I write this for 3 reasons:
First because I can - second because it's true - third because Americans have shit in their brains, such as Chinese, Germans and Swiss.
What is USA?
George Packer seemed to prove in his work "The Unwinding" that USA was in Decay since about 1960. But in fact, only when neoliberalism came into the world by Mont Pelerin Society in Chicago School, the Jewish banks of Wall Street and the U.S. economic craze could create the bubbles of a subprime crisis and worthless shit we know as Shareholder Value, Fed U.S. treasury bonds, IT shit of Silicon Valley, derivatives of fantasy and some China to take over all charges of U.S. industry.
And now after the Crash of 2008, we face the much higher voyage to hell for USA. This land is lost and dead, and not one soul got the facts of a land pulling the flush for itself.
But whatever I write here is also valid for England, China, India, Germany, France and Switzerland - all those lands and all BRICS of the globe are NOW in free fall and there is no solution from total bankruptcy of banks, nations, industries, shareholder values and our dearest neoliberalism.
But watch out what comes....
Finance industry - DEAD
When the U.S. Niggers went by millions in prison for a little bit of CRACK, it was clear that U.S. neoconservative idiots believed, right so, that the whole nation was on the way to hell, when this shit becomes normal attitude of students and bankers.
But at the same time, the Jews and idiots of IMF, Worldbank, Fed and AIPAC committed the greatest crimes ever with their rotten Banks too big to fail, criminal rating offices, Big 4 of accounting being crooks, all politicians big shit - and not ONE of the big Shots of U.S. Finance Industry went to prison, because the Mont Pelerin Society had built up the religion of a "Free Market could never be wrong" and makes some being billionaires and other being rich by trickle down effects.
In fact, today all shareholder values are overstated by at least 500 percent, Fed U.S. treasury bonds worthless since the Dollars is dead under a gigantic heap of U.S. debts in the amount of 200 trillion of dollars and the derivatives like ABS, CDO and CDS, the invention of Jewish bank women, just not worth the paper.
USA finance industry, like the one of City of London or Zurich Bahnhofstrass or Deutsche Bank is DEAD and out.
Normal industry - DEAD
General Motors still produce useless cars, killing the ecologic world like air planes, electricity production, heating and cooling of buildings and the Chinese Coal Shit, helding up a China cheap production role, short before its ultimate Crash.
Worse are the Tesla Cars of Musky. Would Jesus have made wonders and wanted to kill the U.S. Empire, he only should have created those heavy battery shit and the industrial atom bomb for USA would have been complete.
But other Branches are DEAD too:
IT Business is one big bluff and all shares of Silicon Valley of zero values.
- Searching machine Google? Just nothing of true value.
- Facebook shit of Jew Zuckerberg? To be thrown into the basket.
- Apple and some tablet shit? Already today in its free fall to hell.
Same goes for the whole IT shit on the globe, no real values, only a HYPE of the moment, falling into pieces after some time.
Fracking business called to order by the oil pricing of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Forget this innovation: Water sources going to hell and the oil being an idiocy to kill the geosphere of USA - nothing else. Shit happens.
Farming has no chance - the ecologic time bomb will get rid of it in USA, China, India and Brazil. It's a question of time.
And any Service Business is just artificial: Since trillions of dollars float around in USA, basing on Fed crimes of issuing them against the bankruptcy of USA being full of debts never paid back, by accounting rules, today all conglomerates, banks, currencies and nations are DEAD and don't know.
USA as nation - DEAD
When USA decided to leave the Gold Standard and keep money like some sort of religion, to believed in or not by skunks of power, it was the moment the Dollar and all currencies of the globe were DEAD, it was only a question of time this fact to see entered in the brains of hedonistic consumers.
Now, after the HYPE of criminal bankers, hedge funds, Fed, AIPAC, WEF and other shit with Deficit spending of nations, finding out about worthless derivatives like ABS, CDO and CDS and all the rest by criminal banks too big to fail, it is not a question, if USA is bankrupt and DEAD, because it happened already, but like in Swissair the question is: When does the ultimate bankruptcy become true by the Grounding of USA and China and the rest of idiots?
Economy of neoliberalism - DEAD
The idea of Mont Pelerin Society, the Jews around Friedman, Popper, Hayek, Greenspan, von Mises and some other idiots of USA and Israel, it was only a question of time, some rotten forces of the "Free Market" to destroy all rules of justice and fairness would overrun all societies and bring them down to hell.
With help of WEF and AIPAC and Chicago University, this shit of CASH and GROWTH not being recognized as sign of death over the Earth, but the chance of all rich VIPs, conglomerates, banks and other shit not to pay anymore their taxes, thanks heaven to Switzerland and 50 other tax paradises, assisted by the Big 4 in accounting and taxes, it was not a question of IF, but WHEN the global CRASH of the System will come.
It was about 2008, but buried immediately to develop a time bomb, 20 times more dangerous than the first one, and when it explodes around 2020, the economy of neoliberalism and all banks of the globe will be - DEAD.
Ecology of the globe - DEAD
In 1975 I wrote my "ORAKEL 2099" and proved that our world was on the way to hell, under the lead of the U.S. Empire and the Jewish rules of economy.
But more was the effect of economy of "Free market" on the geosphere and oceans and woods and other things of nature and animals:
It became clear in 1975 already that we had built a time bomb destroying humanity in the 21st Century, by ecologic catastrophes alone. It was clear that "time will stand still and the ecologic collapses will go into a vertical line of self-destruction".
This was in the PAST as origin -- and the effect will be in the FUTURE.
In other words: Whatever shitty Humans do from now on, the ecologic situation is such in 2016, that our globe will get towards death, with dead nations, dead shareholder values and U.S. treasury bonds, dead banks, dead finance industry, dead world economy and dullness in 99,99 percent of human brains and as the Cherry on top of the Cake - the ecologic Downfall of humanity in the next 50 years.
This globe is DEAD - and the folks have dead SHIT in their brains, including all philosophers, experts, professors, bankers and Jews.
The intellect of humans - DEAD
You believe in a better future when THIS was our past?
Forget it: Never folks and youngsters had been ever so dull, schizophrenic, paranoid and 99,99 percent of folks a pathologic case - as today. I pay any person one million, who presents us just one normal human except me.
Well, it is impossible for the human Shit today in China, India, USA, Europe or Nigeria, to get what I mean, but when the program of neoliberalism entered in all brains and CASH had become the sole religion on Earth, we cannot expect to see just ONE solution or Plan B to our DEAD WORLD, created by fools, taking themselves for Jesus, Mohamed or Gandhi or Obama.
There has never been any intellect on Earth, otherwise this text could never have been written. Where only ONE person on the globe can write the TRUTH about its STATUS QUO, we cannot say that there was intellect of humans on this bubble, at any time in our past.
Conclusion about USA
The conclusion about USA is, that this failed State was only the forerunner, who brought the Jews from Auschwitz, Israel, WEF Davos and School of Vienna to America to build atom bombs, atom works, finance atom bombs, banks too big to fail, rotten State Deficits and dead nations as a principle of economics - and worst, the idiots of Non-Jewish shit accepted such dirt and let it explode over China, Russia, Brazil, Africa, Switzerland, Mongolia, Japan and the rest of Niggers without brains, but Crack in the pockets - and still
- there is not one brain to get the contents of this Editors letter....
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written in January 2016