Air Crash MH370

Hypocrisy about an Air Crash

What a fuss about the Air Crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370!

Some more than 100 disappeared and dead Chinese, what was clear in the first moment we heard about the plane gone out of control. Any normal person knew about the death of the FEW.

And now the pictures on TV of crying idiots, not believing what everybody knew, when having a normal brain.

It is the same shit as with SWISSAIR.

This Swiss Airline was already completely bankrupt, when in Halifax for some billions of Dollars were fished out of the deep water all corps from the ground and the whole airplane reconstructed from the crash - bits by bits in a huge hall.

Just to know, that some idiots who decided to go up in the air, could die - what is the most natural thing on Earth.

But make fine comparisons about our world-crooks:

- Each day there die hundred thousands from car accidents, accidents in profession, from sport or just by chance - and not one newspaper makes a fuss about.

- Each year die some millions of hunger, bad water, rotten air, the catastrophes made in ecology by humans, and there is not one word in press.

- The banks and nations go into bankruptcy now, the rich class does still not pay taxes, the Jews of Wall Street destroy all savings, and the middle class and poor pay with their lives for the crimes of the upper class.

- USA killed millions in wars since 1950, in attacks, by capitalistic ideology to kill youngsters in South America, Chile, Argentina etc. - and there was not one word on TV or newspapers - even the drones of Obama and his killing in Guantanamo seem to be less tragic, as the 100 idiots dying in front of Malaysia from wanting to fly like birds of zero intellect, when the planet Earth goes to hell from such technology.

- We are facing the final race of a world casino with finance of bluff by the Jews and Bankers, the coming crash of USA, England, South of Europe, China, India, Brazil and the rest, causing billions of death when world economy crashes too - but the media are blind and cannot see any problems.

- Follows the collapse of all mechanics of climate and weather, but we have to feel sorry about CRIMEA and the Russians to play no role anymore with G-7, where the highest idiots of the globe, our western crooks of Cash, shake hands and tell us LIES each new day.

Under  such conditions, it's time for this rotten humanity to disappear for all times from this bubble, full of idiots, full of air crashes and HYPOCRISY as highest value ever seen in the Bible of God and Jesus, or in any Messages of Allah and Buddha.

And now go to HELL.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 26, 2014