Dullest POPS on Earth

Hitparade of the dullest Folks on Earth

This here is the Hitparade of the most stupid pops on this planet:

1st place - China

China with Konfuzius was in former times not necessarily the dullest folks on Earth. But since MAO came on Earth and later China crept in the assholes of Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, AIPAC, WEF and USA, the whole folks became idiots:

- they all believed only in Money and future richness

- they all destroyed all water, air, grounds, intellect and the rest

- they all worked themselves to death for cheap production

- they all did not notice that China went the way to the final collapse, when their currency goes to hell, the real estate market collapses, the resources do no longer find way to China and the 1,5 billion of idiots can starve for the rest of life and die in very short time. It requires just and only one century-drought, and China will be dead - and the Dollars they got were even worthless before.

2nd place - India

What, well Indians are good at IT, mathematics, computerization, internet etc.- how the hell they can be dull? Big shit, about one per mille knows a little about such matters and with Chess Gamings and the rest will starve, since you cannot save a lost idiot country with soon 1,5 billion of idiots, by methods of Gandhi and other Crooks.

The small credit line was the last thing to make tumble India to hell, because this land never had a chance to come out of poverty and misery. It is a fact that the capitalistic method and the explosion of folks will end with suicide of a nation. India is dead already today - and no Swine can get the real FACTS.

Whoever thinks, Gandhi was a hero just must note, that Gandhi was at the source of passivity to let the Junk-Jews all power on Wall Street, having all finance power in WEF, AIPAC, Fed, ministers of finance in USA, IMF, Worldbank, ECB and the Swiss Tax Fraud schemes. And therefore, even Gandhi like some other small credit Nobel Prize asshole, can get rotten for all times to come. India is DEAD.

3rd place - Israel

Israel has chosen the Middle East to destroy and make fanatic some 1,5 billion of Islamists and then been thrown in spite of its atom bomb in the Mediterranean Sea.

The most ugly persons our God has ever created were the Jews. With their power in banking, hedge funds, rating offices, making U.S. President by AIPAC and their Jewish shit in Davos called WEF, the Jews had destroyed all savings of middle class and poor, alone in favour of the rich class of tax-free skunks of billionaires, in which asshole our Nigger Obama crept the whole day long over 8 years.

If the Jews should have stayed at Auschwitz, so at least not some billion would have died in the coming collapse of world finance disaster, followed by the biggest economic downfall ever seen on any Planet in our universe.

4th place - USA

USA should be first to be named. In fact, the Americans are the most stupid folks on Earth without any morals and ethics. But sure the copiers out of China or Japan are double stupid in not seeing, that Mao communism was big shit, but U.S. communism of Chicago School was by the factor of 10 just more shit than socialism.

USA is responsible for neoliberalism and the crimes of the Jews, for the destruction of resources in the world, for fracking and the deterioration of ecologic conditions in all lands and the end of a normal METEO over our planet. In addition they brought the God's belief in Cash in this world and killed and tortured to death millions of socialists, children and youth in South America, Africa, Asia and the rest.

If God would exist, he would have atom bombed this failed Shit State long time ago - which proves, that God does not exist and the POPE and murderer of Argentine is just ein Halunke of Jesus.

5th place - Japan

Japan is dead since some time: the bankruptcy of State was already fact, when the grounds of Tokyo had more value than whole of California.

Since ABE  and other idiots tried to extend the trillions of debts even further, the finance crash is already a fact today and tomorrow, all dirty Japanese with their Hitler Regime and making human tests of highest cruelty in China has come to end in existence.

Was about time that this fine example nation for China, would disappear from our face of globe, those junks simply had no inner value since they lost their ancient Cultures in favour of U.S. Cash.

6th place - Switzerland

Do you know a nation that helped so much to produce Deficits in USA, Germany, France, Italy, England, Russia etc. by help to richest VIPs, conglomerates and banks and dictators, not to pay any taxes in their home nations?

It is clear that Switzerland with their false democrazy of fools and profiteers must be torn to hell, by trillion claims of those nations who accepted the Tax Fraud and Bank secrecy shit out of Swissness.

The fact they have a nice country and lakes and mountains and chocolate and watches does not make good, that Swiss folks have no character, no ethics, no beliefs except cash and have an Intellect of Higher Sows. And If you look further into the details, it become more shit, the better you know about the real Switzerland, out of the Bluff expanded all over our shitty world of deciding to make Money for God.

7th place - Germany

Hitler was not an accident. Hitler is the normal intellect of Schmidt, Kohl, Schroeder, Merkel, Schumacher, Schauble and any other idiot.

You know: Bach, Goethe, Beethoven, Dürer and some other geniuses are the past. Today Germany has such idiots like Habermas, Sloterdijk, Enzensberger  and low profile Precht philosophers, plus about some 100000 high-thinkers of throughout rotten western capitalistic shit - called by me: SS Hitler Raisch of Merkel.

Germany will have to cover the debts of whole South of Europe and then go into bankruptcy and who believes, this will end differently, just has a brain out of pure shit.

8th place - the rest of Idiots

Now, naturally the cunning Niggers in Africa, the revolutionary shit of Magreb States, the Arabs with stolen oil, the Islamists with Sharia Allah Terror und Australians, the killers of Aborigines like the U.S. Evangelican Shit against the Red Indians or the Catholic Church killing some 1000 societies of folks not wanting to believe in Shit Christ almighty, all such lands can be taken for idiots too.

But without the forerunners like USA, Germany or Switzerland, the copiers like Japan and China and India folks had a little chance to stay normal for a while.

As it is just now, around the year 2000, the whole POPS of Earth go to hell and do not even understand this simple FACT.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 2014