Explaining Collapses after 2000

Explaining the Collapses in Economics and in Politics

A.  Explaining the Collapse in Economics

The whole world seems to ask itself: Why should all systems in ecology, in economics, in politics and in culture collapse - one of these days?

My question its: Why does not the whole world understand that there is no way out of any total collapses? And I wondered since 40 years: Why does not any child immediately recognize the truth about our situation on Earth with regard to the deadly effects of an insane mass-behaviourism?

After having explained the Collapse in Ecology - let's go into the details of the present collapse in Economics:

- Casino World

Have you ever been in the Casino of Monaco, the one of Macau or ones of the dozens in Las Vegas? I would never enter just one of them, being still quite normal and having a sense for work. And so I would never throw away salaries out of the window in a Casino, with the help of governments, allowing that crime. But you may still go there and find out: What you see is in small scale exactly what represents our World as a whole: All is one huge Cash machinery, with always the same few winners, and the rest are the always same losers. That's why some few get billions and the rest of the human masses becomes poor and poorer.

We could have thousands of models to live on Earth. But we have taken a decision on a stupid "Cash and money world". And this world's reality works all the time just according to one simple law of nature: Cash flows - and always from the poor to the rich.

Forget everything about neo-liberalism, saying that when we have growth, all humans take a profit. It's the greatest lie ever heard, from Thatcher, Reagan, Bush, Friedman and Popper. First: Growth kills nature, animals and all future generations of our children. Second: The system is such that Abzockers get the big salaries and bonuses - and the working poor nothing - just enough to survive. Third: The middle class pays the price, formerly used to nourish as father the whole family - today, in times of working poor, families have not enough earnings, even if father and mother work like hell. That's the true face of liberalism according to Marx, who knew already centuries ago, how will function our money systems. In fact, he evaluated far too low the self murdering effects of capitalism.

-  Stock Exchange

The money-world implies that firms be handled like apples, and to do so, instead of cash they invented shares, bonds, treasury zeros, hedge funds and investment crooks. All works with banks and consultants, like Goldman and Merrill etc. and is audited by the greatest fools in accounting, like PriceCoopers, KPMG, Ernst, Young, Arthur Andersen, Deloitte, McKinsey and some other liars on real certification of a "true and fair view" of Annual Accounts.

Now, the system is such, that it must, by nature, produce deadly bubbles. In former times, only the richest chaps were concerned and/or small areas in groups or things, such as New Yorkers or real estate - and the rest of other markets and countries continued to function. Today, the bubble is world wide and covering all fields. This means that the next collapse will be total and complete - and it will last for all times - it will in fact be the ultimate economic collapse. The major values in banks, insurance, re-insurance, old age, hedge, funds, health and other securities are in paper values handled at Money Casinos in New York, Tokyo, Chicago, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Zurich - and thus Stock Exchanges let tumble just everything.

The world collapse of this Casino will produce a loss of values in trillions that will destruct capitalism in a way, not even Marx could have foreseen. And this time also China and Russia will be concerned - and the weak countries like India and whole Africa will become even much weaker than being today.

- World Bank and IMF

Dear Friends: These institutions were made for making rich US VIP and their EU arse-creepers. And to make Africa and great parts of South America and Asia poor - and starting with starvation.

It was not the intention to do so, by Bush and Wolfowitz and all their predecessors. But the system is of a logic, with high interest rates, lost autonomy, lowering exports, payback conditions, make population starve for useless national insane investments - and finally debts plus interest to be paid back, so that these Nations had to tumble and come in a spiral of national indebtedness. This indebtedness counts alone in the USA about one million dollar for each U.S. Citizen in the average, for some other States even higher, but not one Nation can be found in easy condition - not even Switzerland or Monaco, with their WEF, Abzocker-Banks and -Casinos.

It was never possible to govern the world with cash-streams. The hybrid brains of 99 percent of world population are not even strong enough, to govern a world without money. Forget any theories on economics ever read: They were all deadly false. Sorry to say that. Read my books.

- Abzockers and their stupid victims

Are you an Abzocker? Okay, go home and shoot a bullet in your head. Are you a miserable victim of Abzockers? Then read why: The Abzockers, such as directors, CEO, shareholder value spinners and their bankers and consultants do nothing else but maximizing their own profits: By fusions, mergers, reconstructions, changes of systems etc. And you are bound to correct the deadly effects of those economic stupidities, with low salaries and working like hell, until being depressive, burnt out and sick - and then thrown out of your Company. These greedy Crooks are assisted by mentioned consultants and auditors, also wanting maximize their profits. On top of it are banks, idiots in politics which you reconfirm, like Bush, Blair, Sarkozy, Merkel and the 7 Idiots in Berne. You would never choose an intelligent man for being governed. You need all the official lies - but this goes in next letter, about collapses in Politics.

- As a conclusion: Rest of problems in our World

Economics are only one matter, the most important of all human systems, today. But they work in a way that all the rest, like ecology, environment, culture, military, politics, humanity and animals, inclusive the total nature of our globe must go down the drain. When? Just now. It happens since 1975, point of no return, in front of your open eyes and your brain full of dullness.

Who ever wanted to make collapse our Earth, should have invented a cash system with Stock Exchanges and Casinos, airplanes, cars, huge factories, using up all resources, transforming energy in deadly air-poison, and finally a Homo sapiens, who knows absolutely nothing, directed by feelings of vanity, superiority, greed and hope for becoming any time one of the new millionaires.

Still some questions, dear Reader? Be quiet and just go to dinner. You never take for serious, when somebody with brain tries to explain important matters, about how they function in fact. Stay undisturbed in your
Media Boulevard
's life.

