UWCOAT --- Ugliest War Criminals of all Times 


The dullest folks of the Earth, say 99 percent of them all without brains, believe that Putin or Jinping would be the ugliest war criminals of all times. 

In fact, they are sugars that killed almost no persons at all.

The ugliest stinkers were Hitler and Napoleon and Suharto and some other funny gays.

But this is an error. 

Naturally Mao and Stalin killed masses of own folks and some other idiots did. 

But the ugliest stinkers according to Armin Wertz and Hartmunt Spieker and Noam Chomsky and Pankaj Mishra and Naomi Klein etc. in their books and some 1000 other authors – where:  

- JF Kennedy – GW Bush – Nigger Obama – Johnson – Delaware Biden – Clinton – Jefferson - Ford – Nixon – Rumsfeld – Powell – Cheney – the Jews of WEF and Wall Street – the stinkers of Silicon Valley – Jonny Blair - Thatcher – Franco – Videla – Pinochet and some other murderers under Dictate of CIA and the neoliberal Jews of UZA and NAZO. 

They have murdered over 100 million civilians without any reason, before UZA will tumble down.  

All US Presidents should be arrested and brought to Den Haag - and not Putin.

Just learn to find the TRUTH, stinking idiots out of UZA (United Russian Z of America)! 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in March 2023

Hitparade of World Crimes

HIT-PARADE of most hideous Crimes of all Times

The first crime ever made was one by God. He invented the Universe with his Big Bang - out of a tiny little matter, not to be seen by human eyes, and this universe has developed into a reality as nobody can see it today. No scientist of our Earth will ever be able to explain that dilemma – millions of galaxies, but a source of nothing. But Nobel Prize holders of dynamite believe and pretend to know everything, even the impossible and the greatest stupidities on Earth. Same goes for a wrong interpretation of Einstein's E = mc2.

Think of it: If God had once created Homo sapiens and his planet Earth, than he invented at the same time the principle of "Everybody kills everybody", any human kills the next one, any animal eats the other, any plant fights against the other – and finally the planet itself, with the help of crazy-gone idiots with their technological clubs of self-destruction, living in a Cash-casino, worse than Monaco, Las Vegas, Macao, Zurich and Dubai together, including all thousands of Abzockers all over the World – taken as a whole.

But let us restrict ourselves on the human crimes and produce a happy HIT-PARADE, about the worst crimes in history of Homo sapiens – worst being mentioned last:

10. Hitler and WW II

In fact, I should mention here: Hitler, The Japanese Tenno and his Nazi-generals, Mussolini and other stupids. Or even better: The Nazi-Democracies of Germans, Italians and Japanese. I do not forget former crimes committed by Napoleon, Chingis Khan, Alexander the Great, Cesar and other idiotic monsters, or the later ones like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Videla, Pinochet, Milosevic, Idi Amin and hundreds of other torturers.
But their crimes were lower in victims than the over 100 Mio, produced by the Nazis in WW II, including medical experiments on Chinese by Japan and the German experiments on Jews, Roma, Homos and other in Auschwitz and other death-camps. We know now what humans can do in modern times. We know now why USA killed for no reasons at all 3 Mio Vietnamese, Russians the Chechen folks and Chinese the Tibetans. We know now why Indian cynics let kill and violate 160 Mio lower-class Indians. It's easy. African horrifying Chiefs-of-States let kill and violate their own folks per millions and the UNO and all Europeans and Americans grin their dirty grin when other commit in their own interest crimes as they do and did themselves during all times of history.

