Intellect - 8 Steps of Thoughts

Understanding intellect

or: 8 Steps of intellectual facts on Earth

8 Steps to heaven or 8 Steps to hell? The definition of intellect can go very queer ways, but most of studies about intellect are not worth starting the game.

This is a translation out of the German Book "CHAOS", published in the year 2004, Chapter  "Erkenntnis über das Seiende" (Understanding existence), article "Die Stufen des Denkens" (The Steps of intellectual perception). It shows, viewed from a philosophical standpoint of the author, how the Power of Thinking or of Perception could work in these modern times, in a real world, when the Chaos in human Existence has not yet reached its final stage.


The process of thinking can be seen like steps to heaven. Reflecting about our being does not simply mean "thinking". It means that spiritual power has its values in steps, comparable to experience with capabilities of our bodies to move. There too, we make a difference between the abilities of a lazy-bone living in a fat body, as compared to a super-athlete - and we can see the difference from the eye immediately. And as with the body, tendencies go in intellect in a direction to see that "athletes" become always less, whereas there are from year to year more people, who are very satisfied with "low thinking".

But: On what scale shall we measure intelligence and spirit? I will try here to build a pyramid of thinking-power, and to justify it:

First and highest STEP:

Universal geniuses, the few real ones, are meant. 

- Creative thinking, writing on highest line of complexion, of entering in new philosophic matters, of composing music, creating arts, writing finest literature, invent new objects or ideas. Very few human beings are in a position to develop thoughts that before him not one human had in his brain. It is a sort of global thinking which will mean: 

Those humans see the World and the Earth as what it is: A globe gliding silently through eternity of times, endlessness of space, in absolute distance to any consciousness, where in this very moment takes place a high-speed and mad development of one species of life and of that life itself, which includes: History, science, fundamental philosophies about existence, spirit and money, nature, animals, human beings of two sexes, all reflected in networks of thoughts and on a universal scale. Having last and highest knowledge about the complexity of being on Earth, as contemplated from very far away in the Universe, like a God, and concluding, based on this point of view, on all astonishing matters of being, but disrupted from limited philosophies of "Menschentum" (matters only concerning humans) and his restricted knowing about all the possibilities and errors, emanating from his struggle for absolute power. Becoming aware within its full value and limits: The danger of false ideologies, false perceptions about "his realities" always being present, any minute a day, as well as knowing about endangering all living creatures, in the context of a true reality of Homo sapiens, well being conscious about his power of destruction.

- Most of universal Geniuses are unknown. On this highest level of Abstractedness, only 10 Persons at the highest live on our globe today. For all times, there were about 100.

Examples: Galileo, Giordano Bruno, da Vinci, Descartes, JJ Rousseau, Pascal, Céline, Delavy

Second and deeper STEP:

Those thinkers, being able to understand the First. 

- Read in all silence the texts written by those who have reached the highest step of reflection. At the same time build up a step of self reflection, in as much that things read and heard are measured to its own power of thinking, ideas and thoughts are developed forward, mistakes and errors of the first recognized and the correctness of those matters undergone a process of probability and reasonableness. False analysis will, base on forces of logics, be unmasked. Humans of the second step are in fact not really capable of thinking in networks of high complexity and universality, but their relationship to reality takes place on a very high degree of intellect. They understand how relative the thinking power of lower steps are and they get despaired about their incapability, to let stream through their true thoughts and intellect, not recognized and understood "bellow".

- On second Level there are worldwide perhaps 5000 persons - in all times about 50000.

Examples: Plato, Camus, Einstein, Humboldt, Russell, Marx, Chomsky, most of the Philosophers, in as much as they would have written valuable texts.

Third STEP:

This is the Step of the "normal intellectuals" of the Globe. 

- Texts coming from the second Step humans are read aloud and given on to other humans. Who reads aloud, quickly becomes conscious that the loudness of voice practically makes self reflection impossible. People of this kind accept texts of higher arts as given, but concentration on human voice in fact hides the real meaning of what was written. This is a phenomenon seen on radio, and even more with television, where even the watching gestures and mimics makes impossible an understanding on high level. So the flow of speaking during speeches by VIP or lectures at universities, on radio, television, presentations of books etc. interrupt the flow of intellect, which requires its own rhythm and should not be violated, without seeing upper steps of thinking destroyed. In literature, thinkers of the third step are satisfied that they don't have to reflect too much about politics and philosophies. They see their lives one to one, as a constant flow of what is happening: Family, friendships, relations, feeling good or bad, stories of town or countryside, presentation of the "real" in its "now-time", without having relative thoughts about the absolute bow of reality, in the flow of time of an eternally revolving history of humans. But at least, this context of reality is not yet simplified by restricted logics, because there are clearly recognizable personality sides that could lead any time to higher steps of recognition.

