2000 years of philosophical Reasoning

Philosophical reasoning of 2000 years is killing the Earth
(Extract of Book "PLADESNIEKANT")

One of the topics in my work is the question: What effect do philosophical theories have on our reality - as it is today? We overlook a history of over 2000 years of philosophical thinking since PLATO/SOCRATES over DESCARTES, HUME, KANT, SCHOPENHAUER, NIETZSCHE, HEIDEGGER, SARTRE to SLOTERDJIK and HABERMAS. What do all these philosophers have in common?

They have in common that their apparent interest in the functioning of the World - as a whole - has definitely no priority. Neglected too are reasonable answers to some fundamental questions: How to live in peace, how to understand where we come from, where is the position of our Sun-system in the universe, why we do what we do, how can our species survive, why must everything turn worse and worse towards the end of the history of Homo sapiens? No: these topics were neglected by our philosophers. They mention them solely apart with an easy-going mind. However, what all these philosophers have in common is what I call in my work: "Human species in heaven - and the Earth in the Asshole". This anthropocentric view on humanity will cost the life of billions of people towards the end of our existence, before the bell will ring on 1st day of the year 2100.  In fact, all our little-minded "experts" and "savants" have always put the almighty brains of human beings in the centre of their commentaries and they never really asked for the interest of other animals, the plants, air and water and the living system on Earth as a whole. The real mechanics of survival never were important to these men of genius.

And the result is here today: The almighty power of the human being is such today that thousands of planes are in the air each day, millions of cars drive in idiotic runs through all continents, we teach children already at the age of three years how to consume as much as possible to create egoistic wealth and maniac-growth for all of us. But we only have ONE Earth, as knew all Philosophers since over 2000 years. Nevertheless, we behave like idiots, shattering on our Earth with huge blows of clubs. At the same time we are grinning our heads off by doing so. Soon we will have lost all easy-reachable resources, energies and raw material. But still we all think, as the Chinese do today, that we will have everything forever, whatever seven billion folks need…. This idea is absolutely crazy and obsolete, self-murdering indeed, since, even if this theory would be true, with the increased wasting of air, water, soil, climate and other basics, the end of human mankind becomes a mere question of time. I write in my oeuvre that, by 2100, all will be done. Human mankind will be gone, and the free fall down the "Orcus" has started long ago, slowly so, at first, but irrevocably - and accelerating every further day we are living in this manner.

Shall we read this stupidity from René Delavy? You can or cannot. In the book "CHAOS", chapter "Fundamental critics on today's philosophical mind", I show that all we do and believe is the result of the theories of our philosophers and theoreticians in economy. All - absolutely all. Therefore, whatever these highly-brainy thinkers have written, we have never learnt how to behave on our platform of living, the Earth, and this is fatal to the future of the children brought to Earth after this very day.

KANT believed in the pure critics of reasoning. Which reasoning, intelligence or common sense? Should it be the one of Machiavelli, Marx, Hitler, Agamben or Bush's HUNTINGTON and FUKUYAMA? Who will tell us what sort of intelligence-services is needed for us to survive on our platform? What about the omnipotence of humans, according to Zarathushtra's ecstasy of NIETZSCHE? This funny idea of a writer might apparently be at the source of bringing us likewise peace or war against each other, as well as the circus of the daily holocaust against animals and a destructing unethical moral that makes as believe that we can play God? God is dead? Sure, the various gods of diverse religions are dead indeed, due to all criminal acts in their past. But the only and one unknown God of evolution and nature in the Universe is still here, otherwise we would be dead. SCHOPENHAUER behaviourism is another sort of dullness that makes believe that we must only be kind to everybody and this would stop the blow of clubs hitting the Earth? What about the PRAGMATISTS of the USA, in the tradition of Milton FRIEDMAN and his Chicago-Boys? Or - as I name it in "CHAOS": The "Kraut und Rüben"-Philosophers of France, like DERRIDA, LEVY, FINKIELKRAUT and some other crazy chaps, believing that we should stop trying to understand the world's mechanics - because today, universal thinking is totally out? They are right: The capacity of reasoning in broad and universal domains, can be placed in a rusty kettle or a handkerchief. I take one person out of my criticism: Bertrand RUSSELL - because he seemed to be one of the few who understood whereto this world is driving.

And the new shooting-stars like Giorgio AGAMBEN, Jared DIAMOND, ENZENSBERGER, HANDKE, CHOMSKY and some other genius that will make us believe that we can better the world "in little steps", as Susan GEORGE with her apparently powerful NGO "attac" wants make me and other people believe? Can our Society survive with the belief in such scrap of thoughts? Or must we believe in the terrifying "Effect of pictures", being so much more of importance than intellectual writing, as Susan SONTAG pretended? Are we arrived at the end of all common sense, logics and ethics? Should we capitulate in front of the world we don't understand anymore, because of its chaotic systems everywhere?

