Carnage of Humanity

Gods of Carnage

The Gods of Carnage may have designated a person to describe the carnage of humanity at the end of times, to say around 2000 years after birth of the Son of the God of Carnage, better known as Jesus.

Well, more of truth would be to tell folks, that not one person ever can tell if Gods or a God could ever have existed in the Universe.

And to design a man to understand everything about the present STATUS QUO of humanity, basing on the principles, the systems and the truth about past, present and future seems to be a fairy-tale.

Still, I have written in 10 Books whatever is true about the very low intellect of all philosophers and theorists in the past, about principles that led to DEATH OF HUMANITY after the year 2000, within 100 years ending up with LIFE, for reasons stated in all texts of DELAVY.

But this is another story, to be read in all of my other literature - friends.

Let's talk about the fine Carnage by Gods in present times:

Gods of Carnage in Families

This is the world of women. In a Hollywood film with title "Carnage" of God (Der Gott des Gemetzels) from Roman Polanski, we see the parent couple of two families of average craziness, having a meeting in one room, about one of the sons having shattered the face of the son of the other family. Both parties try to be nice and it ends up in a human carnage, showing the true face of the 4 idiots playing normality in one of the billions of families, we got today worldwide.

For a simple mind like Polanski, the world is this kind of behaviourism of persons, understanding nothing of real facts and of our reality - and being responsible for wars, torture and the killing of billions of animals and humans and the nature in total, just for nothing.

The average family, to say 99,999 per cent of persons on this globe understand absolutely nothing of systems, of capitalism, of the coming CRASH with finances, economics, geopolitics, cultures and ecology, because the God of Carnage only designed one person to understand all about those complex FACTS.

Gods of Carnage in Finances and Economics

This is the world of men. They established a small world on the planet Earth, where cash, stock exchanges, banks, progress, growth, technologies, expertise, feasibilities of nothing is all we have. And this destroyed humanity for all times.

Because: These idiots developed those systems to the extent, where first around the year 2000 the finance world will collapse, followed by an easily predictable world economy collapse due to finance crash and missing resources, followed by the breakdown of all cultures, geopolitics leading to wars all around the globe and the ecologic catastrophe on the level of 10 times the disaster around 1975, will eliminate humanity from this globe until 2099.

But this has been written better on 5000 pages of my books and other texts in editors letters and explained so well, that not one error has entered in any text - only the time frame may be somehow different, but the fundamental breakdown, viewing how the Gods of Carnage will end in matters of neoliberalism and today's idiocies in USA, China, India, Europe and the rest, is given for sure. There is no other way than the jump from the Cliff, down in eternity of death, for all today living creatures in a lost reality of a small planet.

Gods of Carnage in the Universe

My guess is, that God may have sent Delavy to tell folks the truth about the end of humanity.

But there is a problem, because this God sent already Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha before and it does not make sense, to invent another idiot to come down and explain the humans' world, far too late, at a time, the jump from the cliff has been done around 1975.

Further, I never believed in a God somewhere in between of some billions of galaxies, suns and planets to say, that on just one planet, Humans should kill each other, burn alive women and other scrap in his name and let USA exist, in order to develop an economic system leading to total bankruptcy of finances around 2000.

And why should such God of Carnage want several religions and philosophies to be in existence on such a rotten globe, accepting the terrible death of billions of animals, of nature, air and water, landscapes and oceans, by pure stupidity?

And why develop a Hitler regime in Old Germany, USA, Israel, ending up in a massacre by Jews on Wall Street, USA spreading deadly growth of atom and liberal shit, on a small planet and Israel spreading terror over Islamism, to destabilise the lands from Morocco eastwards to Indonesia?

And why should humans be so stupid, not to recognize all FACTS about the coming disasters in world crises and end of times, in matters of world finances, world economics and the end of time with our planet in matters of resources and death of nature, when in fact we have in Switzerland those idiotic human games, known as WEF, CERN and Human Brain Project?

In the eternity of time and endlessness of space in our Universe, there cannot be any God, telling us yelling some day from the Skies: "You are killing yourself now. You jumped from the Cliff and you are in free fall. And you will never know what are: Life, death, eternity, endlessness in space, the universe, God, what is a brain and what is the future. And therefore just go to HELL now. You wanted this end and now you get it."

We do not wish such a God of religions, but it's the only one we got.

Gods of Carnage on the Planet Earth

I am sorry that what a genius in mind cannot explain about the Status Quo, developed by all religions, philosophies, literature and other arts and politics and the destruction of a planet by technologies and growth, not even some invented God can explain.

The Gods or the Allahs of Carnage have decided on the FATE of humans some time ago, and those Gods must have known about the terrifying End already at times, when the Junk of Elite of humanity decided, some esoteric scripts should write about a never existing SON of God, with name of Jesus or Mohamed.

The Gods of Carnage are in fact all thinkers, experts, Jews of Wall Street and idiotic Niggers in the White House, following the track of JFK, Ronald, Greenspan, Friedman, Popper, Bush and other dirt of mind, having spread that SHIT over Europe, China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa and the rest.

But this is small world: The financial disaster being terminated soon, we face a reality, where this small problem presents just one per cent of the total disaster.

The great carnage in a Universe of carnage was first the explosions of idiotic folks masses, of industries, consumerism, energy spread to finish up with climate and meteo - and worse, the total destruction of a planet and of our humanity around the year 2000, having had zero chances to survive in our given STATUS QUO, explained in all scripts written by Delavy - Friends.


There is no sense, going further into the details of a daily carnage on all streets of London, the idiocies on Wall Street, the idea that capital can be eaten and the eternal growth and deficit spending would end in a paradise, when the rich class never paid their taxes with help of Jewish Crooks in Switzerland, USA, IMF, Fed, WEF and all Schools of Chicago, again being just the peak of idiocy in a total carnage in a possible paradise on Earth, not being a tax paradise for VIPs, but the possibility to live in peace with nature, animals and the laws of facts given by our poor planet Earth.

Any further word would only make more complex the Carnage given on the only planet in the Universe, having never had some brains, the project of which was nuts already when the APES were evoluating into a dirty creature full of stupidity and killer instinct, a God of Carnage we know better under the expression of "Homo non-sapiens".

Still some questions? Just keep your mouth shut - and die.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

Written on July 31, 2014