Richard FORD

Richard Ford – “Be Mine” – “Valentinstag” 


The German title of this book was “Valentinstag” and I preferred to read it in this – my own language. 

The comments on the cover were: You will learn how USA functions today in theory and in reality - in the years around 2020. 

I was wondering how he would achieve this goal and the more I read, the more got angry about this author.


And here some of the reasons – WHY... 


The sick Son Paul - dying during the trip 

Well, the plan was (what was done) to visit the monument in Rushmore with the idiotic US 4 Presidents out of stone. All the book just goes about the 2 days of voyage in a truck or Camper. 

The son seems to have a character of a dull person, very common, very superficial, liking whatever was odd and queer and stupid. 

The dialogues of father and son were more than stupid and the way they argued just is below any level. 


The Folks all around 

The idiotic folks love either Trump or Biden or both and present themselves as very ordinary persons without higher intellect. They talk like little children and their way of seeing life in the USA is beyond any reasonable level of thoughts. 


Better such a nation would die rapidly and get off the Map 


Events and what seems to be important 

Well, nothing written in the book is really important, not his relations, not his life, not the nation USA and it is clear why USA belongs to the most stupid nations of all times. There is nothing to see above a very low level of existence. 


Philosophy – Heidegger and some other Idiots 

I wrote in my Book “Philosophie der Realität – Alltag des Wahns” about 600 critics of VIPs of all times, one of which was Heidegger. Some of his ideas about existence were not bad and we should not reduce him to Hitler, in a Land where the most stupid man is Biden and the most criminal Trump. 

In ways of philosophy, FORD is about on the level of a student who is interested to become rich for making his life easier. 



Look into “Voyage à la fin de la Nuit» of Céline and you will get all the difference. 

There are almost non writers who should be read at all. They all are just living of nothing, dying for nothing and being remembered for nothing – like this funny Richard FORD. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on September 12, 2023

Virtual and real World

The virtual and the real World

What we have today is

The virtual World


It seems as if Politics would be the most important of the World, on TV, in all media and in the net – such as elections about Donald Trump, national affairs, who has the power in a country etc. and other bullshit of no value and importance.

This all is of utmost unimportance!


All brains of 8 billion idiots turn around to have same rotten world and growth as before CORONA. People with shit in their heads want again the huge figures in production, in industry, trade, banks, flights, tourism, Casinos, Events, destruction of nature and holocaust of Animals.

This is craze – first – and second - will never happen.


All idiots want highest figures and they believe in them with corrupt money market, immense values at Stock Exchanges, being rich and tax-free for the Rich Class and for Middle Class and Poor too some Cents. All believe to be totally safe.

This is nuts!


All nations plan about getting out of oil and gas and coal. They believe in Electro-Cars, Hydrogen energy, solar and wind bluff, being able to cure all forests, oceans full of poison and plastic, animals and insects going to disappear but being safe and so on. Just having the perfect Pinker World on a golden Hill!

In FACT, we are just out of the game.

Water, resources, raw materials

We believe to have 100 possibilities to save whatever with 10 billion of folks, still having lots of water under all ground, rivers always to flow with clean water and if not, just with lots of energy producing drinkable water out of oceans. Same goes for all resources and raw materials: They get out or increase the ecologic misery - until all folks of the globe will be dead as dead can be.

All belief in a functioning world is nuts and pure craze.

Arts, Literature and Towns

All folks and about all our elite believe that arts, literature and architecture would be the proof, how great the culture of humans is. All are so proud about the human oeuvre and they forget: Art, Literature and Towns are here to disappear and break down forever.

Take what you want – we are DEAD long before dying!

However, we live since quite a long time in

The real World

This is in FACT the real world after the literature of DELAVY:


There is no control by Trump or Biden or Hillary or take what you what. Even Putin or Jinping or Modi: They have zero power about what is going to happen next.

The real power lies alone in nature and in the “Deep State”, to say the Rich Class, bankers, conglomerates and those who dictate, what persons are going to be rich or poor - next.


The whole world is down and dead in economics, all is a huge bluff and it became evident by the Corona-catastrophe. Now millions of companies go down the drain, hundred of millions lose their jobs forever and the Nations with trillion-debts can’t possibly finance those idiots going now down by billions in numbers.


Since quite a long time, the finances are of no value anymore and all stock exchanges, banks, insurances and conglomerates are pleite:

- Bonds: States can never pay pack the value of treasury bonds in dozens of trillions – all States are broke.

- Shares: The value of conglomerates and banks are zero, since the balance sheets on the asset side are full of bullshit, the debts never really shown in full and all equities long time gone. All companies are in fact bankrupt and same goes for insurances, banks, tourism, Event und Sport business, hotels, casinos and take what you want.

- Bitcoins and derivatives: All this bullshit is a bluff and Junk and of no value anymore - and never was!

The States can create trillions of Dollars, Euros, Yuan or Yen out of nothing with the deadly result that in fact, cash is of no value and anytime the global inflation around 1000 percent and more can explode.


There is no sense in developing other cars or planes or alternative electricity, because they don’t have anymore the resources, sand, seldom earth, other material to be used – and in addition, it will break nature and kill all folks, if done.

Water, sand and raw materials

Already now, all exports and imports go down the drain – and soon with gigantic droughts, floods and super-storms, we will see no water anymore, no sand for infrastructure and for the huge MEGA-towns and anyway – who the hell should have the finances for such matters, when all is gone in wars, armies, weapons and craziness of State presidents and other Shit?

Arts, Literature and Towns

The truth is that never arts and literature were anything else but the idiocy to present our rotten humanity and the stinking heads of the powerful in misery and to hide the truth about the miserable quality of life. Our mega-towns developed during the explosion of POPS are condemned: Nothing but prisons for masses to kick the bucket within very short time when the collapses in finances, trade, economics and climate-collapse will come - before the year 2050 will be reached.


The whole world of stupid HUMANS is dead and will never get out, being in a tunnel and in a train going down in free fall towards the middle of our Earth for ever – Idiots!

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur - written on August 24, 2020