Films and Books - 21st Century CRASH

Films and Books 
- World-Crash in the 21st Century

There is a FACT that during the 21st Century, there will be an absolute CRASH of all Systems on Earth, killing our planet and humanity for all times to come.

Are there any theories, books or films showing correctly the true situation around the year 2000 and the coming developments in Finances, Economics, Geopolitics, Cultures, Stupidity of humans, total call of death in Ecology and increasingly crazy philosophies on Earth?

Yes, there are some, but almost none are of any value or truth.

Let's make the point of the State of Affairs on this very day of May 6, 2014:

Capital of Karl Marx

Karl Marx made the error of not foreseeing the bitter end of communism or socialism on the basis of his theories. The reason was that when Humans and Dictators take any action, any human system goes to hell sooner or later. And he did not foresee Lenin, Stalin, Mao and the American Crooks fighting against socialism.

However was Karl Marx, like JJ Rousseau, totally right in foreseeing the end of capitalism, the total crash of economics basing alone on capital, profits, slavery, resources used up in 150 years and destruction of a planet with cash, credits, labour and stupidity. Marx was right in theory, because his predictions became true since the year 2000. Humans go to hell since 1975 in accelerated manner and about 2025, the evidence of a totally corrupt Capitalism will be proven.

Le Capital au XXIe Siècle of Thomas Piketty

Thomas Piketty, the "New Karl Marx" is one of the most stupid men of all times.

It is right that richness and poverty goes in two directions and this will cause some problems in the 21st Century. But to change inequality of richness would change nothing in the total breakdown of all systems on Earth in the next 20 years. Even if all wishes of this dirty idiot would be fulfilled, nothing would change.

The breakdown in capital due to the Jews of Wall Street, the immense State indebtedness and crash of Dollar, Euro, Yen, Yuan etc. would still be true and humans be dead in finances around 2025. Worse is that Piketty does not see the problems of missing resources, climate being dead, oceans and geosphere dead for all times, the holocaust on animals and the incredible stupidity of the 99,99 percent at present times. We are dead and Piketty wants change one thousandth of facts, without seeing the uselessness of his stupid book and his stupid theory for fools.

The theories of Jürgen Habermas

Worse in stupidity than Piketty is Jürgen Habermas. He proclaims worldwide free opinion of all humans, in media, in politics, for all folks and under all means. He further wants democrazy in all lands and human rights seen in all respects, not only in richness of the one per mille and the total poverty of the future 99 percent.

This is nuts: Even if tomorrow all such wishes of behaviourism became true, the world would tumble to hell in all other matters: States, banks, finance system, capitalism, ecology, stupidity of humans, crash of computers and internet and the end of feasibility of a crazy Species with Shit in all brains of Elite and the 99 percent.

The theories of Milton Friedman

The reason for the finance and economic Crash in the 21st Century are the Jews around Milton Friedman, like Karl Popper, Greenspan, WEF Schwab, Joe Ackerman, all Jewish bankers on Wall Street and city of London, Swiss tax fraud models, all Jewish finance ministers in USA and England in Fed, IMF, Worldbank, ECB and the rest.

Neoliberalism basing on Chicago School and Shock Doctrine killed not only some millions of Socialists in Vietnam, Chile, Argentina and 20 other nations by Napalm and torture, but caused the deficits of death in all 200 nations of the globe, leading to the total bankruptcy of all nations by about 2025. The dilemma between deadly Growth and deathly Austerity makes it impossible to prevent the crash of capitalism.

Worse is that Friedman and his Jews never saw how the participation in the Chicken Run by Japan, China and India etc., the resources and energies will have gone for all times by 2020 and leaving a rotten climate, producing death of humanity from 1975 to 2050, when most of humans will be killed by their own stupidity.

The film Koyaanisqatsi

The film Koyaanisqatsi of Francis Ford Coppola showed how America and the rest of world developed from natural calm in old times in USA to modern times around 1980, producing an acceleration in life, that made slaves of all humans and ended in the destruction and breakdown of all systems and infrastructures of the world.

The weakness of the film was that it did not show the REASONS for this partial facts on our self-destruction. It shows the human behaviour and late effects, but not WHY it happens and the film leaves out the Credit Crash of all banks and nations, the death of world economy when resources are gone and the immense suffering from the breakdown of Climate and Weather Machinery of our Globe, from 1975 to 2050.

And so, this film only seems to be a picture of how it might be in America, when in fact it should have shown, why there are zero chances for humans worldwide to prevent death on 25 billions up to the year 2099.

The film Brazil

The film Brazil, like other films showing a fascist State, where some rich idiots take the rest for slaves in a completely rotten system, where all humans are in fact dying a long death and go down to hell, such films are fiction, because they are only political.

The weakness of such science-fiction films was always:

First to show a future, like "Mad Max" that will be to some extent, but never fully realistic since those films show only some part of the craziness of happenings, when the mass of billions look out for the Jews, bankers, politicians, media people, scientists, being responsible for total crash and poverty of the masses and to be massacred later.

