Hit-Parade of Nations - 1975 and 2019

Hit-Parade of Nations - 1975 and 2019

Considering the Situation in 1975 and in 2019 for

- Life Quality

- Chances in the Future

- Environment in Climate-Collapse

we have the following listing:

1975                                                        2019

Rank 1        USA                                     Rank 1            Scandinavia

2                  Canada                                2                      Canada

3                  Soviet Union                        3                      Russia

4                  Scandinavia                        4                      Switzerland / Austria

5                  Switzerland                          5                      Germany

6                   Italia                                     6                      Central America

7                  France                                  7                      France

8                  Australia / New Zealand      8                      New Zealand   

9                  Spain / Portugal                   9                      Italia

10                England                               10                    East Europe

Some of the greatest criminals are those who disappeared from the Listing - like USA, England and Australia.

And here some comments to the above listing:

Never any Chances had:

- China - Africa - India - Indonesia - Japan - Brazil - South America and Asia:

1. China and India because of overpopulation and coming implosion.

2. Japan and USA are bankrupt since a long time and cannot be helped.

3. Australia like Africa and most other lands will suffer to death from Climate collapse.

- And there is no assurance that Europe, Canada and Russia may not follow in the broken situation of finances, economics and ecology. They will by 100 per cent of accuracy, poor brain.

In fact, all lands of the Globe shall fall in pieces from 2010 to 2050 - there is no doubt what so ever. In short: The whole world goes down the Drain.

Just hope, I would not make a HITPARADE of the year 2050.

It would be terrible - my Friends.

Rene Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 31, 2018   


Special thanks for

Hitparade of most Hateful Nations

Based on behaviourism and dullness in understanding our World:

Nr. 1  -  USA                               Number One of World in Finance and Ecology Crimes

Nr. 2  -  Switzerland                   Number One on Tax Fraud and Banking Crime

Nr. 3  -  China                             Greatest possible Implosion of Economics and Water ever seen

Nr. 4  -  Israel                              Wall Street and Arab Crash Champion with low IQ

Nr. 5  -  Most African Lands      Dictatorships of worst and planned poverty explosion

Nr. 6  -  Most Arab Countries    Oil idiocy leaving nothing but a desert and death

Nr. 7  -  India / England              World Champion in kicking the bucket by Overpops

Nr. 8  -  Russia                            Idiocy in giving all fortunes to oligarchs and Putin

Nr. 9  -  South America              First torturing youth to death and then killing agriculture   

Nr. 10 -  Australia / Rest            Killing itself by finance, economy, culture and ecology CRASH

To be clear:

- It is question about Nations, NOT understanding the CRASH in Finances, Economics, Philosophy, Culture and Ecology. Not a question of FATE or God, but simply of human stupidity and shit-in-brains in the heads of VIPs and Elite in all nations on our globe - being torn to hell in spirit of greed, profits, growth and of hells angels insanity.

But this can happen - don't take it for goddamn serious....

It was a misery to be forced being at Life during a phase of the Globe, when all humanity tumbled to Hell in only 100 years from 1950 to 2050.

Rene Delavy