2015 - End of Capitalism

At last Capitalism starts to Crash in the year 2015

All nations of the world will start to crash now in finances and economy.

How it goes will be explained here.

Since 1975, I predicted the final breakdown of capitalism due to the crimes given in a very criminal neoliberalism invented by the American Jews.

But it was only during the Wall Street Crime from 2007 to 2009 when it became very evident to me, that now the western model of finances will end, if not all nations of the world would do the right thing.

The right thing would have been to kill the Jews, get rid of bankers and hedge funds, make order in the deficits of USA, England, South of Europe, Japan and stop the craze with China, India and Russia in no longer accepting the cheapness mass idiocy of those markets and continuing destruction of the climate, water and the whole geosphere.

But when 1989 the eastern socialism crashed as predicted by me since 1975, before western capitalism, to my surprise, it was clear that this was the very scheme how the western world under lead of the most shitty land on the globe, USA, would lose any controls on the financial streams about the global idea that paper and computer cash can be eaten.

After 2009, all States committed the worst crimes in their accounts, all central banks went crazy such as Fed, ECB, Bank of Japan and of China under lead of the Jewish WEF in Davos, heading to a final triumph about having given the principles how to go into the total loss of controls on finances and economics - and it became just a question of years for me, when the western Chicago School idiocy would crash in all respects.

The year 2015 has started well

We have Switzerland to give up any controls on the Swiss Franc, no longer bound to the Euro and it is evident that this currency is out of the market sooner or later. There is no possibility of Switzerland to make business in exports, the luxury industry and in tourism any more. And nothing was there, the idiotic government and Nationalbank could have done to prevent the complete downfall of this Tax Fraud State to the detriment of all other nations and in favour of the rich class, tumbling to hell now on a worldwide basis.

It is clear that the South of Europa was dead since some time: Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland were lost like the Middle East, the Maghreb and rotten USA. And France started to tremble and finds no way out of the trap. East of Europa inclusive Russia, which I shall treat here separately, were lost already in 1989. The rest of Europa with broken Euro can no longer function for many reasons as explained too on other nations now:

- Germany had profit as sole remaining export nation to the damage of all other nations except USA and China and India. But now, this idea that one land in the EU can have profits on the account of the rest, has ended as seen by me long time ago, when the Swiss Franc has come out of control and South of Europe inclusive England can no longer be saved from a complete bankrott, following the one of USA that was fact in 2009.

- We will see that the industry of luxury and tourism will start first to tumble into pieces and lose any chance for further profits, same goes for car industry, building, transports and most of other commerce in trade and services.

- Idiotic ideas like Coca Cola, McDonald's, Microsoft, Facebook, the whole IT shit and cheap production idiocy, mainly coming out of USA, China, South Korea and India, will lose all power and tear China and India, after the Crash in Japan that was fact since 1990, down on their knees.

- China never had a chance and was silently drifting in the situation of former Japan and in fact was gone out of control in finances, ecology, economics and politics long time ago. We had just to wait if China tumbles to hell in 2015 or a little bit later on.

- India and all other overcrowded folks with immense climate problems were dead since years and will now become ungovernable. Same goes for all lands in Africa and South America inclusive Mexico. We can forget lands with high pops intensity and being dependent on imports and having committed any crime in ecology thinkable, which can no longer be kept under control and will increase in catastrophes each new year more in intensity.

- Russia committed the idiocy to take over neoliberalism, give in hands all oil and gas to oligarchs, Putin never stopping the craze but exhausting the treasuries of his land and by provoking the west and such getting fine punishments in capitalism, the Ruble went out of control and the intermediate richness of a lost land without any hope became evident. Russia is on the way down, if Putin would now fulfil all the stupid expectations of USA or not. This land in finances never had the slightest chance, since the rich class brought any dime to Switzerland and other Tax heavens and bled out Russia.

- USA was in misery and was in bankruptcy long time ago. Already 2007 I wrote in an article with WorldNews "Each American owes to the world one million Dollars" how it is fact, America has in total some 250 trillions of uncovered debts, if debts of all 50 States, towns, counties, Chapter 11, not covered rental systems, mortgages, leasing, worthlessness of ABS, CDO and CDS etc. would be counted. And it was evident since 1975 for me that the idiocy of Chicago School invented by Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Greenspan, Ronald and Thatcher and Pinochet would end in the total Crash of all global Stock exchanges, all currencies and all nations, on the basis of deficit spending since 1975 to this very day.

My principles of "Highest Accounting" proved that on some given level, the automatisms of accounting make it impossible to a family, a small business, a conglomerate or a bank too big to fail and a nation like USA or China, to recover and getting new control on finances when the bankruptcy is evident. Any measure would increase the debacle.

The last chance to stop the craze of the world economy being slashed by China, USA, Japan and the rest was in the year 2008, when a very stupid  "Yes I can" Nigger became President of USA and crept in the assholes of the Jews and Israel, such increasing the disaster of 9-11 and the terror force of Islam, but more evident the coming Finance-Crash of our economic systems, all around the globe.

When exactly will have come the End of Western Craze?

My prediction was that in any case it would happen before 2018. But since a breakdown of a system - spread over all lands of the planet, takes his time and the dirty tricks of governments and central banks are of highly cunning nature, it may well be that there begins now (in fact in 2006) an agony of a downfall in any respects:

- Nations falling into pieces, conglomerates and banks out of control, profits no longer evident, hedge funds and financial banking killing the rest, all currencies in free fall soon, the economy of USA, China, Japan, India and Europe starting to tumble into emptiness of space and governments being more stupid as the masses of democrazy, to say of the "Dictatorship of dull majorities" shouting the whole day long "We are Charlie!" when Islam showed the true face and the real program of Mohammed.

Well, the rest can be read in my books and editors letters that you have missed since 15 years due to the mean politics of German and Swiss editing companies - and the result is now what you can read above.

And now kick the bucket as fast as ever possible. I want to see the downfall of State bonds, derivative shit like Zero bonds, ABS, CDO and CDS, of our beloved Jewish WEF, of the Fed, all stock exchanges, shares, currencies and the rest and the start of the massacre on the Elite by the poor class paying taxes in favour of the rich and powerful idiots of pure shit, that has been built up by Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Ronald, Bush, Thatcher and Pinochet and Swiss Government.

And if you still have questions, ask them the criminal Jews of WEF Schwab, taking place now down in Davos.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 16, 2015