9. Holocaust on Animals and Plants

How many animals are killed a year for humans, held in holocaust cages, are tortured to death, even during normal cooking, animals with brains, feeling, eyes, having nerves for pain like humans, being equal in genes to 90 percent with Homo sapiens? No idea? 100 billions or more? More, for final! And some of them are more intelligent than Homo sapiens. However, I did not expect that you would spend one single thought on this problem. All I wish is that you will be, after your death, reborn as cow, swine, dog, cat or any other animal on Earth and that God's fate would give you the worst animal life­-conditions possible – in holding, transport, getting no water or food, being under sun or snow for days and nights throughout your life, or killed in an arena of the Spanish Pigs. Or you will be reborn as a huge wood in Brazil and burnt for human "needs", for those "highest" animals being spread all over the planet and trying to suffocate the rest. Nature and animals will strike back with immense pandemics and you won't have any chance to correct that elimination of the worst species ever, the Homo sapiens, being in fact a being not knowing anything, not about the chaos in the present world - and certainly not about reality as it is, since you prefer to be believing in a Hollywood-world, totally different to the real chaos of a non-perceptible reality, never understood by anybody.

8. Religions, Philosophy and Theories in economics – and their Crimes

I am not solely talking of all the Popes, responsible for the burning in fires of normal human beings, preferably females, as "witches" and all those "renegades" not believing in the sole real God, according to the Popes being the only real, the one of the catholic church. I am talking of all religious leaders pretending to know who and what God is, but in fact being the highest ignoramus and hypocrites ever seen on Earth. They misuse their power to blend all believers in a given faith and their matter is so goddamn holy that not even this article should ever be written. The killing of people for all religious "reasons" is sacred and the critics on this huge human scandal considered a crime. This is the intellectual level of new-born Christs and other idiots, we all are forced to be living together with them. It is exactly the same principle as with all passed and present philosophies that have always protected and kept sacred the will of the VIPs under the humans, excused all perpetrators their crimes – and never taken care of victims, be it the majorities of people, the animals or the nature taken as a whole on this Planet Earth. We are being killed softly by a wrong reasoning in religion, philosophy and all theories in economics – and we don't realize it because 99 percent of humans have hybrid-brains. They are only capable of thinking in small areas of alternatives – and never in complex long chains of origins and reasons, in order to see their final fatal effects.

7. Darwin's Evolution in wrong directions

Naturally, Darwin's theory of evolution is the only possible way of explaining our existence. The ones of the churches are so dull that I wonder why Ratzinger does not hide his ugly and stupid face the whole day long. And the US-stupids of the Bible-belt should be killed for pretending that they are wiser than Arabs when being behind them by 500 years of intellectual evolution. But here is Delavy to say that Homo sapiens, as species, have taken the most possible disastrous development within this theory of evolution. We might have had several possibilities of understanding that we have no chance of survival if not accepting all the laws, the nature of the planet dictated us since "Adam and Eve". We preferred to kill those cultures who believed in nature, the last one having been the "Club of Rome" – and the most stupid human beings dictate since a terrifying neo-liberalism, a money-casino of the worst kind, called "Globalisation". If there is a God in the Universe with humour of some human kind, he would laugh his head off by seeing how we have "developed" towards our own disaster. This is an evolution into final death, for all of us, inclusive animals, plants, grounds, seas, water, air, resources and growing stupidity in all hybrid-brains of the 99 percent. Education and infotainment have evaluated us into completely blind dreamers, with missing compassion, no empathy with whatever you may think – we are going down the drain right now, and nobody cares, not even God in heaven.

6. Invention of the Technological era

You have still any hopes in scientists - and especially in the holders of the Dynamite-Prize of Stockholm and Oslo? Forget it! They know less than my dog, they know not one per mille of today's total reality and studied "everything" about their specialisation. They are "Skunks of not-knowing" but those men to decide on the Prizes are even duller. Otherwise it cannot be explained why, after the disastrous invention of cars, planes, energy stations, gene-manipulation, psychiatrists-science after Freud, literature of the same eternally repeated feeling and crimes of humans, films in odd Bollywood or Hollywood shit-production or shown in serials coming from the US-Dullness, namely Fox-TV-Industry over us, all the mental scrap of trials and errors in humans existence – why after this desolate evolution of self-destruction, we can still give Prizes to those who do nothing else but see that we be eliminated from this globe with a little bit of more accelerated power. But the press, radio, TV – the whole shit of mental influence tells us 24 hours a day, that we live in the best of all Orwell-Worlds, that the Prizes go to the right people, that we reach more intelligence every new day, in order to hide that our stupidity and dullness have reached the peak of world-record of all times. Forget all hopes, with this technological world, where not one person sees ways to get out of our impasses, the newly projected planes and cars even being huger and more stinky than ever before…. My God! Why did you create such a stupid specimen? You must have had the worst seven days in your existence when being occupied with the creation of the planet, called Earth - and its terrifying Homo non-sapiens.

