PEAK Economics of USA

ARTE - State Crimes of USA for OIL
or: The criminal Destruction of a Planet

Recently I took on DVD some documentaries of TV ARTE about the World History of OIL.

My girl and I looked how it become possible that all started in the USA without importance around 1850, how afterwards OIL became the Life Juice of USA, how USA delivered oil to Hitler until 1945. It went on: How the Middle East was sold to European lands and USA and the big 3 Oil conglomerates. The Cheating about Oil Peak, the present situation full of lies and wars and Goldman Sachs Crimes for Oil, Finances and Destruction of a planet --- and then I stopped the DVD for a moment and spoke to my friend:

"Listen, this is not a documentary about the history of OIL, as ARTE pretends, but what we witness here, is what will be seen, backwards from the DEATH of Humanity in the year 2099 just nothing but the fine


and nothing else. ARTE may believe to tell us a story on OIL, but what they do without knowing, is to explain the criminal CHARACTER of humanity in finances, wars, interest in State egoism and worse. What we witness is the end of Humanity."

Now let's explain to ARTE - why they are so stupid.

The Style of ARTE

Like CNN, BBC, Fox TV, NYT, Wash Post, Le Monde, Stampa, ZEIT, Der Spiegel, NZZ and all Murdoch Media of the globe - whatever ARTE does in documentaries is nothing but stupid and useless "WHAT IS?" Journalism.

Telling some "TRUTH" and explaining NOTHING about Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Deutsche Bank, UBS, LGT, Tax Fraud Switzerland, the true crimes of all U.S. Presidents and Chiefs of State, to destroy our planet since 100 years and being successful by 2000, leaving ZERO CHANCES to future generations - is of zero effect and fully useless.

On the basis of OIL - let's explain to the world the STATE OF AFFAIRS.

The Truth about USA

We may believe that USA is the major CROOK of the world, by looking ARTE, in matters of OIL. They destroyed lands, oceans, the planet, their own finances, let make Hitler destroy Europe, let the idiotic Junk Jews of Wall Street to destroy the world finances and all Rich Sacks not to pay taxes with help of their Tax Paradises.

But the truth is that USA are DEAD today, have by deficit spending of USA; 50 States, towns, mortgage, Chapter 11 etc. some uncovered debts of 250 trillions of Dollars and are mega-bankrupt. The financing of interest rates, of their Army, of infrastructure and U.S. kind of politics has become impossible. USA is dead and can no longer dictate the flow of the world OIL, resources, finances, tax fraud and the idiocy about U.S. Presidents of a rotten Negro or a rotten Mormon plus Palin-Ryan. Learn it: USA is DEAD.

The Truth about the Rest of Globe


China being clever in getting oil from Iran, Venezuela, Africa, Russia etc. - all around the influence sphere of USA?

Forget it: China like India and Russia has copied the death model of U.S. Neo-Liberalism and by 2018, China is bankrupt and imploded, like BRIC and USA and Europe and Japan. If not 2018, by 2025 at the latest, followed by the bankruptcy of World ECONOMICS, culture of lands rotten, Oceans full of plastic and poison - all over death of the finest - all dead, same as all mega-towns of China and else, going to fall in pieces for all times. China is not clever, China is the most stupid State of all after USA, not understanding why Japan, Argentina and Israel like USA went down to HELL before them.

As I said before, the same is true for India, Brazil, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Africa, short for all lands having explosion of POPS not to be nourished or given some fine Energy drinks in future - idiots.


Russia is very funny: USA arranged with rotten Saudi Arabia to bring Soviet Union down on their knees, with the intellect of Ronald who is responsible for the downfall of USA, Russia and the rest of the planet, together with Popper, Friedman, Chicago School, GW Bush and Obama.

The history of Russia is different. Might well be Russia had no chances with Marxism, like China with Maoism, but the exhaustion of all reserves of oil and gas today under Russian neoliberalism is a death program. Already tomorrow, Russia will have nothing but some burning forests, rotten water, wide land for nothing and the 2nd bankruptcy of State after 1989. This is what ARTE should have told to the managers of Goldman Sachs.


Europe not only for OIL, but for stupidity, arranged some World Wars, accepted the Crimes of the bankers and Jews of USA, the destruction of finances in 1929 and 2007 and today is in free fall, because the RICH did never pay their taxes with help of Switzerland and Liechtenstein etc, this produced high State Deficits and today, Europe is in free fall to hell and does not know.

The only question of interest: Who is first completely DEAD - Europe, China, Russia, USA or Africa? The Question is no longer the OIL PEAK, but alone how long the ECOLOGIC COLLAPSE of the globe, plus our fine finance crash, will allow normal life on Earth.

Middle East and Israel

The rotten Auschwitz JEWS missed to ask for land in Bavaria and under protection of rotten Catholics and Evangelicans of USA, allowed to become a rotten State of Atom, before being thrown in the Mediterranean Sea together with Wall Street Jews.

But worse are - if at all possible - Saudi Arabia protected for OIL by U.S. Crooks of governments from 1960 to 2025. Those Arabs are the greater ISLAM SWINES as Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan or Israel. But USA in the interest of stealing the OIL from the rest of lands and to destroy a whole PLANET, crept in the assholes of any VIP of STATE who would be the greater CROOK as swinish USA itself.

The End of Humanity

When ARTE makes a documentary, be it on Bee Dying, Goldman Sachs, Oil, "climate change" being a global and deadly weather collapse, rotten tax and industry crimes, the interest of the rich class against middle class and poor - it's always explaining NOTHING. They just tell us that humans are SO clever in what they do, but idiots cannot see the end of the Globe when it happened some time ago.

Reading the signs on the wall does not work with idiots - as I told in my literature, I could since 30 years write books explaining all of the coming downfalls in States, debts, finances, Wall Street Jews, WEF, Climate destruction, exhaustion of a planet - and the impossibility of having an explosion of POPS and still to believe that when we need 10 planets, the ONE at disposal would NOT go to hell within some 100 years.

When the Point of no return - not of the Peak OIL - but the end of history of humans, came around 1975, I wrote my fingers sore, but nothing happened because the 99,99 Percent of the Globe, Elite and their masses, have reached their PEAK OF STUPIDITY long time ago. Perhaps humans never had anything else in their brains but SHIT, but this is another story, told by Plato, Descartes, Rousseau, Russell and René Delavy.

Today all lands without one exception DIE from an IDEOLOGY OF GROWTH and financing the Crooks in the USA and else - but still ARTE, CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera and Pravda didn't get the real points.

And this is fine - I want this rotten humanity to get OFF this planet very fast.

And today I am sure - whatever humans do - austerity, savings or further growth - all has become a death program in matters of finances, economics, culture, philosophy, politics, ecology and the

- END OF HUMANITY up to 2099.

Stupid folks cannot think. The Problem is not OIL - the problem is SHIT in all Brains.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on September 6, 2012