Correspondence - Out of AFRICA
The most funny thing in the world is the listening to radio correspondents out of Africa .
They just report on FACTS, never on backgrounds and long chains of origins and effects - to say the globalised politics of Worldbank, Obama and IMF.
And therefore, this big shit sounds like follows:
Swiss correspondent in Burkina Faso or Nigeria
"The father of family can no longer pay back the Micro-Credit given by a Peace Shit who invented such matters. The drunken idiot who lived since years from Schnaps in his village McDonald's, invested all credits in Monsanto cotton seed and then the prices went down, because of crimes of the neighbour State or of China - and he ends with his suicide, his women takes another penis, fucks when that one is drunk, for another baby - and we wonder why NGOs try to give free cloths, sold against cash by those who get it and NGOs take the last drop of Water from the ground. Future generations are already dead. What a shame, the "World" and the local governments do nothing about these miserable conditions of Life…."
I think such idiocies are for the FOXES --- we need some
Highest correspondence out of AFRICA:
The Negro idiots without brains take a Micro-Credit, lose all Cash, the cheap production of China makes impossible for his nation, where the dictators have all tax-free black Cash on Swiss Banks, to survive, so MEN drink alcoholics the whole day long and in the evening, they fuck their wives and 9 months later - the Mass-Laws of Pops-explosion killing a planet.
Wall Street
The Jew comes home, after having destroyed all cash of 10 pension funds, fucks his young and beautiful wife, gives her a diamond ring from his bonus, elects his best friends for tax-fraud, some Romney or Palin - and 9 months later - the Mass-Laws of Pops-explosion killing a planet.
The orthodox Jew comes home with his funny hat - after having stolen the land for his settlements, fucks his wife, 9 months later comes the tenth baby - the Mass-Laws of Pops-explosion killing a planet etc.
The Chinese wander-worker gets no salary, he works 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, for nothing, cheap production out of China killed industry in Italy, France, USA and the rest, the idiot comes home, fucks his wife, 9 months later - and his son will kill the congress members of the 3000 in Beijing - because of Mass-laws of Pops-explosion killing a planet etc.
The peasant creeps in the asshole of Singh but it does not help. There is no hope for at least 900 million of idiots, before the implosion of India . Normally this guy should commit suicide, but tonight he fucks first his wife, gets another 9 months - this brings the final end over this rotten land and mass-laws make it that the pops-explosion etc.
White House in Washington
Obama comes home in the evening and fucks his Minnie Mandela. But this is of no importance: He first looks that America's rich VIPs do not pay taxes in USA but is not happy about Switzerland, then he drives his USA in financial collapse and tells Europeans to do the same, then he produces the Ecologic drama given first in Africa, then he creeps in the asshole of Jews on Wall Street, plus the one of Ratzinger-Pope of Rome, the Republicans charging all Taxes to middle class and poor, when USA are in Free Fall to Hell - and in the evening he fucks his dearest baby and 9 months later - mass-laws of pops-explosion etc.
Pope of Rome
When this Pope of Rome was younger and his male secretary did not want to be fucked backwards, he looked out for a child and did it. And 9 months later nothing happened and so the proof is given that the Pope of Rome and the idiots of Islam and the Jews in Jerusalem are not responsible for - 9 months, mass-laws, explosion of POPS and the politics of Obama, GW Bush, Blair, Pinochet, Murdoch, Thatcher, Ratzinger, 7 Dwarfs of Berne, La Merkel, Le Pen-Narkozy, Hu and Wen, Singh, Lula, Mandela, Gandhi, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha and Adam and Eve.
I think this text summarizes much better the life on Earth plus the initially mentioned suicide of fathers of family in AFRICA - than anything else on this Globe.
René Delavy - Burkina Faso , Beijing and the White House in Washington
written on April 23, 2012