5. Invention of EDP and Internet

It is admitted that I use EDP and Internet every day. To be heard in this world, literature is nothing and "The Net" everything. But read my article "Why Google is already nearly dead". This way of informing dull hybrid-brains of the 99 percent is for the foxes, where billions of terms are misused to accelerate the downfall of our species by means of profit-maximation, shareholder values, hedge funds, lies at Stock exchanges, bankrupt States from USA over Russia and China to Europe whereas South America and Africa are financially gone since years. What can we expect from EDP and Internet given these circumstances? This "useful tool" has responsibility for: Violating and torturing to death of children and showing it on the net, stealing the reserve money of old people by all tricks of cynical bankers, bringing the total chaos into stock exchanges, money-casinos of the worst kind, consumerism and hedonism instead of brains. Books are no longer read but stolen by Google, without giving the authors the money for years of work, and shreddering that shit, together with porno and Hollywood-films for free over the planet. One day, Bill Gates and all other idiots of Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and other will be arrested and tortured to death at Marine School in Buenos Aires for their stupidity of transferring all wealth in their own pockets and leave those out who have worked hard for literature, music, films, arts, dictionaries and all the rest. The EDP and Internet have caused a terrible bubble that exploded in the year 2001. But much worse is that these systems do nothing else but make believe the dull people, being on the way of increasing low intellect, whereas everything will only have served to accelerate our down-fall in a trap of thoughts, called "theorem of intellectual feasibility".

4. Invention of Atomic power

Einstein is an idiot. He wanted to prevent Hitler getting the atom bomb and gave it to the late Hitlers, the U-SS-American monsters of final hegemony, with greed to get the rest of the planet for them alone. The Russians and Chinese have given up the "Equilibrium of power" and now USA can violate and oppress any nation and any area in our World – and they will do it, as soon as oil, gas and other energy and resources will become rare and go to its end. In addition, we will soon have any terror organisation with some sorts of atomic junk, spread all over our planet, exploding at any spot you can think of. It may happen tomorrow - 9/11 will prove to have been a tiny little attack against the stupid American way of life with their useless and lying "American Dream" fantasies. We can't put back in Aladdin's lamp the secret about the formulas invented by Einstein and some dozens of Nobel-Prize holders of dynamite, have not a dime of fantasy about what they have given in the hands of the most stupid politicians ever, like Bush, Putin, Chinese mandarins and their even less scruple having future successors in power – and followed by all crazy politicians and dictators in North Korea, Israel, France, England, Iran, India, Pakistan and all coming atom-powers, eager to use this essence for killing others and themselves. Whatever may happen, will happen. Be absolutely sure of this principle. We are as good as dead – burnt from atomic fires, spread over this planet sooner or later.  