Further, such films show useless HOPES to come, when all will be again like in the years 1960, when still some chances to survive where given, without mentioning that such times are lost for all centuries to come, since by 2099 humanity will be DEAD for all times.

It is stupid to show to the masses some idiocy of science-fiction, when it has become true and much more dangerous than ever shown in any book or film, since this humanity today has zero chances to change anything, before all systems of humans fall into pieces - NOW.

The book "10 Maxims" of René Delavy

In this book, I show in full truth and to be proven by reality the total breakdown of systems in following matters:

- 1. Maxim - Historical background of present End of Times
- 2. Maxim - Errors in thinking in present times around 2000
- 3. Maxim - Looking in the future developments, how they will be
- 4. Maxim - Consciousness of humans full of stupid assumptions
- 5. Maxim - Relativity of being producing all mental errors of these days
- 6. Maxim - Errors in Philosophies in the past and their effects
- 7. Maxim - Present false thinking as result of crazy theories in the past
- 8. Maxim - The true reality, cache behind present crazy awareness
- 9. Maxim - The consequences due to zero recognition of Facts
- 10. Maxim - Maxims around the Keys to understand REALITY

In this book for the first time in history of humanity is explained WHY humans went to death on the basis of false theories and behaviourism from 1750 to 2050 - and there will be no way out of total CRASH of all human systems, even if all maxims of Delavy would be implemented some too late day.

The book "Chaos" of René Delavy

In this book is explained why we have the late world breaking down and going down the drain, basing on past theories, religion, economic craze, exhaustion of a planet, holocaust on humans and animals, finance crash of all nations and banks, growth and pops explosion being the major reason for leaving nothing to coming generations, the effects being seen around the point of no return, about 1975, to the end of the game by about 2099, when humans will be dead to 100 percent on Earth.

This is the only book on Earth ever written, showing the true effects of Macrocosm of systems killing a planet and the useless of media, only to concentrate on the Microcosm of politics, VIPs, happenings and seeing back in history without learning just one little thing.

Humans are stupid, more than any dog or ape, and did never recognize this real fact.

The book "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction"

This book showed very much in detail all the errors in all economic theories of: Adam Smith, René Descartes, Niccolo Machiavelli, Karl Marx, Friedrich, August von Hayek, John Maynard Keynes, Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben.

Further is shown the errors in recognizing dangers in 18 chapters, covering:

- "Society of Aims" as only possible way out of danger in 1975
- Limitation of damage and dangers, when reacting in time
- Idiocy in Media and wrong planning of our future
- All the areas of danger and how to prevent them now
- Our stupid life in a given finance system being bankrupt today
- Who is really governing our world of humans?
- How much of "Humans" does our planet accept before death?
- Theory of autarky and autonomy as sole way out of present globalisation
- What about the dead infrastructure about 2000 trillions in Dollars
- The Crimes of God in religions and other esoteric Shit
- What wars and torture did to humans, animals and the planet
- Health and drugs as some field, death is prepared in other ways
- Consequences and effects of wrong decisions by Dictatorship of dull folks
- Research and science as major reason for planet destruction
- Take Wisdom of the Few instead of Democrazy of fools
- "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung"
- Revolution in thinking could stop the craze, if given before 2000
- The geniuses of right thinking being the Scapegoats at the end

Had this book been brought in all Universities around 1990, humans might still have had a little chance to survive the 21st Century.

The book "John Demaster"

This is a novel of Delavy where it shows how a super-rational and wise Unknown comes out of the cold in Alaska, he learns all about the reality of humans around 2000, all theories and civilisation and behaviour of humans, the state of affairs on Earth, he travels in all continents, sees the pride on stupidity in Europe, the deathly money systems, the torturing in cellars in South America, the misery in Africa, the crazy behaviour in USA, the war in Iraq, the self-destruction in China, the coming death in India, he discusses in Moscow with Russian students about the true state of affairs on Earth and goes on a little island in the Pacific, meets all important VIPs of the last 5000 years to have interviews, walks in a century-storm in the Pacific, goes down in the Sea in turmoil as a mirror for humanity - to return in his past world where he came from.

This novel shows all the reasons, why humans are dead already today and have zero changes to come out of a train, falling down in a tunnel, vertically like with Dürrenmatt, down to humans Devil and early Death.


I conclude that only ONE person in all times in history of a dead Planet, one person has written all about our reality, the false theories in all matters, the end of ecologic life on Earth and the End of Humanity during the 21st Century.

The Year 2099 served only as metaphor to show, how quick in a Hockey Curve humans will be dying from 1975 to 2050 and there will be zero chances in this given "civilisation of fools" to come out of the death train in the tunnel, falling down the drain to a false God, who proved by the end to have been in all religions of Jews, Christians, Islamists, Buddhist and other scrap, to have been just here, to lead us to hell without any chances of recall.

Humans are dead TODAY  - and don't even know it yet.

Compared to my books, all films made and all books ever written in human history were without importance and significance.

René Delay - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 6, 2014