The Air of China

Again a dream and great lots of things happened when I met by the end of the dream the founder and major owner of the "Air of China".

She was no longer young, perhaps 60 years old, thin and small and pretty, but she still looked very young and was extremely normal and humble.

Like always in all of my dreams, I would speak like everybody, think like everybody, behave like everybody, have professions like everybody, be nice like everybody - in other words: In my dreams I am used to be "NORMAL" - like everybody.

And so I spoke to my fine woman: "Incredible how you are normal and so humble when you have achieved to be billionaire, some of the richest persons in China, possessing an Airline with some 200000 employees and 2000 of planes of any sort. How could this happen?"

And the elderly women would not like to speak at all, but be very proud, not showing it, she made me a favour and started to explain: "Well, it was very normal. I thought when very young that Chinese people should have the right to fly around like the U.S. folks and Europeans and so I got a little plane, learnt to fly and started to fly around some richer Chinese of the Party and American tourists. And then, without knowing what I did, came a second plane, 20 planes, 200 planes and so it was normal to hire many pilots, mechanics, commercial staff etc. and before I knew what I was doing, I possessed one of the biggest Airlines of the World. Today I must not do anything but wait to be dead one day - since my daughter is running the company. But sure, I am happy about what happened in my Life."

I had difficulties to keep back my tears, was very touched, as always when I think of the bulk of human FATE and history in the reality of life - and so I spoke to the Lady in my dream: "You know how much you should be admired, how satisfied you should be about yourself, it is nothing but truth becoming a fairy-tale, your person itself is a fairy-tale - but still you seem so nice and still so cute" - and really I wanted to kiss that women out of shear admiring her.

Then I woke up and as often after dreams, I tried to keep it in a half-dream, but with the real intellect of my person of every days life, not being "normal" as other folks and knowing much more than the Elite of dreamers, I continued the talking to that women:

"You know, seen backwards from the future, airplanes and cars and industry and tourism and all the rest will have done just one great Thing: The complete destruction of the planet, of the Air over China and the rest of the world, using up of all resources and energy stuffs transformed in poison - and the future generations will name this EPOCH as having been the Nail to the Coffin of humanity, when by 2099 all humans shall be dead from human collapses produced with nature, climate, weather, resources, water, mega-towns, finances and all the rest of foolish matters."

And the women would no longer react since I am fully awake now and no longer interested to know what that crazy girl out of China would have answered - her not having like 99 percent of folks the intellect to understand anything of our Reality.

And then I remembered the NEWS on television of the evening before:

- The Airplanes of Airbus 380, a giant in the air, could be in danger because the Company in Toulouse discovered some damages on the Wings to be worldwide fixed in a recall action. It was said that this could cost hundred of millions of Euros and it would be a terrible fact if these planes would not continue to fly around for tourism and business travel, with some other 100000 planes of a multitude of Airlines - when already on Earth are driving around some billion of cars and in Switzerland, 400000 new cars were sold alone in the year 2011 and all local VIPs were very proud to announce these facts on television.

- It was further spoken about Cholera in Haiti and how thousands of children would die away like flies, without mentioning just once the word of "explosion of pops" or the terrible situation of Haiti, BEFORE the Earth Quake started around 2010. What a fuss about some thousand of dead children, when knowing the mass of folks to die from hunger each day already now - and the coming catastrophes of humanity - dying away completely in only 50 to 100 years of time from now on.

- It was further spoken about the finance Crises in Europe: Greece would not have learnt the lesson 2 years after the first promises to fix the situation - and tear whole Europe in their ruin, unless they would get out of the Euro-Zone and have again their Drachmes. Then it would be crazy to let run back the State indebtedness of all countries, because this would aggravate the situation of finance, murder any chances of GROWTH and anyway the problem was not the debts of States, but the private debts of persons that in former years took profit of very low interest rates for mortgages and private consumption.

- Further was not said on TV just one word about the fact that Japan and USA are much more bankrupt than Europe, same about finance industry of the globe and all lands being responsible, humanity would have no real chance to correct the downfall, due to the stupidity and deeds of the criminal Jews and Bankers on Wall Street. Nothing is explained about the still existing ABS / CDO and CDS and other derivative scrap, killing all future chances not only in finances, but in economics all together, basing on rotten Theories of economics invented by complete Fools.

- And for sure, as in 365 NEWS OF THE DAY, there would not be spoken, not one word, about the fact that GROWTH was the reason for the complete collapse of finance and industrial systems of our Earth. Be dead-sure that THIS fact will kill a million times more folks than the little illness does down around Haiti - Friends.

There were many other news of this stupid sort and not one of them was "normal" - all was crazy.

But 99 percent of Elite, of VIPs, of scientists, of politicians, of writers, of philosophers, of ecologists and of green scrap and of WEF Jews take such idiocies, still today, as great and normal as anything could be - and the major FEAR of a rotten society is that Growth and Greed could not go on in eternity and come to a soon End - and stop our crazy-gone overpops of idiots with zero-brains - the one that had in my dream a very rich Chinese Lady possessing an Airline, but not knowing what she was doing and reflecting about the late effects of crazy decisions.

This Humanity is dead as dead can be - NOW - and does not know. I wonder when the hour of waking up would come. My guess is - NEVER again!

And so it is very interesting to watch how all predictions of all my books became true without a shadow of difference to my forecasts and to know that they will never seize the chance of the offer of "solutions" in my books. What solutions, damn Hell? Well yes, which one, since all texts being regarded as illusive and crazy, when it was nothing else but a momentum when it was time to clutch at a straw, the last one these idiots of Species of higher Apes could ever have seized.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 9, 2012