3. Bush's final stroke to the Equilibrium of power

It was written before: Seen from the late effects from the bankruptcy of the USA, its insane politics in finance, ecology, economy and culture, believing of being the only important nation on Earth, we will see gigantesk problems to come. In ecology huge dryness, water-floods exceeding any biblical forecasts, storms producing monster-waves burying any ocean-liner. The "Super-power" USA has become the greatest threat to our world. Since the US-folks, like the Germans for Hitler, the Italians for Mussolini, the Russians for Stalin and Putin, the Chinese for Mao and present stupids, the Japanese the Nazi Generals and later killing-field economists etc., since those US-folks can elect twice a brain-amputated person like GW Bush, we can be sure that we have only seen the beginning of a disaster in stupidity that will exceed any expectations you may have, dear Reader. Greedy and eager to maintain their hegemony, they will use any means a brain can think of. They are on the way to destroy any reasonable note in their brains, these US-Americans. Money and cash and wealth count alone, with low taxes for the richest in the USA, Switzerland, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Caribbean Islands and all other tax-heavens to the advantage of a few very rich people and to the charge of middle-class and the poor, all this is what all Americans can only think of in this money-casino, called globalised neo-liberalism, to the detriment of all poor nations on this globe, streams of money flowing from the poor and middle-class without influence on their fate, over Swiss Bankers directly in the pockets of the happy-few ugly and richest tax-preventors, in the USA and some other criminal states on Earth. We should arrest all that junk and slaughter to death, before they can arrange for us being killed in many sorts of ways you may think of. Greed and stupidity kills more than anything else. And the US-folks are the most stupid and therefore the most killing nationals – in the near future on this planet.

2. Explosion of World Population

1000 humans may have as many cars and planes as they wish. Even the 100 Mio people having lived on Earth in the Middle Ages could perhaps have an existence in this way of standards over a period of 200 years, before it becomes fatal. But with 7 billion and soon 10 billion, we are at a loss even before starting the experiment. We are dead. Not one "bright head" on this globe knows about a way out of a situation where the coming planes are greater in numbers and using up more petrol than in any period of time before. The "point of no return" was about 1975 – and since, we are in the free fall. Not only the "Explosion of population" is to be named as major threat for our self-destruction. It's that explosion in conjunction with our crazy life-style, in a money and technological world that leads to a trap of self-elimination, out of which no power in the world could ever lead. There is no possible recall. Ecology is in its free fall with non-adjustable unbalanced climate and weather catastrophes for the next 100 years, to come very increasingly, all nations will go bankrupt from debt-towers falling down and tear all stock exchanges, banks, insurances, old age funds etc. in a spiral leading right down to hell. Why didn't we realize the situation we were and still are in? Read "Nothing but a silent cry" of mine – and you will know - or get on to the point one of this article.

1. Humans playing Gods and the Planet being pure Shit

Today's human race is the result of 2000 years of wrong philosophies, called in my literature: "Humans are all, are playing their own Gods – and their platform of living, the Earth, is considered being nothing, being less than pure shit". All philosophers of all times, with the exception of Rousseau, Russell and Delavy, did never understand this fundamental principle. Same goes for religious leaders and theorists in economics. Homo sapiens being the primary, was also the credo of almost all writers, novelists, scientists in economy, all Popes of all religions, of all educational systems in all universities of this Globe. Don't look twice - here is the answer: Our reasoning decided on the worst system of living of all possible varieties, an odd money-casino, where everything is measured in Dollars, Euros or Francs – and thus nature, animals and resources having become of no value, but all profits are going in these end-times in the pockets of one percent of rich folks who declare the rest of 99 percent as being rightful victims of their systems. Growth, speed and bodies are the holly cows of human mankind, whereas nature, slow quality of life and intelligence count absolutely nothing in a world, where the hybrid-brains of the VIP in politics, economy, media, religion and philosophy have taken over the total Orwell command on all the disasters happening today and all the collapses to come and not being preventable by any power whatsoever in the near future. Wait and see: Soon the dying will be understood even by the dullest minds in the head of politicians and other skunks, when starvation begins.

This is the end of an evolution according to Darwin – and nothing, not one Dynamite-Prize holder with small brain, no little-minded "philosopher" of the present not grasping our chaos, no political or economic power on Earth would ever be able to correct this down-fall into a bottomless reality that nobody is prepared and willing to understand, called in my books under terms like "Theorem of feasibility" or "Wall at the end of all human vanities".

And now, dear Reader, just go to dinner. It will not be the last one, I hope.

René DelavyBerlin and Bournemouth