World Accounting CRASH
The concept of humanity is it that all what humans do can be kept under perfect control – in all times to eternity.
In fact, whatever humans do: Progress, growth, creation of systems and currencies and cash and take it, is damned to end in a huge CRASH and there is no way out of this destination and the reasons for our death in finances and commerce and trade and economics and even science and social life, is so simple that any child of 3 years should laugh his head off.
There is no such thing as “Free Money”
All folks think that money can be created by trillions of Dollars or Euro etc. without negative effects.
This rotten Idea is bullshit:
Any Dime created, translates in debts and useless investments and the debts can never more be recovered or paid back - what means bankruptcy of the system and any possible investments get rotten, whatever is created to destroy our planet and then comes our end of all possibilities.
Too little money means death of societies, nothing can be financed anymore.
Too much money means inflation and trillions of uncovered debts and death of societies.
Money – like God and Religion – being pure conspiracy
Inventions of crazy idiots like Gods or Religion, it’s the same with cash or money:
It does not exist, is useless and without any value, just Zeros and Ones in Computers per trillions and can be of no value within seconds.
Having more debts as assets is bankruptcy for
persons, families, banks, conglomerates or nations - and all of them are today
in ruin and dead.
Losing the balance – everything gets out of balance
Governments and by society financed Elite pigs think that cash can be kept in balance in any context of nations and business:
- Imports and exports would be almost be the same within and between nations.
- Creation of cash and debts in trillions could be held under control.
- Income for nations would always cover the expenses for military complex, wars, weapons, useless huge airplanes, rotten factories, stinking systems of luxury, building all houses and infrastructure, stupid education, rotten science, hospitals and take it.
This is idiocy of the highest: Nothing can be kept under control, least by national banks and the corrupt Rich Class - being the “Deep State”. All such JUNK brings all folks at the complete CRASH of all systems including money and any dead matters in stock exchanges.
Distribution of what we don’t have
It is clear that the “Deep state” is just throwing Trillions in wars, arms, the empire of miliary and useless sciences and matters of big bullshit - like the Silicon Valley and stupidities like crypto bullshit and useless destroying the Earth by destructing consumption, not being to be kept under control.
By the end, the Rich Class prevents paying any taxes as do also the conglomerates, and there is no cash left for workers, employees, care professions, hospitals, infrastructure, social charges, rents, security, migrants and daily life and the banks and nations and companies have anyway more bullshit in their assets and huge debts, not covered and by the end, the whole house of accounting breaks in pieces worldwide and there is no way, to escape such fate.
No cash for social and other necessary matters of life
It is clear all over the nations that all nations have at length no cash left for social matters, for the poor, made poor by the system of States, for infrastructure having got rotten, for prevention of ecologic death, for workers, for the middle class always getting poorer in all nations, the destruction of the planet and losing all chances in future – and the corrupt ELITES just lie about these effects and don’t even know that they exist.
We are dead not only in finances but in all we did since about 300 years.
The Crash of all systems – nations – banks – industries etc.
As written in all my books, humans worked by systems down to the End of Humanity and any matters that could work on this planet.
The explosion of pops and of idiotic consumption and industry and stupidity of the Elites and the Rich Class, comes nearer and nearer to the edge of the System and it is just question of years, when all will get out of balance and all folks find them in total bankruptcy and whatever was functioning for a while, will tumble by principle and for final to hell for all times.
The End of it all
The End of systems and of human life has come as total normality and there is no way out of the tunnel.
Today, we have about 200 to 300 trillion Dollars of non-covered debts and any way back has become impossible.
The explosion of debts and hopelessness is guaranteed and humans don’t get, what is happening and by the year 2099 – according to my “10 Commandments of Death” - all humans will be DEAD and there is no way to prevent such fate – Idiots!
René Delavy – Côte de Wall Street
Author of "Philosophy of Reality - All days as Craze"
written on February 3, 2023
Bis ans Ende der Idiotenheit per 2099 wird man elektrischen Strom beinahe ausschliesslich mit Kohle, Erdöl und Gas produzieren müssen und damit wird der tödliche Klimakollaps vollendet und die Idioten sterben aus.
Nach allen Regeln der Kunst, werden China, Indien und Afrika und der Rest allen Strom mit diesen einzigen Mitteln produzieren müssen, denn:
- AKW sind niemals zurückzubauen und strahlen für Millionen von Jahren vor sich hin, lange nachdem es noch Menschen gab.
- Wasserkraft mit Dürren und Stauseen voller Erden – kann man vergessen.
- Solar und Wind-Energie brauchen Materien, die uns am Ausgehen sind.
- Die Idiotie mit Tesla und anderem Elektroschrott muss erst erzeugt werden mit Drecksbatterien und dabei ist Strom bald nicht mehr bezahlbar.
- Wasserstoff kann jederzeit in riesigen Explosionen ausarten - und muss hergestellt werden mit viel Energie aus Kohle, Erdöl und Gas und deshalb ist es ein Irrsinn, diese dumme Lösung als gute Lösung an die debilen Idioten verkaufen zu sollen.
Ergo sind wir am Ende unseres Lateins und bald verrecken die Idioten nicht nur am «CRASH of Accounting» sondern an ihrer eigenen Blödheit des Geistes.
Renée Delavie – Uetliberch
Feber 2023