Legal Tax Fraud Scandal

Legal Tax Fraud Scandal
Auschwitz Gas - legalized TAX FRAUD

Since 1950 until today (more than ever before), a gigantesque Tax Fraud System in favour of the "rich Class", conglomerates and Banks and Bonus getters could be developed worldwide - and the 99 percent were forced to pay the bill.

Same for the bankers criminal business and all huge losses produced by them, bringing nations into bankruptcy situation.

All governments, congresses, experts and medias knew about those systems and accepted them.

Therefore, the 99 percent must kill all perpetrators, when such system of finance industry crime goes bankrupt before 2025.

Further - as Jew I say:

It is a Lie that the rich class, Jews, bankers, conglomerates would pay normal taxes worldwide, because OECD, Swiss government, Trump etc. would prevent legalized Tax Fraud.

Therefore, Trump, the US Republicans, all Jews of Wall Street, all WEF participants, OECD, Tax Justice, Swiss and 50 Tax oasis governments und Big 4 must be brought in the Gas to Auschwitz.

These are still the existing FACTS:

1. Still the rich class can with aid of Big 4 and 10000 lawyers and Tax experts prevent taxes on great figures of their income. 

This also concerns the crimes of HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Deutsche Bank and UBS and 1000 other Jewish Shit-Banks on this globe. Das ganze Geplauder um die Siena Bank macht nicht einen Tausendstel der Verbrechen des Judentums der Banken aus.

2. Still the conglomerates can take profit of the 1000 tricks of legalized tax fraud on 90 percent of their world profits.

3. Still exists DELAWARE as last resort to hide income, fortune and capital gains from State taxes worldwide.

4. Still all greedy billionaires like Trump and Blocher  and the brainsick "Rich Class" see tax freedom on capital gains worldwide - both on realized and unrealized capital gains, the thing that makes the Rich Class richer, each new day - on shares, derivatives and other useless Junk, overstated by factor 10. And the 99 percent get poorer and nearer to their ruin - each new day.

5. Still the rich class gets also richer - because heritages are tax-free worldwide.

6. Still the regime of "mixed companies", holding privileges, licence companies in tax fraud nations, special arrangements by States with conglomerates and banks and billionaires are in existence.

7. Still the middle class and poor are heavily punished for any Dollar or Euro or SFR not presented to authorities, whereas the rich class can do what they want.

8. Still murdering Tax Reforms are accepted in USA, Europe and 50 Tax Oasis on global scale.

For all these reasons, the injustice in Tax Fraud remains untouched and the mass shall bring to death the wise gangster Class.

OECD, WEF, Swiss Government, Trump, EU Juncker and other big Shit are soon transported into the Gas of new built Auschwitz and  the whole class of rich Junk, maintaining their crimes on worldwide basis, be killed.

Must be eliminated from the face of the Earth:

All perpetrators, Jews responsible for criminal banking, for deadly neoliberalism, State bankruptcies, the crimes of central banks and worthless cash in computers and dirt of finance junk overstated by the factor of 10. Out of the way by those stinky animals.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 10, 2017