- I believe that we have about 2 Million of folks on this Level - for all times perhaps some 25 million - reaching not even one per mille of world pops.

Examples: Politicians with minimal Ethics, some Heroes in economy, culture, science, ecology and the unknown persons able to think on highest level.

Fourth STEP:

Intelligent upper Middle Class. 

- Reading and understanding normal texts of every day, out of newspapers, books, reading of poetry, novels, books about interesting topics, mostly isolated from the rest. This could be called: Normal reflecting about every day's being. Thus a quasi-reality is built up - and all steps upper this level are left out of consciousness. Those humans think to live, not more. On this step, we also can see a glorification of being, replacing higher logics by laws of belief in religion, esoterics, astrology, all sorts of presented and erroneous sentences of superstition. Laws of thinking are cunningly presented by VIP to make people believe, they lived in the best of all worlds, respectively will go there when life has come to an end. This kind of every day's reflection leads to a distortion of a rather simple reality, leads onwards in a chaos of "real life", because dangers in an enormous complex-grown world have become huge and huger, and were not recognized in due time and in its real dimensions, due to simplified and destructive power of thinking.

- Here we have to go into percentages: About 10 Percent in the Present Time - for all times less - about 7 Percent.

Examples: The so called ELITE, not getting one jota of reality and justice. The best and most educated area of "Average Folks".

Fifth STEP:

The big Masses of over 50 Percent. 

- You cannot teach "reality" to such masses. They function on Literature of triviality, Boulevard-Junk-Journalism, superficial reduction of reality on the smallest possible denominator of simple minded beings. There takes place a "Trivialisation of World" as a whole, without the victims of such thinking power realise their loss of consciousness - and therefore have not to be ashamed about this defect. They are worrying about their hedonism and consumerism within a frame of simple kind of reflections. They put material values high above spiritual and intellectual values. This group is dependent on authorities, on VIP, coming from "above" and they adopt without one single reflection of their own, any models of thinking of others, like stupid presidents, popes, prime ministers, dictators, CEO, NGOs, any authority whatsoever, without having undergone a process of deepened control or double-checking. This group of human beings as described here is, seen on a worldwide scale, by far the most important in numbers of today's mankind on this globe.

- Step 5 includes more than HALF of World-Population, now and also in the past times.

Examples: In fact all of the Media Business, all "normal" politicians, CEOs, NGOs and a great part of Middle Class gone to school.

Sixth STEP:

The growing Majorities getting more and more nuts. 

- A dictatorship of Boulevard is going to become true. Fanatical acceptance of superficial patterns of thinking: Nationalism, patriotism, ideas for conspiracies, one-sighted views on terrorism, xenophobia, neo-liberalism dictated by Milton Friedman, a mentality of casino in making cash. Examples: Hitlertum, Stalinism, Reaganomics, Thatcherism, Bushism, Yes-we-Can and USA first SHIT and Existencialism. The stupids in societies take over the command and the "people" (Pöbel) runs blindly behind, and some intellectuals run too and give their share of written scrap, therewith proving that they never would be able to reach some steps above their present level and never had a real perception of power in thinking. This sort of intellect shall never be confounded with fore-going steps of highest knowledge: National philosophy is not Hitlertum, Communism after Karl Marx is not Stalinism, ethical capitalism is not Reaganomics or Bushism etc. To be living with low interest of the fifth step, should never be misunderstood to be equal to this sixth step of intellect.  

- Dullness in the world is in Growth, soon we shall have one Third of Humanity on this Level - and in Future they shall be wide over 50 Percent.

Examples: Sartre, Susan George, Nixon, Narkozy, Merkel, Wall Street Boys and Swiss Bankers - general pragmatists without own thinking capabilities, looking out for an even more modern and dull World on Earth.

Seventh STEP:

Wanted infantilism or illness. 

