Crash-Speech at WEF

2018 - Speech to criminal WEF Congress

Around the year 2018, when capitalism will be collapsing and all States and Banks risk to go down to hell, the Creme de la Creme of World Economics will cry after DELAVY to explain, what happened and how to come out of the globalised SHIT in finances, economics, cultures, wars, terror, missing resources and the collapse of the ecologic time-bomb around our lost globe.

This here is the famous Speech to be held at Davos in front of the VIP Idiots of WEF, before the total Decline of the Planet Earth becomes an irrevocable FACT:

Dear criminal WEF Participants

You invited me for a short speech in front of your Plenum, in order to become aware what happened since the most stupid CONGRESS, in time before the stupid economic Paranoia Boys and Girls became aware, that the finance world goes the normal way to hell in a criminal NEOLIBERALISM, followed by the CRASH of world economics, all cultures of masses and stupidity on the globe showing its true face - during the time when the ecologic time-bombs will explode all over our planet, destroying for good the geosphere of our Planet Earth.

The problem was from the start, since Adam and Eve, we had the false philosophers, religious criminals as leaders, politicians, economic skunks wanting to become powerful and rich, the masses believing in wonders and our planet to be just a house of shit, the upper class wanted to use as treasure box for the powerful and rich class.

Year per year you boasted around in Davos and preached the deadly GROWTH IDEOLOGY on a very restricted and small world. Any child could have calculated that within 200 years, all resources would have gone, all metal, energy, oil, gas, coal, seldom earths, sand and so on - and such all chances to have a future would be lost in a big cash-casino of Jews and now listen, how all happened:

1. Mass explosion of pops from one billion beginning the 19th Century to 10 billion of idiots around 2050. Mass production and consumption must have led to death of all, according to mathematics and laws of big figures.

2. A life style of American idiots believing we would have 10 planets to use up to the bottom and still have a future for humanity. Finally, the Elite recognized with low intellect, that we simply had ONE Planet at disposal. But when you realized the FACTS, we were all heading towards fundamental DEATH of humanity.

3. A terrifying load in energy going up in our geosphere brought an ecologic time-bomb, killing the climate, the weather-machine, plants, oceans, woods, lands, animals and humans for sure. And still, the mass of brainless scientists developed further industries, cars, planes, atom works, highways and mega-towns, as if we had some other planets to kill.

4. Jews of greed at Wall Street and City of London, developing atom papers like ABS, CDO, CDS and other structured shit, sent out by finance monsters and hedge funds to all folks, and those realized never in time, how they were losing all savings and rents for all times to come.

5. Having finance WEF monsters to preach growth in economics, basing on deficit spending as theory written by Jews like Friedman, Keynes and other 10 Jewish theorists in economics basing on my book "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction", leading to the bankruptcy of USA, China, India, Europa and the rest and leaving worthless currencies like the rotten Dollar, Yen, Yuan, SFR, Euro and worse, such a scheme must have led in a few years to the End of Capitalism. And you idiots clapped hands, when one of your Skunks preached more of cash in billions and worthless shares, bonds and derivative shit like collapsing Shareholder values, being comparable to your beloved ABS, CDO und CDS - and now we have zero values all over in all countries and banks and the death of world economics can start NOW.

6. The leaders of religion brought nothing but terror and false GODS into this world, in favour of the rich and powerful VIPs of a rotten humanity and keeping down the lower classes by terror, torture, wars of religions and other idiocies of a devil, better known as God, Allah and other brain-sick inventions of a higher APE.

7. Worse were the NGOs believing to save the world, when being nothing but the ALIBI ORG of the political parties and pretending, that by keeping the foot in the air or under water, the disastrous TGV of World Economy for FOOLS could be stopped. Such Idiots should always been hanged at the highest tree their victims could find.

8. Not one of the WEF and other Scientists and Philosophers of this globe ever could read the firing signs on the Wall, that soon without resources when using up all in 150 years for poisoning our Earth forever, this fact unfortunately provoked some Ecologic Disaster, bringing mega high century droughts, sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in Oceans over the world in all 200 nations with frontiers, making no sense at all.

9. In between, water and air not only in China and India, have reached a peak in lowest thinkable quality and no force on Earth can stop the craze of our humanity, to be eliminated from our bubble within the next 100 years.

And under such conditions, having ignored my 10 books and 2000 editors letters explaining the given developments on Earth, you skunks wish me to tell you, idiots, again, how to come out of your merde?

The only solution is given by sending an atom bomb developed by Jews on this WEF Congress and to forget that such idiots ever had existed on a paradise as it could have been, because this Earth could have easily been maintained, with a little bit of less Paranoia and more Ethics, lacking in this conference area since this Jew with name Klaus Schwab was creating the most stupid assembly of criminal SHIT, ever seen on Earth since Adam and Eve.

Have a good time and die very, very fast, before being massacred by your victims, looking out for the real perpetrators guilty for this final downfall of Humanity.

Thanks for listening....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

Written on August 20, 2014