Extreme Parties in our EU

EU and far-right political groups

A friend of mine in the USA asked me to express myself on the election of the EU Parliament of last weekend and what my opinion could be about the effects on Europe, if right-wing forces would get more influence in the EU Parliament.

He says, in view of my realistic view on the world's geopolitical situation of yesterday, today and tomorrow, it would be interesting to read my profound views once more.

And I shall try to come up to his expectations, since I am the sole person to my knowledge, to "read" correctly the political and financial affairs on Earth of these days - and let's go...

The true importance and influence of EU

EU seems to be important as economic counter-weight to USA, Japan, China, India or other super-powers with no idea, that all they do is to destroy the future of humanity, using up the raw materials and resources and energy stuffs within over 100 years since 1900, taking from future generations all future possibilities and thus killing our geosphere for all times to come - including our oceans all around the globe.

Under such presumptions, it is a JOKE to make out of EU some sort of important player in finances and economics on this planet, when the Jews and other bankers have since a long moment, since 1960 in fact, started to destroy by capitalism and neo-liberalism the future of humanity.

Instead of killing Obama, the Chinese and Russian oligarchs and the destroyers of Japanese culture including the tax free class of the richest VIPs and other Skunks on Earth, the masses clap hands on any idiocy presented by idiotic parties at any Murdoch TV and becoming dull und duller from year to year, until all systems will have driven down the drain any sorts of Societies - including naturally the EU as a very good example, how GREAT NUMBERS have always killed folks, not only under an egoistic U.S. Empire, a very funny Hitler Empire and the criminal-social Stalin and Mao Empire.

But this time, the death will be for all times, because the political and economic forces of self-destruction have mounted any peak of feasibilities. Hitler and Stalin just went up the next hill, to say the U.S. Idiots around Friedman, Popper, Ronald, Thatcher and Obama-Bush have reached the Mount Everest since a long time - when the masses of the 99 percent were sleeping like Dornröschen at old times given in Old Greece some 2500 years past.

What left, middle or liberal and far-right parties can do

In principle, there is no point in finding out which idiotic party of the world destroys Europe and if the Republicans or the Democrats or the Jews of Wall Street killed USA and then neoliberal shit as copier of USA have developed in a bankruptcy team around China, Japan, India, EU and the rest.

It is a FACT that abstract systems of murdering our future in finances, economics, culture and ecology kill by automatism all lands of the world just now.

The programs in behaviourism of fools from extreme left to extreme right politicians just may accelerate some processes in this suicide, but how this works, only Delavy can understand. I could try to show some facets of the work in process, but as usual, the zero brains of the wide over 99 Percent will not understand one simple sentence:

- Tendency of the social left parties

Some Akip Pirincci, Turk in German, has written some truths in his book "Deutschland von Sinnen" (Germany out of mind) about the fact, that leftish and Islam idiots with their females under towels are dictating politics in Germany, the homosexuals are the true winners of queer opinions in SEX, the "Gutmenschentum" (good-humaness) produce children without education and being crazy when born, have taken the command on this land for all future - killing all given perspectives by odd systems.

But in fact, this is true for ALL NATIONS in the world.

And again, it is without importance, if such social shit, where a rich state can finance any stupidity, like old folks in debility to be maintained at life without the chance to die by free will - and youth having no jobs due to liberal politics, can expect nothing  from the "State" (which is in fact the folks in the land), when only middle and poor classes pay their taxes and all idiotic charges, whereas in USA a sound Darwinism dictates, that only rich folks with cash can survive in good health and in addition get all freedom by a rotten State for privileged skunks.

- Tendency of the liberal and neo-conservative Parties

These parties around Merkel, Cameron, Renzi, Rajoy and other cripples, have agreed with the idea, that the Jews out of USA on Wall Street, destroy with WEF and Chicago Boys by politics all capitalistic systems of the Globe.