- Cretinism, low thinking on natural sources, due to illness, accidents or wanted by constant showing lowest interests. Such humans should be protected by ethical thinking folks. They cannot bear own responsibility of their being alive in a very complex-grown world themselves. However: The "wanted" cretinism is a result of infantilisation, where even adult persons stay on the level of little children that are not yet in a position to reflect about complicated matters. It seems that self-invented realities on very low level become always more spread over this globe, a terrible simplification of thinking and reflecting on lowest possible level. Who cannot see dangers, that couldn't be more evident at these late time of existence, will not have any chances of survival in future.

- Here we have about 2 to 5 Percent of Population - but it is variable very much from Periods to Periods in History.

Examples: Persons not understanding who they are, Scientists in Brains- and Gen-Science, all Berlusconis in this world, and GRETA, the Poorest without any education and low IQ - and soon the big Masses of all Nations on Earth.

Eighth and lowest STEP:

Cretinism of our present VIPs and the DEEP STATE

- High ideals and thought on the basis of a false and destructive kind and to sell it as real science to the world - thus creating a systematic self-destruction of humans, by destructing "being as such". In other words: The oeuvre of God is wilfully destroyed by putting over him the will and power of false maxims of Homo sapiens, who in fact always was a Homo non-sapiens. What I am pointing here, are not the natural humans with low intellect, but all the dummies of humans which with their intellect go forward to a destruction of our globe, and at the same time are totally convinced of the logics and correctness of their "Gedankenwelt" (world of self-reflection). Here we have to mention too all sects and falsifiers in esoterics, the influence of them threaten us to become always more dull and superficial thinking, as they grow in importance and they risk to increase the spiritual Chaos of our World, see us gone out of any control, to an extent, where any logics of real philosophers can not save whatever could still have been taken under control, some years ago, at times when the "point of no return" was not yet in sight.

- There are not just a Few, but these Persons have Power. Known as DEEP STATE. Let us estimate these Crooks on reaching one Million of heads for today - and for all times, there were about 25 million of these hideous Idiots - better known as "Terribles Simplificateurs".

Examples: Trump, Biden, Selensky, Bockbaer, GW Bush, Hillary, Modi, Abe, Obama, Milton Friedman, Greenspan, Steven Pinker, Karl Popper, Murdoch, the Thinkers and Pragmatists of the Evil, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Milosevic, all Bankers, HSBC, PWC, EY, Deloitte, KPMG, Accenture, McKinsey, Human Rights Tribunals, the clean Democrats,  believing in the existence of other 5 planets Earth - like IPCC, WEF, IMF, FED, CIA-NSA, Club of Rome etc.

During the Great CRASH of Finances and States after 2020, the Steps 1 to 7 will eliminate the VIPs of Step 8. After the year 2000, there was no chance for any correction to the final downfall of humanity. Within 100 years, our civilisation will be dead and our Earth destroyed ( see my "10 Gebote des Todes").


It is a sad thing to be forced to conclude that always more and more individuals, out of the complex totality of humans, get back to lower steps of reflection - or are not striving to higher steps, or are in a complete loss to advance forward to higher consciousness, founded on wrong scholarship, cash-greedy universities, parents and other authorities without higher interests.

Most of people are simply the victims of no or false education, low-level sciences, philosophies and a surrounding who couldn't care less about recognition about the real laws of nature and functioning of all matters in a complex reality on this globe. Time of youth is lost with play-station, learning how to kill best others, humans, animals, towns and the Earth as such. The great mass of people has always lower interests, education, knowledge, going back in some sort of worldwide Murdochism of boulevardisation of thinking and become aware what life and being on this planet really means.

The very few individuals who are still able to think on the first Step of thoughts, who are creative in philosophies and worried about our power of self-destruction, are systematically ignored by wide over 90 percent of other folks, and they risk to get poor inside as well. At the same time, preachers of simplified human nature become always loud and louder, they gain in power from day to day.

We all will see soon, where this voyage of humanity will end, considering low quality in reflecting and reasoning spreading increasingly over this globe, making us blind and stupid - and not being conscious of what's going to happen within the next 100 years.

Who believes that a Universal Genius will come and bring final solutions, should run to a Doctor and have a Check on his mental qualities.   

(First draft about 1995 - given in the book "CHAOS")



Paranoia of the 99,9 Percent 

All folks on Earth to 99,9 percent live as if all conditions on this planet would be or continue in a way to be DEAD in the next 50 to 100 years. 

