Singularity - Diversity
The stupid Woke-Idea that humans would
be unique in the world - but at the same time have 100 genders, races,
individualities etc. - is absolutely crazy.
We are all the same in any respects worldwide - looking from the universe down - as an ET would see it:
All humans are and do the SAME:
In detail:
In the morning, all dress up alike, wash
themselves, eat something, go to work, do a profession to get money, look TV in
the evening, get married, have children, like idiotic events, make sex and go
to sleep at night, when the Earth is turning.
They have the same body, same brain with
average stupidity, same interests, same dullness, same books, same newspapers, same
habits, same cars and air planes, same wars, torture, crazy religions, same
hopes, same tendency to destroy the future and our Earth -
Where - goddamn - is singularity and diversity?
We may have 1000 professions - required
to make run our daily life - but each one is in its overall singularity a death
nail to collective diversity.
To believe we would learn to survive the
atrocity of our future, is nuts. In fact, our youth learns how to destruct our
lives and future - as fast as possible - and to fuck around for an explosion of
Intellect - today? According to my
"8 Steps of Intellect" some 5000 folks may still be able to understand
our reality - as it is - the rest is blind and paranoid.
Politics is Trump, Mao, Hitler, Modi,
Netanyahu - what else? Some programme to destroy our planet - and afterwards -
the whole humanity goes down the drain forever.
It started hopefully around 1750. The result
of industry, techniques, banks, consumerism, progress, growth etc. - led to
Destruction of the Earth
Whereas humans never recognized the
effects of falling down in misery by climate collapse, the effects of diversity
and stupidity made people blind to all effects of death to come.
And now - really - comes the End.
René Delavy - Côte d'Azur
written on March 18, 2025