There cannot be worse in stupidity, than to produce since 1960 huge Deficits of States in USA, Japan, China, Europe and the rest and to believe such nations would not fall into bankruptcy in very short time to come.

Further the bankers and Jews got the liberty, when creating in criminal manner all the financial banks, hedge funds, derivative Shit like ABS, CDO and CDS and worse, producing the complete collapse of 2007, increased by stupid Federal banks politics for attaining today a crash of systems, alone in finances, without counting the total destruction of resources, climate and weather machinery, by a factor of 10, to make explode the whole finance casino U.S. world very, very soon.

- Tendency of the right-wing contra EU Parties

The parties hostile to EU want get out of this club and be as they were before, when be dictated by national governments - and they want instead of the EURO again the Franc, Mark, Peso and Lire and no upper influence for an European Parliament, not getting the point that under any currencies these nations would have gone to hell.

But in fact they are worse than all the destructive forces of the social and liberal fantasies, wanting to make out of the nations the United States of Europe, as seen in the USA with the rotten United States of America, although such a model will work like a dead snake less as seen in America short before the absolute CRASH by 2018.

The only good point of these idiots, is to close again the frontiers of European nations from all the DIRT coming over the frontiers and killing any nations feelings and self-financed social security systems.

For the rest, the far-right and far-left anti Europe Parties will lead much faster to the destruction of Europe kept under U.S. and WEF Models of killing all finances and economics, as even can do the socialistic and neo-liberal SHIT of the two Party Schemes discussed above.

How Europe will develop and who are the forces of self-destruction

It is utterly clear that Europe is in its free fall to hell already today, but the tendency will get on and on and take no end in self-destruction.

But much worse are in shape some nations like USA, Japan, China, India, Brazil and some other 20 nations on this rotten globe, when no party can understand just one word of this report here.

Why the EU is of no importance, and less are USA and China

The End of Europe will also be the end of feasibilities in politics, finances, economics and now producing  the disaster in ecology, killing humanity very fast.

But only when the forerunners of European stupidity go faster to hell, such as USA, China, Japan and India, the whole of a "Merde sans fin" will be fact, and not one expert, professor, genius or take what you prefer, will have seen, how the bankers, the Jews, the media, the politicians, the scientists and the philosophers were blind and paranoid since 1900 in preparing by systems this terrible end of humanity.

Europe can do whatever they want - to be united or go back to separate States or currencies, the systems of self-destruction have become too powerful, so that the influence of governments, parties, left or liberal or social or far-right extreme will be of zero influence, to stop the CRAZE and the downfall of Societies all over our poor Globe.

Why the EU is near of grounding, short after USA and China

In a world scheme, were all systems are governed by cash, greed, wars, destruction of water, air, climate and the rest, and the future generations stolen from any sorts of resources and energies, there is no question, whether EU will get more of influence and importance as USA or China.

- USA are dead since a long time, like Swissair was dead long before its Grounding.

- For China it is sure, that this rotten State will run faster down the drain before 2020, as did Japan around 1990.

And the other rotten "Empires" like Russia, India, BRIC or Brazil are just doing as being successful, when being in fact some living-dead creatures, as if they would get another chance, when USA and Europe had killed the planet long time ago in matters of finances, currencies, debt towers, highest accounting rules proving the end of the story, and anyway, tell me who could stop the end-collapse in ecology and could have the slightest idea how to prevent such disaster, and such idiot would get from me one million of Dollars right now.


And now, just forget all you could read here. It will not matter if you know about death and end of times, before it comes - the end of times. You live your day for profit and greed and egoism and know no alternative, even the shitty NGOs are of no use anymore.

The Consequences of a Species of APES with VIPs having shit in their brains, Jews being greedy to the maximum and wanting more when the States were killed from Tax Fraud of the rich Class and further our systems of technology allowed to end up with any sound planeterian System of nature, when animals were killed in a total holocaust, how the hell do you still want to survive at all?

Just fall into your grave and be quiet for all times to come - idiot.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 27, 2014