After having written my "Orakel 1995" around the year 1975, point of no return for humanity, I sent that pamphlet to all governments of German language, all NGO of the world, any media of press, TV or Radio and to all relevant VIPs that would be able to read German texts.
In the "Orakel 1995", a leaflet of 20 pages, were written in the first part "Voraussagen" (predictions) all the collapses to come in Economy, Ecology, Politics, Culture and Religion. In the second half "Loesungswege" (paths of solutions) were written all what should have to be done by 1975 to prevent in Economy, Ecology, Politics and Philosophy the downfall of humanity in the traps, this species had opened.
"Point of no return"
Well, some moment in time is always given, when an avalanche is launched. The famous footstep high up in the Alps when a person steps into the snow, it starts to glide and first only very little masses in snow go down the hill, but it increased the masses exponentially and by the end a huge Avalanche comes down on the village bellow and covers it up and destroys it.
The moment of the footstep was 1975 - and the village is the whole society of humanity. The way taken of that avalanche in the year 2009, equals to one third of distance and masses. The impossibility to stop the avalanche is evident and first humans looked up, around 2007, and saw some effects in collapses in subprime Junk in Economy, some worsening in Greenland melting in Ecology, some funny developments in religions with Ratzinger, some funny effects in politics were showing to some bright heads the coming avalanche, when GW Bush came to the end with his Latin and Obama Barack started his useless "Yes, we can!".
Today, we have no longer any working philosophy, any religion of any only and one God that really would help humanity to come out of impasses, no solutions to stop the collapses to come for a geo-sphere completely got out of its balance ----
All written in all details in "Orakel 1995", about the year 1975, changed later in my book "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" in "Orakel 2099" which was wrong, correct title should have been "Orakel 2009". The sending out of my Pamphlet had no echo, except a few Media or VIP who wrote:
"---Very interest text but horribly black - white - The theories of prediction are interesting but the solutions are junk, complete utopia to replace socialism and capitalism by a Society of Aims - We hope that this pessimistic idiocy will never find ways in average human society - Your language is rotten, your theories an apodictic craze and anyway - Go to hell with your shit of writing, we humans have better things to do than read such intellectual Trash----"
Today, I can write what ever passes my mind: Tomorrow, it will be fact. I was never wrong with whatever I wrote in my literature in the past - and so we have to ask: Who is GOD".
Who is God?
I like this form of writing. Each human on this globe has his own God, in line with his own power of intellect. They may be on the line of Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Maoism, Putinism, Marxism, the teaching of Tao or Konfucius or any other Master of the Universe: Fact is, they, the Gods, never interfered in the past into human development. The Masters and Prophets of their Gods may burn women as witches, some Pinochet-Videlas may torture their youth to death, some Americans may for no reason at all decimate Vietnam, the Dynamite Prize holders may give the technological instruments to destroy our planet, Popper and Milton Friedman may bring to humanity neo-liberal freedom with the shocking doctrine to destroy stock exchanges, banks, insurance and starting the final avalanche of a downfall of humanity in the loss of all saving rich humans had -
whatever humans did in the last 3000 years, never any GOD interfered.
So God is there to give us hope. Not more. And Delavy is there, to have written all solutions around 1975, the first step in the snow, at the time of the point of no return, about effects of masses in humans, in cash, in growth, in greed, in wars, in torture, in destruction of geo-sphere, in using up all oil and gas and other resources, stolen away from all future generations, instead of arrange for us to come to a stop with greed and growth, with all our deadly cars and planes and casinos and other Craze.
Fortunately, for my literature, the real idiocies started and were accelerated - and today, I, God, can dictate how the downfall of humanity will continue:
What is going to happen:
Until 2015, the World Finance Crash will have come to an end, without leaving new chances. Until 2025, world economy will have come to a stop in the senses of all theories of economics ever written. Until 2050, ecologic collapses with dryness, waterfloods, super-storms and monster-waves will have decimated humanity - but the avalanche would have taken only half of masses and speed yet. Only by 2100, the full mass and speed will fall on our village, representing our Globe - and have destroyed it for good. This, my prediction.
In fact, it does not need any God under the conditions given and thanks my personal God, I, Delavy, am none of them, I do not count. It needs ethics, it needs logics, it needs intelligence and it needs lower figures in mass turnover, mass cash, mass developments, mass craze of feasibilities - and we can forget all theories about God to be made responsible of our Craze.
Can a "Society of Goals and Aims" be achieved?
