Tax Skunk - USA

World's greatest Tax Skunks - USA

It is well known, that none of the untaxed Black Cash of VIPs, of conglomerates, of Jews, of bankers and of Nigger Obama and Wolfgang Schauble of Merkel are today WHITE CASH - all is as it was 2007.

Many trillions Dollars of untaxed fortunes and income, belonging to the Rich Class stay untouched by will of all neoliberal SHIT out of USA. Same goes for Switzerland and 60 Tax paradises world-wide, and this is known by all ministers, chiefs of States, editors of newspapers of the globe. There has never been made any order in Fraud of international Taxation:

- not in Switzerland, not in Luxembourg, not in Liechtenstein, not in the Caribbean, not in Singapore and not in Hong Kong.

One of the best tricks is still to deviate all such black and untaxed cash in trillions, by dirty Bankers in Switzerland and the rest of criminal areas - over to


This works, because the Skunks of IRS, the Jews in the Congress, Yellen of Fed, the dirty Nigger in the White House can't possibly  go against their own Skunks of Tax Justice agreements in their own God's, sorry, Devil's own Country - USA.

Now, this is just one of the thousands of criminal tax tricks given by IRS, SEC, all tax authorities in Europe and Asia and by Accounting Firms, tax lawyers and specialists of international deviation of taxes, to increase in favour of the Jews and Rich Class alone the DEFICITS of State, before USA, Europe and China and Japan go to hell in direction of bankruptcy.

And most naturally, against the idiotic decisions taken in EU, again middle Class and Poor be forced to cover all State Charges, by will of elite Idiots, to cover the difference of untaxed rich income and fortune, alone in favour of the VIPs and to the charge of middle class and the poor.

I can give you the names of Wolfgang and other Skunks in 200 nations, possessing Black Cash and paying no taxes - still in April 2014. And this will do to make tumble the idiotic governments of USA, Switzerland, Israel, England, France, Germany, Italy and take it.

And because there are other valuable texts, see below my marvellous Master Piece:

"Why Billionaires and Jews pay no Taxes"

And now, dear Skunks, go to USA or to Hell, which is about the same destination.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 20, 2014