And here we come to a very interesting point of distinction between male and female thinking. When nature decides to have a male or a female grow up, we do not have solely the difference of sex, women with a vagina and men with a penis. No, much more of relevance are the development of different brain structures: Men and women have different structures and therefore different views on the lived realities, relating to our lives in this Universe. They have like a simplifying view on complexities of an abstract order... and this is a result of different brain structures in the same way as women and men have, by nature, two sexes.

Let's explain the matter in more detail:

Females think in structures of maintaining life, of socialisation of humans, of feelings, of having a decent life for all. They are never interested in what may happen to the future generations due to a luxury life that destroys all chances for the children of her children. Even if she decides to become a philosopher, she would practically just copy the ideas of male predecessors and give some sort of a "switch" in direction of a human touch, merely directed on present life and life-style.

Males can be, very rarely, good philosophers and thinkers. But their interest is directed on feasibility of all that could strengthen the power of human mankind. Very seldom appears a chap like Plato, Rousseau, Marx, Russell, Orwell or Huxley who "sees" more the structure of future life if some wrong thinking and developments would go on. The big rest of "philosophers" are only creating a belief in the power of doing for just one specimen: the Homo sapiens. They may add a little bit of behaviourism or some maxims of "wisdom". But in fact they write exclusively matters in the sense of: "All power and all glory for the human being as the centre of all interests - and all natural laws of our platform of living, the Earth, once believed-in by all indigenous races, in the Ass."

And here, at the beginning of the 21st century, we can all see the true results: With huge blows of clubs a gigantesk number of humans are now destroying the Earth with scientific and technological scrap. Resources will be made priceless in a few years, environment, air, water, sail, woods and all the rest gone down the orcus and cultural life drowned under a craziness of Hollywood-events, funny writing about the major feeling-conditions of homo sapiens, in religion mass-events which cause an odd hallelujah-effect of mass-stupidity, making us believe that a human-tailored God would resolve all chaotic problems for us. In the period of the next 50 years, we will have played all our cards and these seven or more billions of blind stupids will have destroyed our basis of living on the account of all future generations. And they will, at the same time and effort, have misused all other species in a terrible holocaust of animals and a destruction of nature that could not have been worse. This is what our reality hides us today due to short-sighted and pragmatistical "philosophers" and theoreticians of economy of the last 2000 years. Any false reasoning in thinking must have consequences. It is so as it is… 

My struggle of a lifetime was to prove that we can, if we really want, understand just anything that is going on today - and everything in history too. We should never again believe in a terrifying history of mighty perpetrators. We should start to think more in terms of the hundred times higher figure of the VICTIMS in our system. And than, no CARLA DEL PONTE Tribunals treat mass-murderers like holy Gentlemen, all these MONSTERS like Milosevic, Taylor, Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, Kissinger, McNamara and all the blood-dictators of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua and dozens of other countries in the world. And we must understand that these murderers were assisted in their doing either by the USA, the Russians or the Chinese. NEVER AGAIN? Never again, all the power for the perpetrators - and, on the other side, the torturing and killing  for the victims, as most of us are in fact? Ladies and Gentlemen:  Is this "Gutmenschentum"? No, this in fact is only part of a human reasoning in all of my books.

The same theory can be studied in the analysis "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction" that is relating to the most important theoreticians in economy. More precisely Adam SMITH, René DESCARTES, Niccolo MACHIAVELLI, Karl MARX, von HAYEK, John Maynard KEYNES, Milton FRIEDMAN, Michel FOUCAULT and Giorgio AGAMBEN. All of these guys had developed theories of which they meant, eternal growth, richness and happiness would come over human mankind forever. As I prove in the book, they never thought of the idea, that money cannot be eaten, that stock exchanges, banks, old age funds etc. may collapse forever, that the richness of the Earth would some of the next years come to a natural end and that greed and casino-thinking is pure hell for the brain of the "animal" homo sapiens, that took himself for God and believed that the rest of species can be easily slaughtered to death.

These economists were only interested to become famous in future books of history. The future of the human being - as an ethical and moral being - has never been thoroughly analyzed; it was instead said by almighty Editors in chief, like MURDOCH and other boulevard-brains, that all systems of the powerful institutes on this Earth would be in good hands, that we all would drive in a golden future, without any further effort of reasoning. And now, after the collapse of socialism and communism, even Russia and China try out the craziness of neo-liberalism and globalism, modelled by egoistic US- and EU-entities to their own disadvantage, all according to the "wise" POPPER-Friedman theory, practiced by short-sighted Thatcher-Reagan-Bush-adepts. This craziness of "liberalism" wants make us believe that we can adopt just any high stupidity, with as much power as ever possible - and our own children and their children will thank on their knees for all the good we have done to their favour and profit. What will be the profit? It will be the wealth (for a short time only) for those who have already today all they wish, as believers in a crazy idea of never-ending self-destructing growth, and it will continue to kill  the ones who have not - and finally this high dullness will kill the Earth as a whole.

You start to think, dear Reader? Or are you instead again shouting all injuries against this controversial article of Delavy? It's up to you. Make your choice just now.