Tucker Carlson and his SHIP OF FOOLS

Pragmatic and abstract CRAZINESS  by Tucker Carlson

The best and worst book ever about USA is the one of Tucker Carlson:

 "SHIP OF FOOLS - How a selfish ruling class is bringing America to the brink of Revolution"- (NYT bestseller).

On the title we have the funny faces of

Jeff Bezos - Oprah Winfrey - McConnell - Newt Gingrich - Hillary Clinton - Bill Kristol - Junk Pelosi and Jew Zuckerberg.

In fact, Tucker could have brought some other idiots like Trump - Bush - Obama - Kissinger and all Jews of Wall Street and AIPAC - but first Tucker understands nothing of finance business, of the crimes of the conglomerates, of Silicon Valley stupids, of the tax fraud system in favour of the Rich Class and he is under sub-prime class - in view of analysing the CHAOS in our World.

Pragmatic Craziness

This is not only FACT in USA but in 200 nations: Not to understand the Crashes to come over all nations, banks, environment, climate, brains of idiots. This is no wonder, since we have done all to lower the intellect of our Elite and the big masses of fools on the ship, down to zero.

Abstract Craziness

Any person believing in Religions, esoteric shit, science fiction, a stinky nation, in war, in science, in money, in the intellect of higher educated idiots, is a bloody fool and worth to die off in the next few years, when China, Japan, USA and the rest cracks and goes down the drain for all times. About one per mille (Steps 1 and 2 of my "8 Steps of Thoughts") are able to understand the problem, the rest of 99,999 percent is so foolish, you can't even get them to understand my prime texts - idiots.

Now to the fine book of Tucker Carlson:

We could argue that for the first time in history, a US citizen understood why his folks go down the drain, directed by some funny behaviourisms like:

1. The Elite does nothing about the downfall of blue collar workers, the middle stand of the country, for white poor chaps supressed by the system.

2. Empathy does no longer exist in USA on no level you could think of - lowest being the ones under the liberal Democrats, who only care for their billionaires.

3. The women of rotten feminism in USA cry me a river over shit problems and are only interested in what goes in the beds of Bi- and transsexual idiots wanting to be all kind of junk - all but males or females.

4. The BLACK negroes had never any chance ever - but to keep white men down in favour of Mexicans and Niggers is no solution, as fine Tucker gets as only VIP of USA.

5. The outside USA wars launched by Israel and USA, destroying all lands in the Middle East like Vietnam, Chile, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iran etc. brought USA at the brink of bankruptcy, together with China, Japan, Italy and the rest, but this is too high for the intellect of Tucker.

6. Having himself 12 children, Tucker thinks to have good arguments against the deathly explosion of POPS, by females wanting no abortion anymore. Just as the rich class around Bezos, Thiel and Zuckerberg and Gates JUNK, Tucker makes no difference in this not getting in his mind, what Ghetto we all are living in - today.

7. The acceptance of the crimes within the Islamic World with their Sharia habits and women under Burkas accepted be the female shit of USA, can be regarded as the fine result of import immigration of human low grade in Europe, Germany, USA and the rest, when those Mexican, Niggers and Chinese work for nothing in favour of all bankers, the rich class, for Amazon, Apple, Facebook and the coal mines of USA and China and in rotten Banks in Japan and Switzerland.

8. The intellectual scrap of the tax-free class of the globe in 200 nations forced the 99 percent down to hell, paying taxes to save the criminal finance experts and Jews of the world, before the total CRASH of nations comes to play in 2019 or later - Shit-in-brains.

9. In climate change and environment bluff of Amis, Tucker is right like Delavy: All is done for Cash of rotten NGOs and Bluffers about a reality, where the real destruction of nature, water, seas and animals and the planet increases still today from year to year. Trump may be an idiot - the rest is worse.

Trucker is the same idiot as Hillary, Branson, Musk, Al Gore, Di Caprio, Barack, Gates: The problem is NOT the warming of the Earth - but the irrevocable Climate- and Weather-Collapse in the 21st Century - Idiots.

In short: It is evident that the class of lower white men goes down the drain by the will of Donald Trump, Hillary, Bush, the Bankers, the US universities and the stupidity of 99 percent of US shit folks of a scrap-nation going NOW down the drain for ever - but Tucker only sees the pragmatic side of the chaos to come.

It needs the intellect of René Delavy and his best book ever "Buch der Kritiken über ausgewählte Philosophen von A bis Z" - but this is nothing for idiots, living on a SHIP OF FOOLS.

I give NOW the OSCAR and Peace dynamite Prize not to the stinking Nigger Obama, but to fine VIP Tucker Carlson and Simon and Schuster Bluff of editors, those who will never get, what is a GOOD BOOK...

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 3, 2019