"Saviours" - Who would save
the world from all DEBACLES?
I was young, I was about sure that
"The Americans" would come, if at any place in the world a huge
injustice, catastrophe, war or debacle would happen.
learnt later that other folks believed for the prevention of crimes and big
events in some God or Allah. Or perhaps the United Nations would bring order in
our mess. Some believed in the governments or the Elite of scientists would be military
forces or even the fate of humanity.
went a long time before I realized what the crimes and debacles were and who
would intervene to "save the world" if ever necessary.
for the sake of understanding the happenings on this Bubble, called Earth,
let's get deeper into the matter:
The possible and real debacles
the Second World War it was clear that "The Americans" would take
care that immense human catastrophes are no longer to happen. But it were the
Russians and the Allies of the West and the stupidity of Hitler that ended WW
on, I become aware that no force on Earth would ever come to prevent any
catastrophe, because all Nations of the globe are committing them and there is
no interest to stop any CRAZE whatsoever.
now look down into those Catastrophes:
There are the possible World Wars: Two of them are completed and could not be
prevented due to the stupidity of human mankind. The Third WW could have
exploded any time since 1950 and the USA were near to start one. But today,
some error in technology or a crazy mind of a VIP could start any time the
final WW III.
Normal wars are given all around the world, massacres of any kind, nations
against nations, inside civil wars, youth soldiers killing thousands of women
and children, the terror army of ISIS and there is no force worldwide to stop
the crimes.
Whenever any financial situation at Wall Street, Swissair, Enron, with
worthless derivatives, national zero bonds, the crash of capitalism by
trillions of Dollars are happening due to the crime of WEF and Chicago School
of the Jews of USA, there is not one instance to stop the craze and find and
arrest the criminal shit, having the responsibility of what happens.
When the whole climate of the globe is destroyed in less than 50 years, there
is lots of talking in congresses and some idiotic IPCC measures the extent, but
in fact all 200 nations increase until today the doses of future death of all
of our humanity, and no one cares.
When a pandemic sickness comes up anywhere on the globe, there is nothing to
stop the spread all over the globe. Some NGOs try to stop the spreading, but
one day the worst virus of all will explode all over the lands and there will be
zero scientist or politician to control the situation.
The humans become more dull and paranoid any new day with computers, internet,
dull schools and universities, teaching how to destroy the future of life on
this planet and not one editing company or media house of the globe is able to
read the firing signs on the wall.
The conglomerates in China, India, USA and Europe destroy our geosphere, they
do not pay any taxes, they commit any crime against the poor and the middle
class of all nations and there is no UNO or WEF or take it, that could stop the
self-destruction of humanity by industry, trade, mass consumerism and the
craziness of a higher ape.
It is evident that we are short before losing control on any system in
finances, economics, health care, water getting out, geosphere and climate
starting to get out of control and killing billions of idiots, and nothing is
here to understand the given phenomenon.
the list could be extended over 100 pages and the conclusion would always be
that there are no "Saviours" to stop the CRAZE, taking place just now
and ending with humanity within the next 50 years in fact.
The Role of the given "Saviours"
look a little bit in the Role of the ones, I and other idiots believed to stop
the CRAZE as designed a little bit in the Text under "A":
WW II no nations has committed higher crimes against humanity than USA. They
started the major wars. They brought socialism to an end with the result that a
multitude of States look out for war against a hegemony with NATO of the west
against the rest of the world. The U.S. Chicago School brought us Neoliberalism
what today is responsible for the Crash of Stock Exchanges, of currencies, of
nations, of Russia and China and India. Further USA have started the Terror in
new religiosity of Islam and other esoteric shit like the Evangelicans and Tea
Party in USA itself and are not aware, that USA is worse in destruction of our
present systems than were Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Roosevelt together.
United Nations
conglomerate of mean interests of USA, China, Russia and some other very stupid
nations are responsible for the Craze in the given World, increasing in power
each new Day. To hope that UNO would be able to stop any national or worldwide
CRIME in finances, economy, science, culture, religion or geopolitics is NUTS.
