in Africa
destroyed original agriculture and trade in Africa and it was at the source of
the economic power destroying the world, in USA, Japan and China. The ecologic
behaviour still today (fracking) was taken over by the whole globe with the
ideology of capitalism and neoliberalism and killed the Earth for all times to
come and there is not the slightest chance to correct the deadly situation of
the given consequences in the year 2015.
major crime of the U.S. Empire was first one of ideology, second of stupid
systems, third of billion crimes in finances and fourth of planting enormous
stupidity in the heads of the 99,99 percent of folks on this planet.
- a crime or a justified reaction?
folks and government tell us, that 9-11 was a crime, a disaster, an action of
al Qaida and worse. This is big shit:
the sight of Osama bin Laden and lots of Arab folks, it was a reaction on the
criminal behaviour of Israel in the Middle East, and the enormous despise of
U.S. politics with regards to other nations, but specially against the lands
under Islamism. And so it was for Osama and al Qaida a justified reaction on
the crimes of USA in the Middle East and actions taken in Saudi Arabia, Iraq,
Palestine, Lebanon and the rest of the area.
Delavy 9-11 was never a crime, since the reaction on the deeds of USA had one
day to have little consequences, some 3000 finance Amis against millions of
other people killed, burnt and tortured to death in the name of USA, Israel,
Chicago School and other cripples in all lands of intervention by USA. Alone in
Vietnam 3 million killed folks against only 56000 dead soldiers out of the U.S.
Empire. But there are much greater crimes done by USA, let's look into the
Crimes of the Jews
far the greatest crime of the U.S. Empire, not recognized still today, was the
liberty given to the finance systems founded by Jews like Milton Friedman, Karl
Popper, Greenspan, Kissinger and all the finance folks and banks under Jewish influence
at the Wall Street, City of London, Tax Fraud Switzerland and other tax
paradises, the protection of the richest class, the art to bring any nigger in
U.S. prisons and not one Jew killing million folks by cash and derivatives of
zero value.
functioned as deeds of WEF, AIPAC, Fed, IMF, Worldbank etc, under control of
Jews and the Chicago School doctrine of shock (Klein), and there cannot be seen
any other greater crimes in preparation of the coming collapse in world
finances and economics, than this shit of ideology protected by U.S. politics
under JFK, Ronald, Bush, Clinton, Kissinger and Obama.
Crimes of the Finance System
are named the major basics of the crimes of a U.S. finance System, being at
the roots of the misery in dictatorships in Africa, the tax fraud in
Switzerland, the liberty of banks to destroy all savings and rents of middle
class worldwide and the politics of IMF and Worldbank, dictating rules that
killed the original agriculture and original trade in a multitude of lands in
Africa, South America and Asia.
the ideology of JM Keynes, another Jew, led to the mountains of debts in USA,
Europe, Africa, China and all other lands through the idiocy of financing about
all by deficit spending and in addition to allow a total collapse of finance
industry first around 2008 and much higher in effect before 2020 has come - to
the full charge and unsurmountable damage of the tax payers of Middle Class and the Poor.
speaking, the methods of USA driven in all lands of the globe and allowing the
criminal Hedge funds and derivatives and State bonds with zero value, led to
the collapse of neoliberalism coming before 2020 and killing economics
worldwide, inclusive China, India, Europe, England, Third World - and first of
all - USA.
killing the World
is very difficult to understand, that not Hitler has destroyed the world with
his 3rd Reich, but it was the U.S. Empire under dictate of finance Jews, WEF,
AIPAC and an ideology of Tea Party, being in fact the program of Republicans
and the Democrats in USA and since some time the one in Russia, China, Japan
and the rest of the Globe, what has already today killed the finance world for
all times to come, followed by a collapse of currencies, state finances,
economics and any true order we could ever have had on this bubble.
Idea that with huge State indebtedness, some 250 trillion Dollars of overall
debts in USA (take nation, 50 States, all towns and countries, Chapter 11,
uncovered mortgages, rotten infrastructures, undercovered rent systems, health
system rotten, leasing, stock exchange debts etc.) and some calculation,
resulting from a neoliberal feast of idiocy, we have the same problem of hidden
bankruptcy of nations, even with the shadow banks in China and the rest of 200
world was first killed by the crimes of the Jews, of the bankers, of the
central banks and of U.S. politics in finances, followed by some other crimes to
be still mentioned. Over all to foresee the coming crash of world economics -
that by no force in the universe could ever more be prevented.
End of History
Empire brought us the End of History, as described as nonsense in a multitude
of literature, but when it came, not one idiot saw it coming:
have written about the crimes in politics, economics, Jewish finances and some
other matters, but the worst has never been the subject of TRUTH.
way of living given by the U.S. Empire made the world be out-powered and
exhausted from energy and resources within only 100 years and by doing this,
not only the financing basis of nations went to hell, but in addition, these
crimes led to the forthcoming death of the mentioned 25 billion of folks, the
climate being a disaster, the weather machine going out of order and bringing
soon immense droughts, sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in Oceans in
a degree, that today not one idiot of the 99 percent want to see, when it can
be grasped with one finger of a little child.
Hitler could not do, what the Chinese idiots of communist capitalism cannot
achieve, what the debts politics of the world could not arrive at, the U.S.
Empire brought into this world, on the planet Earth with Dollars and shit in
the brains of the Amis, spread all over the Earth and now we have the problem,
that shit stinks and the consequences are of a size, never more to be brought
back in the Box of Pandora.
the matter is much more complex, but to understand - idiots - you could read
the oeuvre of Delavy - but it's anyway far too late for actions - so just let
it be.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
in April 2015