Pleite-Banks overall - Nations too

Most Banks in the World are "PLEITE" - Nations too
(published with Worldnews wn and Pravda)

2008: Wall Street in face of Senate 

All top bankers and their lawyers were JEWS – without exception. They are responsible für the coming CRASH of all Banks to come!

If assets would get down by only 10 %, all banks worldwide will be bankrupt - note this.

The world is not facing a recession in the USA. The world is facing a recession in all countries. The idiocies and sins of the past in the financing market business have now consequences, due to following reasons:

- America has lived for the last 20 years on the account of China, Korea, Japan, Europe, Russia etc. with an immense deficit in Trade market.

- America has started with Ronald Reagan's lowering of taxes for the richest persons and companies an immense state indebtedness that exploded under the witch-craft politics during 8 years of a crazy-gone idiot with republican name GW Bush.

- America has taken all risks in getting explode consumerism in housing, real estate, cars, travels, casino games and any other gadget of consumer-stupidities you may name.

- America - together with London, Frankfurt, Tokyo and Zurich - developed financial junk like hedge funds, derivative and other criminal instruments to trick out normal market. The financing cracks and their Nobel Prize mathematicians wanted to be brighter than normal business and original functions of Stock Exchanges - and now this insanity is falling on the head of all banks, investment and insurance companies and other saving and financing entities in our world.

And this is only a superficial analysis of the greatest stupidities of U.S. Government and Congress, of European and Japanese Governments and Russian Oligarchism under Yeltsin and Putin.

Now, let's go to the "Pleiten" (bankruptcies) of the money market worldwide and the functioning and administration of this economic eclipse:

A.  Goldman Sex, Merry Lynching, Low IQ Morgan Case and Liemen Brothers

These investments bankers are one of the major reasons of the fall down of New York Stock Exchange that drew all other banks and funds down to hell. And now these cretins are, beside the forerunning Bearing Star, just facing the own bankruptcy. Why? Because the sub-prime mortgage business is only the start of the collapse. Credits on prime mortgage will follow. Then will pop up credit-card credits, leasing credits, disappearing profits in industry, unemployment, followed by exploding Chapter 11 matters.

FED and the U.S. government cannot help, because both are bankrupt long time ago. In fact, USA alone has an indebtedness of 20 trillions dollars. Add the ones of breaking down infrastructure, 50 States, all towns and counties, add above mortgage criminalities, Chapter 11, individual credits and you can, whatever method you would chose, count ONE MILLION DOLLARS DEBTS FOR EACH AMERICAN CITIZEN.

Under these circumstances, any assistance in the financial U.S. market is increasing State and other folks debts in charge of middle class and poor - and be solely in favour of the eternal Abzockers in banks, insurance, big business, auditing, accounting and consulting scrap etc. - in short again in the interest of the richest Junk of VIP, who - in their immense greed - were responsible for the present disaster, worldwide.

There is no other way: Helping the above companies not to collapse - and giving on all the losses to the American folks as a whole…. all this is resulting from a typical Friedman, Popper, Reagan, Thatcher, Bush syndrome -  and their Shock Super-Capitalism bankers.

B.  UBS, Credit Suisse, Swiss private bankers and Deutsche Bank are "Pleite"

It is easy: I could say that all banks in Europe are bankrupt. Since the downfall in the USA will, with a lapse of time of ONE YEAR come over the ocean and we will see repeated the U.S. catastrophe here as well.

Might well be that Swiss, German, French, English and Italian FED try to stop the disaster, like the U.S. Federal Bernanke. But the effect would be the same: Protect the richest skunks from their criminal deeds and destroy trillions of funds to the disadvantage of middle class and poor.

In fact this is of no importance: Old age funds, rents, securities for health, infrastructure, ecological needs and insurance will tumble anyway - be it by loss of values in Stock Exchange papers or taking Nations for hostage - and make them heading towards State Bankruptcy.

The truth: The big heads from Universities, like Greenspan, Bernanke, Ospel, Ackermann, Schwab and all CEOs in America, Europe and Australia did not see coming the actual disaster. And so their analyses on the future of money market, worldwide, is not worth the paper such intellectual scrap is and will be written on.

