Triple AAA for S & P

Accounting Firms - S & P and other Skunks

Not one human got more about Accounting Firms - but me - because I had the honour, for some time in the past, to have the lead in an international firm of importance, at least to have the Say just for one country in matters of auditing and taxation.

What I learnt at this occasion was very fine: All about Accounting, all about conglomerates, all about Tax Fraud, insanity of banking, Mergers and Acquisitions, of the Junk-Jews on Wall Street, of the Swines in the City of London, of the Swiss at the WEF in Davos and Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich and Geneva and Lugano and Zug.

I recognized easily before such times, as accounting assistant for IOS near Geneva, when young, how the whole world consists of greedy Porks, not paying taxes, therefore becoming rich and riding nations into indebtedness - and the rest of the mass could get more and more in misery, those forced to pay their taxes, being enslaved by politicians, who again were creeping in the asses of Popes, Billionaires and the one that are ready to robber the Earth out of free will - under capitalism - from all free natural resources, just for Cash in Swiss Banks. And all this shall end in very short time.

But now let's go into the Accounting Firms Departments of S & P, to say Standard and Poors and their blindness and incredible Stupidity - making that such consulting firms, both, to be more than completely useless and criminal.

Accounting Firms and Triple AAA

The international Accounting firms for many years accepted all Banks being in fact bankrupt, some are well known, such as Swissair, Enron, IOS, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Emserwerke, Landesbanken, City of London Quark, Wall Street and Murdoch Media, Berlusconi Mafia, all Casinos for the rich to get the Cash from the poor, plus naturally just any company in Ireland, Greece, USA, Iceland, Spain, China and other cripples of mind, by assumption of criminal Triple AAA.

Worse, the Accounting Firms allowed the banks to sell under AAA the fine Pinochet inventions of Popper, Friedman, WEF Schwab and other Jews, again better known as ABS, CDO or CDS and other structured idiocies, pretending to have pure Gold at disposal, sold cunningly  to the working class and their pension funds, and when the whole rotten building went in pieces, the workers again had to pay the saving of all Jew Banks in USA, UBS, Deitsches Bank and Landesbanken, Rockbanks in England, rotten banks and States like Spain, Greece, Italy and soon China and Japan - and soon any of the 200 nations on Earth.

Under these conditions, to have some idiocies like SEC, IMF, Worldbank, National Banks, ECB, NGOs, WEF and UNO is like having piss and shit in the Well of the farmer and believing he would dispose of clear water for the production of nourishment of the folks in Free Fall all around our Globe, in State of Falling down the Drain.

Accounting Firms and Triple BBB

Note please that USA and Germany are not AAA but certainly below BBB, if taken the true situation of finances and future prospects all together. And other lands including Japan and England and France just like Switzerland should be CCC, in view of the coming disasters to come over lands having masses of over-Pops, no resources at all, but plenty of fraud with exports and banking and tax criminality - but worst are some other idiots like India and China, the future Africa, believing to have a future for over one billion of shit-in-brains, living on the last resources of the Globe.

Even the "rich" Russia and Canada can soon get rid of idiotic politicians who spoiled the future of all generations to come, to make some oligarchs and billionaires very rich and tax-free in a few Mega-Towns gone completely NUTS.

You know, Triple A and B are so much of an illusion that the fact, giving characters to the financial mess of greedy Jews, Bankers and rich Criminals is so much of Great FUN that I must vomit just now. Because even Triple C would not name the true State of Affairs on this rotten Globe, breaking down just now in pieces - and this is the program for ever.

Accounting Firms and Triple CCC

The whole truth is that not only Japan, Greece, Portugal, Iceland and East of Europe and Africa are today in the true State of CCC, like all banks, pension funds, investment and hedge funds, but even more some USA, Europe, Australia, South America and the North Pole and even the South Pole.

First lands - for past destruction of Cash, and second - due to present destruction of Cash and third - some Australia and the Poles - for the destruction of Climate and Weather Machinery, killing the humans until the year 2099 to100 percent.

Funny are the present Triple or Simple A for China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia and other SHIT.

These Skunk States have no land, they have drought and water-floods by millennium power to come, they have woods burning or destroyed, they have no ground-water anymore, they have too much of monkey business, to say rich skunks and mass slavery, they have no resources and if they had, they go soon towards their end of prospects and further, they are broke in finances, they have rivers and lakes full of poison, they have Internet full of shit of mind, of Google, of Facebook, of Wikipedia as higher sort of Twitter, telling and convincing dull Folks that they are intelligent, when 99,99 percent of folks, especially the Dynamite Junks plus the WEF-"intellectuals" have no brains, but female asses in their brains if not Jewish Cash - my God, why did you ask for Allah and Buddha to create a human being out of pure shit, when there was fine earth and water at disposal?

To be serious:

Who cannot "read" the end of the human game, when it has come within a few years from now, when the rich and powerful should be slaughtered by their slaves - and this shall in fact happen NOW - to say from 2015 to 2025 - and the rest of history shall be SILENCE...

And note at last - Accounting Firms were in all times just Valuation D.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 5, 2012