Future Effects - be it with left- or right-wing Politics
In Future, all governments in all nations of the globe will make the following experience:
The Future of politics
The general Rule for future politics after 2010 shall be:
Whatever party you take, whoever would be president or prime minister, whatever kind of government we have, the politicians will prove to be the greatest Greenhorns in governing ever seen in human History.
It does not matter if we take Republicans or Democrats in USA, CDU or SPD in Germany, Conservatives or Socialists in France, Berlusconi or Monti in Italia, Labour or Liberals in England, Merkel or Gabriel in Germany, Bank-fraud or ecologic Party in Switzerland, Obama or Romney in USA, Liberals or dictators or Sharia-Parties in Egypt, Tunisia and Syria and Libya, Hu and Wen or capitalistic Crooks in China, Singh or some other Gandhi idiot in India - take what you want - any kind of system of government world-wide - the miserable effect will always be in future:
- The Government or Parliament or President or Prime Minister etc. will never have any chance, to be successful, because in all lands the financial, the economic, the cultural, the ecologic and other SYSTEMS have started to break down and tumble to hell for all times.
Never ever breakdowns are a question of right- or left-wing Politics
Forget POLITICS for all times.
For the Craze and Crimes in the destruction of our Earth, there is no difference between capitalism, communism, socialism or any other sort of governments. The left Unions and their workers wanted just as well full employment, cheap Chinese products plus highest profits and deadly growth - on cost of nature and animals and future - as the profit-greedy idiots around the right-wing Republicans, the U.S. Jews at Wall Street or any tax fraud banker in Switzerland .
Full employment and growth means in good German: To do absolutely ALL, any crime, in USA , Europe , China etc. to exhaust the planet from billions of years of treasures, to the charge of all future generations and to the profit of a few billionaires, got tax-free for ever.
Still today the reports about daily rates on Stock Exchanges and new records in flying humans by airplanes demonstrate - together with one million other signs - how THIS humanity has less than shit in their brains. It's more than stupidity - it is a wanted crime by the Elite and the Masses, because their "View on the Whole" is not optimistic, not pessimistic or not realistic - no, it's just the greatest shame of intellect all over all planetary Systems in the Universe. Show me just one more stupid star possessing a lower intellectual species, and I pay you a million Dollars.
The major problem of awareness
I wrote repeatedly in my texts that the Elite and the masses have no brains anymore.
Nobody in the world can read the realistic history and their effects of systems, because some very easy-going truth about today's overall situation of the globe, cannot be "read" by any person of the world, except me as given in all of my books.
The political situation is the following per 2012:
In the past, all governments did absolutely all to deteriorate finances, to make develop a systems of Growth in economics thus destroying future hopes and possibilities. In addition, computers and internet made all children of the world to become mega-stupid, as well as the modern kinds of education, making of humans some robots of capitalists and bankers, instead of thinking philosophers. And worst is the time-bomb of the ecologic collapse to come and to increase its effects each year a little bit more, as predicted by me already in 1975.
In the present periods, all governments try to increase these deadly effects - either by austerity resulting in bankruptcy of the finance system, or by further deadly growth even more destroying resources and the rest of our planet. And these idiots believing in empty heads at power, try in fact to overcome a PAT SITUATION without issue, of the present times - and they will never get the bulk of the facts, what is:
- There are no solutions possible and no ways out anymore.
And thus in future, the masses will elect some political idiots, pretending to resolve the hopeless problems of their lands, but by nature humans were since 50 years bound to fail. And therefore, any politician is bound to increase the downfall of humanity in the future times, until the complete breakdown of humanity around 2050.
There are no way-outs in politics
And since the politicians together with the most idiotic other people, the scientists, cannot read the world-theatre as it is today, to say the origins of the deadly effects, plus the reasons for failure, plus the way humans are going into their future, there is not ONE SOLUTION or PLAN B given, elite and masses be living in a one-way street, because the capitalistic systems has always been NUTS and pure shit, long before Popper and Friedman created Chicago School and before the famous year of 1989 would have destroyed the brains of Fukuyama and Huntington and Habermas.
Same goes for socialism and other human systems, except my "Zielgesellschaft" - and therefore, each new government will get into the situation of Obama after Bush, of Monti after Berlusconi, or of Merkel after Schroeder, or the Swiss tax fraud types after fairy-tale Swiss types, the pragmatic idiots after the communist idiots in China, Putin after Medvedev in hopeless neo-liberal Russia, Hollande after Sarkozy in France, Cameron after Blair in England, the sharia idiots in Egypt or Tunisia or Libya or Syria after Mubarak, Ben Ali, Saddat or Gaddafi (wished so much by paranoid Hillary Clinton) -- you can take any land of the globe, each new government is bound to fail like the banks too big.
And the masses - having become blind to the max - will not identify the PAST of history, not see their own idiocy of themselves, as the major reason for the catastrophes of the present. No - all they will be able to understand with rotten brains of the 99 percent, will be the natural fact that the present Elite is not able to achieve the "IMPOSSIBLE". And because mega-stupid folks cannot understand simple systemic matters, just as the VIPs with Dynamite Prizes, the masses shall by error take governments for the false reason, and thus create the last real gigantic Black Swan - and they will always and in even shorter times, dictate a rapid change of governments, of which each one will prove to be worse and more stupid than the one elected before...
This will have an effect of a Jo-Jo-Government model, where each new President or Prime Minister or other political system will prove to be worse than the one before, without any regard and importance which party to be taken. If humans would be intelligent, not one politician could wish anymore to be elected next.
Take for example the GREEN PARTIES or Occupy or Pirates:
The green party just accepted worldwide any capitalistic views of growth and destruction of a planet. What they did was to promise for nuts some fine changes of one per mille of deadly effects in ecologic affairs and never anything higher. And therefore, if the ecologists would come to power, in matters of ecology and even more in other fields, they shall prove to be worse as any social or liberal party before.
And the idiots around Pirates and Occupy belong to the children, who at an age of 10 years have already become complete idiots, believing in Cash, Computers, Internet and freedom of FREAKS. Having a government of Pirates would therefore be the same or worse as a Merkel-Government in Europe . - And in the USA , Occupy would have the downfall effects of Ronald or Bush or Obama or Palin or any other godless Pope of Rome.
When stupid Systems of Cash on a WORLD SCALE get rotten, and when politicians are just as dull as scientists, philosophers, literary skunks and other writers of human-feelings books about idiotic subjects, there is no hope allowed anymore. And even better is it, when ecologists search power, those measuring the crimes of the past, when producing new ones each year a little bit more and more, when all this has become FACT, our world was from the start with Adam and Eve bound to find its end and then go to hell in PEACE, in any country - such as
- China , India , USA , Europe, Africa, South America, Greenland and Australia .
Sad truth, India and China should never have exceeded 500 Mio. - the rest is starving just NOW!
And to tell me any different story about higher "wisdom", when 99 percent are blinded and grown stupid to the max, it does not make much sense to tell me any idiocy, since I predicted all of these happenings since 30 years, in all of my scripts, rejected by media, editing companies, VIPs and Occupy Idiots in New York .
And now you can eat the hard bread and drink the stinking water, as result of left- or right-wing politics, in all areas of a fast dying Planet.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on August 6, 2012
represents the murderer Biden of the murder-nation USA and NATO against Russia.
Fox TV represents the idiot Murdoch for Jews of Israel and Tax Fraud for the
Rich Class and deathly neoliberalism. Both love the Jew Selensky.