All Stones tumbling down on you

The general rule of politicians, scientists, philosophers and economy folks is it that people are partly blind for matters going on around this present World.

The truth however is that about 100 percent of folks on Earth are completely blind for all matters of concern. This society has lost any control on whatever happens since the year 1990. Whatever is done at present, is ERROR of the highest.

The funny thing in all this: It has to be explained by me. The fact that I have to explain is the first and major PROOF for the general DULLNESS in the World CHAOS in which we are living in. And by the year 2099, all shall be gone and humanity gone for ever.

The second PROOF of not less of importance is it that this report here is not read by world MEDIA and therefore not given on to the VIPs and their masses.

The third PROOF is it that my books were rejected by 100 Editing Companies, although they contained around 1980 whatever I have explained in letters so far during the last 10 years.

This is the overall PROOF that the rest of humans are thinking on an intellectual LEVEL of dogs or snakes. I can't find another explanation to HUMAN DULLNESS in the late days of Humanity.

There may be reasons why the World-Theatre cannot be read by Elites, VIPs and masses, but somehow I am at a loss to explain to myself, what happens these days throughout this bubble, called Planet Earth in end-stage.

Let's start from the simple to the more complex:

The tumbling Mega-Cities

Yesterday I saw a Documentary on the success of Singapore, become the major finance place and tax evasion paradise of the globe. All young folks would be learning how to bring in the future of this world even more of modernity and increase growth and greed and welfare - in all States of the Globe.

The truth is that the stones of Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, Moscow, Sao Paulo, Cairo, New York and London, short of all Mega-Towns will tumble within short on all heads of exploding folks. Concrete, glass, plastic and buildings cannot be eaten and it replaces no clear water. The explosion of dullness and of pops led to a situation where the tumbling down of CITIES is a question - not of FACTS - but of TIME alone. The reasons are given NOW:

World Accounting

When I was young and learnt the accounting profession, I was dead-sure that any accounting would be correct. The accounting of the 14th Century is applied as MIRROR for the true activities and State of affairs for all Companies in the World, all Nations, all investment funds, banks, pension funds, little shops and even households.

Later I learnt that not one single Balance Sheet or Statement of Earnings could be correct. How come I learnt as the only Chartered Accounting Expert and the most intelligent one of the Globe, these funny facts?

All started around 1966 with the Crash of IOS near Geneva. It was confirmed by the Crashes of Swissair, Enron, Lehman Brothers, all banks in USA, Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Spain and great part in England, Germany, France. But about the Finance Crash I will write later on.

Instead of showing immense billion losses, all this companies and nations showed some sort of great profits or small deficits and this was a CRIME. And in their Balance Sheets they show still and sell us Shit for Gold, there is not one Balance Sheet in the World showing the true Value of ASSETS. And on the nominal Side of DEBTS and CAPITAL, there are in no Balance of the Globe the Provisions for the future Losses. So, when the companies, banks, nations etc. start to tumble to hell, they will find out, like USA today, that they were bankrupt since at least ten years and nothing was there to stop the maximal breakdown of systems.

World Taxation

By hazard, I saw yesterday too a documentary on how taxation officers in Germany make controls on little affairs for tiny little bits of apparent fraud in taxation. The officers let go in bankruptcy minor companies or persons for no reason at all, because nobody understands accounting and tax laws.

At the same time, the RICHEST CLASS of the world does not pay taxes by about half of the total taxation amount of the world. It is not only Switzerland and other tax heavens, but the legal constructions of any big conglomerate of the globe that since 60 years let the profits go in low tax countries and let nothing to the nations in Africa, Asia, USA or Europe, where the REAL profits were generated.

There is zero doubt that this scheme is wanted by the rich Elite, that governs the world under the criminal dictatorships of dull majorities, to say "Democrazies" of folks who recognize zero items of what is written here above. And this is exactly the reason for the deadly deficits and bankruptcy of all Nations, which is a FACT since a long time - only the Balance Sheets do not yet show the TRUTH in figures.

World Finances

The Junk-Jews of Wall Street and all the idiots behind Friedman and Popper and Greenspan and Ronald and Thatcher arranged the trillions Cash Breakdown of these Days.

What is apparent with banks about rotten ZERO-PAPERS in their accounting, is one big BLUFF. The truth: All Banks and Insurance of the Globe including the investment and pension Funds are broke - NOW.

And in addition there is no Weakness in the State of indebted States. We have not indebted States like USA, China, India, Singapore and all European Countries. These idiots are in fact over-indebted (in German: Ueberschuldung der Nationen) - in other words, completely in bankruptcy since a long time. But to become apparent, it shall last still some time until about 2018.

The World-Finance system is a CHAOS, not under control by any person, any organisation or any State controls - and next is the breakdown of all computerized figures in all internet SCRAP of the Globe.

World Chaos

The problem with Accounting, Taxation, Mega-Towns tumbling, lost Finances are PEANUTS as compared to the true thing:

The Chaos in World Economy is complete: Together with the world finance collapse we shall have the World-Economy-Collapse. I will not extend on this chapter having been explained in full in my 10 books - rejected by the World-Book-Market.

Much more important is, that all resources and energy stuffs, transformed in deadly poison, are FIRST missing to future generations - and SECOND have led to the collapse of ECOLOGY, in other words a CLIMATE AND WEATHER-COLLAPSE of the finest, destroying the surface of the globe in coming times.

And together with the complete dullness of folks in a CULTURE SHOCK to come, the overall PANIC shall explode around the year 2020 and in my fine opinion, the masses of the 99 percent will then massacre all rich VIPs and the ones, the idiots, of influence at those times.

It does not matter, if my prediction becomes true - the important thing is that with or without massacre, by 2050 more than 75 percent of world POPS will be vanished from the Earth. All the models telling folks about greatest times to come are just a PILL to hide the true facts of what is going on in this crazy CHAOS of a rotten Globe.

The Solutions

I had all the solutions not to let explode this human bomb. It was the question of replacing capitalism and neoliberalism by simply a fine "Ziel-Gesellschaft". I am not so idiotic to explain what it is again.

I want this Humanity go down the Grave, down the Drain, down to Hell.

The reason is that these rotten Humans have done nothing else but wars, drugs, holocausts, especially with Animals and nature and the average, to say the 99 percent, are so dull that any solutions of value would be regarded as pure Science-Fiction.

This Humanity does not deserve any sorts of recommendations anymore.

The End

The End of Humanity and of a World as it was known until the year 1900, is assured for all times.

The paradise must be looked upon in the PAST. It existed, the paradise of a world. But humans preferred wars and torture and killing and greed and cash to have, instead of normal live,  at the highest with one billion of idiots without Shit in their Brains if ever feasible.

What we have NOW is a pure WORLD CHAOS without just ONE Emergency EXIT.

And the fact that the idiotic MEDIA, youth, internet, politics, economics, philosophies and worse do not even understand these few LINES - is the PROOF for a total insanity of a mass of folks without intellect, without any IQ, without any reasonableness and without any ETHICS.

We can now write off this Humanity for all times to come - and laugh a lot, together with God and Allah and Buddha who planned this World-Theatre for sure - at least this was the sense of all RELIGIONS and ESOTERICS of a rotten world of "Homo non-sapiens".

And now, don't cry me a river. Who is not able to read my books, is able to tumble down to hell under the Stones of its Mega-Towns - and God found - it was very good so….

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 14, 2012