UNO is like WEF or FED or ECB or IPCC just an alibi to increase the hammering
club strikes on our Earth from year to year and against torture and wars, the
shitty human rights tribunals are here to give the stupid humans the idiotic
illusion, that mighty generals, terrorists, USA and other shit could not do
what they like to kill billions of folks, going to the butcher like their own
and Congresses
today just manage the complete downfall of all matters in rotten finances, they
produce the deficits on which all nations go in bankruptcy, they let all
freedom to the dirty Jews in all banks, stock exchanges, Wall Street, City of
London, hedge funds and else and don't get that the collective blow of our
capitalisms has already been completed and no force on Earth can stop the craze.
The congresses just manage and talk about the coming total collapse of the
climate and out weather-machine, when today more of destruction of oceans and
lands and by building of dying mega-towns are admitted than ever before in
history. Congresses are here like the WEF or climate peaks or G-20 or take it,
to increase any debacle to come and to throw sand in the eyes of the public,
believing in that sort of shit.
of Universities and Science
the source of the present debacle and gigantic downfall of all matters on a
world that exploded by POPS and is short before becoming ungovernable, are the
idiots of professors and experts in Universities, understanding nothing of the
present world-situation. And Science brought the cash world, the profits, the
idiotic philosophies in economics and a technology killing all about water,
air, resources and giving the death-push to humanity, taking place from 1950 to
2050 for good. There are no saviours in no direction of the globe.
rights tribunals and other justice illusions
Chiefs of State of USA and Europe commit the dirtiest crimes ever, except for
Hitler there are no tribunals. Same goes for 100 percent of pro-western
dictators and about 90 percent of other sort of VIPs, killing millions of folks
with the weapons delivered by USA, Germany, England, Russia, China and the rest
of UNO and then, they make by hazard of Choice believe the masses, they would
do justice when they have to "prove" the evident crimes given in all
newspapers over years, putting the idiots in high luxury jails, when those
monsters had tortured to death thousands of folks. And the dirty Jews of Wall
Street, responsible for the breakdown of all values in banks all over the world
and the State indebtedness, tearing down all nations into bankruptcy soon, will
never see a jail or death sentence, except a visit by helicopters at the WEF in
is clear that I could mention some other 100 crimes in which their
"Saviours" are in fact the highest criminals of the globe, but there
is not much sense in doing so.
The real Situation of our present humanity
the blind and paranoid rats as are 99 percent of human idiots, it is not clear
that in very short time, all nations, currencies, stock exchanges and the whole
system of U.S. neoliberalism will be dead and out and the losses in cash and
future will be so gigantic that any correction has become impossible since the
year 2000.
world-crash of economics and the death collapse of China, India, USA and the
rest is imminent and not one shit of a person can read the signs on the wall,
although the crime is through and no force of God, or Allah, or Mohammed, or
Jesus, or Buddha will bring back the resources transformed in deadly poison to
kill our oceans and our geosphere for all times to come.
stupidity of the 99 percent is so high and the craziness of the Elites so
immense that the overall shit in the brains of the masses and of all VIPs on
this globe has stayed out of sight and no control has ever started on the dirty
Jews, experts, bankers and "Yes we can" Niggers and Ronalds of a lost
human society, short before the final Break of the existence of a human race of
higher Apes.
short, by 2050 this humanity will have come aware about their end of this
species and by 2099, all humans will have disappeared from this bubble and it
was high time for this to happen, since there has never been a more criminal,
stupid and destructive animal in our Universe than what we used to call
"homo sapiens", when this shit did know nothing, and not even THIS
was known.
human shit ends now in history and all VIPs of the globe just manage under
different parties or heads full of shit the rest, and during the complete
downfall in all matters humans could have started in the past, all will shout
"Hallelujah" and creep in the ass of his given "God or
Allah" not existent and continue the acceleration in self-destruction.
this was written in my books and God will look down from the paradise and laugh
his head off, since He has created that heap of shit some 6000 years ago as
today pretend the highest U.S. scientists we ever had.
was clear that we shall never have "Saviours" on this globe, but only
stupid VIPs as criminals and tax-free Jews and other races, trying to have a
better life than the big rest.
now go to hell and if you are a VIP, take care, soon the mass is coming and
will massacre all of those "Saviours".
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on January 19, 2015