Well, I am not crazy. No, we cannot! - dear Osama bin Barack or Obama bin Laden, we cannot. Nobody can. Delavy cannot, the present VIP with completely empty brains in this lost and rotten Planet, of WEF, IMF and G-20 cannot, watching like the mouse the snake my avalanche to come, always growing in power and masses, forget all the Dynamite Prize holders, they cannot. And any God of all religions looks aside. And we have now the proof, that the Philosophies of the past 3000 years where pure human junk without any effects.
Human Philosophy - and nothing ever learnt
Plato, Descartes, Nietzsche, Kant - this reminds you something? My God, we had them all: Socrates, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Dante, Blaise Pascal, Goethe, Bertrand Russell, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Sartre, Derrida, Huntington, Habermas, Cheney, Kissinger, Merkel, GW Bush and Brown, Sarkozy, Berlusconi and Putin. We do not need any higher brains in philosophy. The Avalanche is coming, due to the blindness of all philosophers of all time, seeing only human optimistic views and behaviourism - and never the forthcoming dead-end down on a limited platform of living - our planet Earth.
So, humanity wanted the collapses in Economy, Ecology, Religion, Politics, Culture etc. to happen - otherwise, some wise man or woman, in the past would have written: "Stop that craziness, all this is not feasible. Stop this cash and technology junk of zero thoughts. Stop to think to be wise, when any animal has more intellect than Homo non-sapiens."
A bright, new World?
Can we build up a new world with the trillions, Obama and all other VIP of this world have spoken? My God, you cannot stop an avalanche by putting the foot in the snow and creating a second one. Having a marvellous and splendid world of Huxley or Orwell? Well, you have it now. Don't look out for another China or splendid Japan . The one has shown the way, Japan , whereto the other, China , is now going to. The same way as USA and Europe and Russia and India go from now on - down the drain to hell.
Just know that the bankruptcy of the nations had already been a fact before the year 2000 was reached. It was covered up, like Swissair before the Grounding. All the towers of debts were there, the trillions of Junk-Papers. It was only added under GW Bush-Cheney with help of Greenspan, the Orthodoxes at Wall Street, some nice Hedge Funds and some Craze of VIP in politics some ABS, CDO and CDS - and today, World Media write that all banks and funds in the world have Trash-Papers in their accounts of totalizing 100 to 400 Trillions of Dollars. The work is done, don't look out for another saviour.
So, any HYPE of increasing values of shares, State bonds, bank accounts, stock exchange scales and hope in the mind of the richest scrap of humanity will not make disappear those towers of debts and those huge heaps of Zero-Securities ---- Hey, difficult to get? Well, let some fun to the writer of "Orakel 1995" - by the end, when today, the avalanche only made one third of its total distance, down to 2100.
Who has responsibility?
I recommended several times to Obama, not to take over charge of the most criminal rough State on this planet when the situation is hopeless. Barack bin Obama did not listen to me and nowadays, he plays God, like Ratzinger in Rome, and makes believe that he is the man who with trillions of cash, belonging to our children and the children of their children, we could make stop the craziness of a philosophical past, that was world-record in the Universe, when we should note that on no other planet in any other Sun-Systems, such a craze of Cash, Fun, Sun, Nothing to do - could ever have been created and inaugurated.
I told you: Stop the masses, stop the craze, come back to natural behaviourism and start thinking what this humanity did, when some idiot had put his foot in the snow, Then work back masses in population, turnover, growth, greed, money-casinos, building huge towers of indebtedness, believing in a God who would cure the idiocies of human mankind - and such started with theories of Popper and Friedman the Greenspan-Reagan Avalanche in Economics.
And not one word spoken about the much higher dangers in Ecology, War, destruction of Water and Air, coming to the end with Resources and Energy - and leaving a rotten planet, where----
Rest-Menschheit - (residual humanity)
It is funny that already in my text "Orakel 1995", I mentioned a rest of survival humanity towards 2100, high up in the Alps, or at edges of Siberia, or on some distant Islands on higher grounds in the Oceans, trying to do some agriculture and fishing the rest out of dead water. Naturally, at those times around 1975, this all was utopia - but then some Ronald Reagan, some Margaret Thatcher, some Kissinger and Gorbachev made a step in the Snow and all Dynamite Prize Holders and "Philosophers" of a rotten humanity clapped hands - and were full of joy and vain hope.
What a crazy humanity, my God, if you exist, make an end with this endless drama of wars, torture, greed, growth, holocaust of animals and nature, destruction of a planet - just make it fast and nicely - will you?
A last word
The rotten VIP of these days should be quiet for all times - because they soon will be dead for all times.
Rene Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth
Author of "PLADESNIEKANT" / "Orakel 1995" / "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" / "CHAOS" and "Criminal acts in politics, economy, ecology and all the Rest"