C.  China, Russia and India banks will also be drawn down to hell

China, Russia, India - like before Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore - decided to take over the insanity of the rules of Super Capitalism.

Now their financing of the U.S. bonanza by worthless U.S. Treasury Bonds is coming to an end. In addition they will see fall their turnover in "Cheapness scrap" down to hell, consumerism from America and Europe be lowering fast, be it with or without any Nano-Tata cars. As a consequence, the "rich" China, Russia and India banks just as other financial institutes will tumble down to hell.

It was never a good idea to sacrifice land, water, air, grounds, workers, peasants, agriculture to the western God of capitalism, in the sole interest of the golden boys of the richest Congress Members in China and the aristocratic criminals in India. About Russians Oligarchs made by Putin, any further word to my former Editors Letters about Russia will be one word too much.


We may look in any direction: If the downfall or recession of the world markets can be turned around once more, the critical situation with resources, energy, ecological disasters to come and the general stupidity in the Murdoch alternative market with the gossiping, shreddering and ruminant chief-editors and journalists of zero value, will prove to be even higher in force, for our present generation and in special for our children - and all the lost generations supposed still to come, as if it would happen just now.

Stupidity of mankind, of Homo non-sapiens, made it that we have come in this situation, as I write now since 30 years, in economics, politics, ecology, culture, military, terror, media junk, empty brains of youth only investing in hopes for money and big cars, all this is at the source of the present situation.

And this again is the result of a self-destructing philosophy of humans being playing their own Gods and disrespecting our planet, the basis of our "condition humaine", seen by average brains as sheer junk.

This has been the philosophy not only of Popper, Friedman, Huntington, Fukuyama, GW Bush, Merkel, Blair, Sarkozy, 7 Dwarfs in Berne, Berlusconi, but in fact, this sort of stupid thinking started with Plato, followed by Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and very much, most naturally, by all stupid Pragmatists of American low IQ brains who had been the forerunners in spirit, of what USA has been as economical and ecological  forerunner in murdering societies by establishment of a marvellous Cash-Casino, better known as "Friedman Shock-Capitalism".

All this is now coming to its natural end.

René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "CHAOS" " / "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung" and "10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz"

Sicherheiten, Werte und Staatsgarantien 

Es ist ein Betrug an solche Dinge zu glauben. 

Hinter Aktien, Staatsbonds, Derivaten, Crypto und Währungen gibt es keinerlei Sicherheiten oder Garantien oder Werte: 

Aktien von Konzernen könnten von einem krachenden Unternehmen ohne Wert kommen. Alle Staaten sind maximal überschuldet und können ihre Bonds niemals decken. Währungen sind nur in der Fantasie der Massen von Wert. Absolut wertlos und ohne Hintergrund sind strukturierte Produkte, Derivative, Optionen und Crypto-Bullshit. 

In anderen Worten: Alle Werttitel der Welt sind wertlos und es bräuchte nicht einmal einen Börsensturz, um diese Tatsache offenzulegen!

Es gibt auch keine Staatsgarantien: Alles was ein Dreckstaat tun kann: Die Notenbank zwingen riesige Beträge von wertlosem Geld in allen Währungen in den Markt zu werfen. Damit wird die Überschuldung erhöht und es folgt eine gewaltige Inflation, die das gesamte Volk ruiniert und nochmals den Eliten die kriminelle Chance gibt, alles an sich zu reissen.

Weltweiter Tax Fraud 

Wenn alle Konzerne auf den realen Gewinnen der Welt an die 35 Prozent Steuern leisen müssten und die Rich Class auf allen Kapitalgewinnen und auf Einkommen über ihre Finanzverbrecherfirmen ebenfalls 35 Prozent, kämen Billionen zusammen. 

Und die 99 Prozenter der Blöden müssten um diese Beträge entlastet werden. 

Deshalb müssen die Verpflichteten, also die 99 Prozente, alle Eliten und Reichen nach Auschwitz ins Gas befördern - samt aller Juden.

Gemeint sind natürlich die Finanzjuden des "Deep State" mit ihren Gesetzen zu ihren Gunster aller Regierungen der Welt.

Man darf diesen Wahnsinn nicht weiter stehen lassen - die Massen sind bald am Verrecken durch die Schuld der Rich Class, die nichts wie Verbrecher sind!