USA – Dirty Silicon State
It was time the BRICS extended just wiped out USA as the Empire of murderers, it has been since 1600.
This nation goes to its end.
How dirty USA is - can be found in the Silicon Valley:
Amazon destroyed some millions of small business in every town of USA and Europe. Their employees are slaves. Bezos got trillionaire and does not pay taxes. The stinky liberals love such JUNK, because they have all bullshit in their brains.
It destroyed millions of taxi drivers. They have no employees with social care and insurance guarantees, but are poorly paid as *enterprises” not paid and losing cash all the time. Such inventor must go to Auschwitz.
They destroy the real estate Markets in 100 towns and take away all chances from hotels and gastronomic firms and destroy more our environment as any other Shit in the brains of US Presidents.
People got crazy, women just tick on the shit of Apple the whole day long and are becoming bullshit feminists with 100 genders and their brains are supervised on world basis and there is no chance to escape – they are in fact controlled and soon dead.
Wall Street
The JEWS have installed neoliberalism, destroying all cash und further, taken over all Western Banks and the bankruptcy of its industry is just a question of time. Voyage paid to Auschwitz.
Those SKUNKS think they are intellectuals because of empty brains. But in fact, liberals are stupid like a snake. They produced poverty and spit on the poor beneath them. It’s time to slaughter the lives of brainless US Amis, believing in WOKE-Gayness of feeble-minded stinkers.
When the conservatives of Republicans voted for him, they would not guess that TRUMP stands like MUSK only for the Rich Class, tax freedom for the upper 10’000 and no Judges to bring those animals into jails, instead of all their Niggers like Obama.
NATO and Ukraine
USA not only killed per Millions in Vietnam, Argentina, Chile, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, but today they bring their rockets by NATO to the Ukraine frontiers towards Russia. To blame Putin for these crimes of USA, is the greatest FAKE of all times.
USA is dead as dead can be. Biden the greatest asshole ever - worse as Hillary – and this is really some sort of a record.
René Delavy – Côte d‘Azur
written in August 2023
World-CRASH of Lefts and Rights
World-CRASH of Lifestyle Lefts and Populism-Rights
The whole planet is governed today by the Jewish principles of neoliberalism in USA, Europe, Russia, China, Africa.
In view of Geopolitics, we have only two lines and parties:
- The Lifestyle Lefts of socialists, greenhorns, left-liberal idiots and MeToo whores
- The Populism Trump junk of conservative, right-liberal cash loving masses.
Both are under dictate of some corrupt Elite – the Rich Class and those who dictate finance industry and economics and possess all resources – what I call the “Deep State”.
Besides those two parties, making some 95 percent of all folks on Earth, we may have some other idiots of political views, but all of them do not understand what’s going on around our world.
All those parties of zero value just cannot recognize:
- The sense of life and nature, the value of animals, the coming Crash in finances and economics, the downfall of USA, China and the rest, death through the Climate collapse and my “10 Commandments of Death” before the year 2099 has come.
All these idiots risk at all - with open eyes and no brains - some atomic war, pandemics, no water and nourishment anymore and the total craziness of all brains of youth, adults, MeToo whores and global corrupt Rich Class not paying any taxes and all enterprises just on the edge of total bankruptcy, plus all banks and nations of this rotten world.
Funny enough, I wrote these effects since 1975 in all of my books and blogs and editors letters to all media, but naturally the Lefts and Rights just line up in the same direction of self-destruction – and the not existing GOD or ALLAH is wondering about the complete falling down the drain of
- masses, elites, nature, females, Silicon Valley and Trump-Biden and worse.
If you understood just one sentence of this, I swear in this case you must be sick and out.
The general rule must be:
Work for the suicide of humanity – or nothing at all – JUNK!
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written End of March 2022