B. Explaining the Collapse in Politics

The whole world seems to ask itself: Why should all systems in ecology, in economics, in politics and in culture collapse - one of these days?

My question its: Why does not the whole world understand that there is no way out of any total collapses? And I wondered since 40 years: Why does not any child immediately recognize the truth about our situation on Earth with regard to the deadly effects of an insane mass-behaviourism?

After Economics and Ecology, let's go into details of Politics:

- Origin of Terrorism

Have you ever heard the word "terrorism"? No? This is not astonishing, since it is an invention of a guy hearing on the name of Groessenwahn Bush - or tout court GW Bush. This man made a travel to Saudi Arabia and on a market place he shouted: "Israel should throw all Arabs into the Sea!" A little man with name Ladebin came along and asked: "Are you not afraid that these politics would cause some peculiar things?" Bush was astonished: "Dear Friend. The word for this is Terror." Ladebin misunderstood: "Horror of State?" Bush furious: "Goddamn, I said, terrorism by the Arabs and their Islamists!" Ladebin: "I guess, dear GW Bush, your views on politics is in the basket. Terror is made alone by your country."

Ladebin was very thoughtful after this meeting and he went as hermit up in the mountains in Afghanistan. He had a Laptop and as screen-protection a photo of two buildings in New York. In order to be able to write, he had to efface it and the next day 9/11, he learnt about WTC on TV. So he knew that he had magical forces and wrote the next day in his computer: "Ronald Reagan should come to Israel and spread terrorism over Arabia. GW Bush should go to Afghanistan and start up real terror of Taliban. He should come to Iraq and build up a camp of instruction for anti-terrorism against Hegemoniacs."

Now you know, why we will have in future any day a little bit more of terror - and we risk that after Bush (Ronald II) some time in future will appear out of the dark some Ronald III and use atom weapons against the world terror, established in a peaceful world, by exactly those who pretend today, to make any efforts to get rid of this plague.

-  Fight for the little Rest

In fact, terrorism, militarism and any state of hegemonic superiority dictate only one thing: Whom shall toll the final bell, whom shall belong the final resources and energy stuffs, when they will soon have come to an end? At the time being, the Saudis, Iraq, Iran, Russia and Hugo Chavez have the sources - and the US idiots the power to steel it with their hegemonic and atomic threats. But the "Equilibrium of Power" is on its move in Russia, Europe and China - and soon, the fights for the little Rest in resources, air, water, grounds and decent landscapes, we intended to leave behind to future children and animals, after 100 years of craziness, will be terrible and certainly more than just decimating a little bit some populations.

This might happen very soon, unless you, dear Reader, decide to become a hermit in a hermitage, near to the peaks of the Himalaya mountains. And there you can try to extend my picture a little bit, if your IQ would surpass the one of dogs or cats, since the IQ of dolphins is asked too high as level.

- Democracy bringing real "Freedom"?

GW Bush and Putin are convinced, just as the Pope, that "freedom" and democracy would resolve all problems on Earth. This is absolutely true: Hitler came to power with democracy. Mussolini too, just as Pinochet and Videla, and so it worked too with Sharon and Olmert, and the Hamas and Fatah, and Merkel, and Chirac and Bush and Putin. So "democracy" is the key-word for all peace and any happiness. G-8 and WEF said so, and those VIP- bunches of political and economic crooks must know, since they have often seen the inside of right-wing Universities.

As I wrote in one of my books: Learn what is the best political system on Earth. It is "Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities". The only funny thing is that Ladebin does not like the decisions of the crazy  electors for Bush, Blair not the dull electing majorities being for Putin, citizens of Kosovo not the ones for Milosevic, most of negroes not for the dictators they brought to power themselves, Hamas not for Sharon, Bush not for Hamas and the abzocking Swiss not the ones for Ahmadinejad, Merkel not the ones for Ratzinger and Lafontaine not the ones for Merkel, Segolene not the ones for Sarkozy - and Delavy not the ones of them all together.

They are all crooks and idiots, full of vanity, stupidity, having no idea of ecology, being protectors for the tax-free Abzockers of this world and they hate poor people, all animals and the whole nature on this planet. I think that "Democracy" is the worst system of all, because all is based on cash in favour of the rich, idiocy of media, and a total dullness of the majorities of voters. Perhaps we should always have decided that witch-killing devils, the Popes of all religions, govern the world, because these guys (and sex-transformed females) have real ethics and morals of the highest class in the Universe.


Writing about politics is like writing about worms or skunks. As always I excuse myself with animals. They are the better humans. But we must know who is responsible for the downfall of our civilisation - in the Orcus of Times and Space. And there is no doubt: The greatest skunks are the politicians.

They know absolutely nothing, they have no IQ, no superior knowledge. They only know how to be re-elected by the most naive majorities in all lands, based on highest dullness of all planets in the Universe. Politicians must lie from the Dawn to Sunset and tell us that we are living in the "Best of Orwell or Huxley Worlds".

And you will always be prepared to eat any shit - be it on World Media of Murdoch, Berlusdoggy or worse. You just have not the brain to know what reality is, dear Reader.

I know: Everybody has his own brain. And it is a question of survival to believe that the own is superior to others. Exactly this model is the reason in "Higher Arts", more precisely in philosophy of modern times, under influence of Huntington, Fukuyama, Habermas, Levy, Derrida, Finkielkraut, Agamben, Enzensbergy or GW Bush, why all IQs of famous 99 percent are going below of Zero since 1975, point of no return.

René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "PLADESNIEKANT" / "CHAOS" / "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung" / "Russian admire criminal Putinism" / "Criminal Acts in US Politics, Economics, Ecology and Religion"