Death according to my «10 Commandments of Death» destroying under guaranty humanity before 2099. 

But all politicians and experts and philosophers pretend to believe in an existence of Humans for 10'000 years on the life standard of TODAY with 10 billion of folks. 

Already today, the whole planet is junk-human made: 

 - the oceans full of plastic and no fishes, the lands full of junk, rotten areas, mega-towns and streets and oil, animals in masses for food, the climate to collapse and humans to die now very fast for ever.

We can see that the ELITE and the masses of 99,9 percent of folks are crazy, dull, paranoid and schizophrenic. 

What else? 

Intellekt nach Zeit und nach Stufen und nach Status quo

Ich habe festgestellt, dass die ganz grossen Musiker um so perfektere Kompositionen schrieben je älter sie wurden, dem Tod entgegen. Dies geschah auch mit meiner Literatur:

Je älter ich wurde, umso fundamentaler und grossartiger wurde mein Schreiben über die Realitäten des Lebens und der Welt - und nur verständlich für den Rest der Welt nach Stufen, nach Zeit und nach Status quo.

Intellekt nach Zeit

Es ist so, dass die Menschheit als Ganzes meine Literatur mit einer Verzögerung von etwa 50 Jahren begreifen wird, also die Schriften um 1970 werden etwa 2020 begriffen und jene von 2020 um etwa 2070. Die Grosse Masse der Menschen hinken also dem Intellekt von Delavy immer um etwa 50 Jahre hinterher.

Intellekt nach Stufen

Die 10 Menschen der Welt der Stufe 1 begreifen die Literatur und die Prinzipien sofort. Stufe 2 des Denkens braucht etwa 10 Jahre. Stufe 3 etwa 20 Jahre. Nach Stufe 5 begreift kein Mensch meine Philosophie jemals in der Zeit, sie sind zu dumm.

Intellekt nach Status quo

Mausfeld weist nach in "Warum schweigen die Lämmer?", dass die Verbrechen des Neoliberalismus nicht verstanden werden, weil der Mensch unbedingt seinen Status quo verteidigen muss, egal wie blödsinnig dieser ist. Somit verstehen die Menschen das Fundamentale meiner Schriften erst mit der Zeit, wenn das ganze Kartenhaus der Verblödeten im 21. Jahrhundert schon am Zusammenbrechen sein wird.

Dies erklärt, warum meine Schriften nicht begriffen werden und warum frühere Texte schneller akzeptiert werden - als der Rest.  Es geht um Wohlanständigkeit des Falschen, worauf die 99,99 Prozente an Verblödeten ein Leben lang und schon immer in der Geschichte des Idioten hereingefallen sind. Sie fallen also auf ihre eigene Blödheit herein und begreifen NIE etwas, wenn es gerade geschieht...

Statistik der "8 Stufen des Denkens"

Stufe 1 = 10 Personen, als Masse nicht messbar

Stufe 2 = 5000 Personen - etwa ein Millionstel der Menschheit

Stufe 3 = 2 Millionen - also weniger als ein Promille der Menschheit

Stufe 4 = etwa 10 Prozent der Menschheit

Somit sind Stufen 4 bis 8 an die 99 Prozent - also die "Verblödeten" in meiner Literatur

Und Stufe 5 bis 8 machen 90 Prozent aus, die NIE etwas begreifen werden.

Die Verhältnismässigkeit ist wichtig um zu verstehen, was Masse ist.

Der Unterschied von "Meinung" und Wissen

Wenn die Menschen der Stufen 3 bis 8 eine Weisheit kundtun, dann ist es bestenfalls eine "Meinung", die richtig oder falsch oder blöd sein kann. 

Wenn die Menschen der Stufe 2 eine Weisheit kundtun, dann sollte man aufhorchen und prüfen, ob diese Wahrheit wichtig ist oder nur eine Aussage des Alltags.

Wenn Menschen der Stufe 1 etwas schreiben oder sagen, basiert es auf Intellekt und Wissen. Die Aussage ist richtig, aber der Zeitpunkt der Wahrheit ist unbestimmt. Der Niedergang der Menschheit für das 21. Jahrhundert ist damit garantiert auf alle Zeiten.

Das Leben ist wie ein Fenster ------ das aufgeht für einige Momente – und wieder zugeht für immer.

Das Geschehen draussen ist ohne jede Bedeutung – besonders aus der Sicht des Ewigen Nichts.