Millions of unnecessary DEADS
The greatest murder Nations are:
USA – China – Russia – Germany – England – Spain – India – Israel and some other.
These Junk nations are responsible for killing millions of normal people for no reasons at all and they must be destroyed for all times.
Let’s see some Hit-Parade of the worst States ever:
In history, US Amis may have killed without any reason some 100 million of folks: Red Indians - Nigger slaves – Mexicans – Philippines – in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia – Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Chile, Argentina, Guatemala etc.
The best was to kill about 5 million folks as revenge for justified 9/11 attack by Arabs. USA belongs under the ground forever.
Not only Mao killed millions of own folks, but in their history the great battles and genocides were producing killed civilians without reason per millions.
Stalin was very fund of killing own folks not supposed to be real communists. Several millions it is said and still Putin admires that Junk. There were several Eras when killing folks around Russia was a funny game for Russians in all times.
The Germans were responsible for WW I and II and Hitler was the source of 60 million dead stupids and 6 million stupid Jews.
The Jews were overdue because they tried after 1945 to kill 20 billion of folks worldwide by their atom bombs and neoliberalism and murdering banks, and they succeeded.
All Colonialists destroyed AFRICA and South America and India under Gandhi until this very day and the genocides of them were so terrible of British, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Italy, Japan and else that the guest turns his back with HORROR and the millions of tortured and murdered and rotten out - come back and will kill all such nations – be sure of this.
This stinking nation that had stolen all Lands from Arabs killed first masses of Arabs in Israel, West Jordan Land, and were the source of killing by USA in all Middle East States as written above.
But the major fun was to kill ten thousands in GAZA as reaction on the REVENGE of HAMAS as price for all Crimes of Jews in Israel under Natan Juhu. As a result, the whole world - except USA and EU - will kill Israel for all times and the Jews as well.
And the rest
Murdering folks, the own and other around some territory is the major characteristic of Humans since they exist.
They murder animals per trillions and think - this would be normal.
But GOD has decided to get rid of all Humans before 2099 – and so it will happen.
The stinking Nations, the money, the Jews, the masses and corrupt Elites are DEAD and you should not think, they would still be alive.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written in November 2023