Geniuses in dead USA - Andersen

Shitface America „Evil Geniuses“ of Kurt Andersen 


I wonder what is more of Bullshit, Kurt Andersen, his new Fantasyland Book, the Reagan, Nigger Obama or Trump Era – or the downfall of the worst Jewish Junk Nation of all times - USA. 

Let’s see what asshole Kurt writes about modern USA:

All Junk-Jews of Wall Street, City of London, WEF Davos, Silicon Valley – Larry Fink, Hildebrandt, Bezos, Zuckermountian and tax-free Rich Class JUNK in 200 nations must be murdered at once. They are producing the most gigantic CRASH of all times in charge of the poor 99 percent. Kill them!

Part One – A brief History of America 

Kurt sees a heroic land of the brave and beautiful. What it was in reality, also according Alexis Tocqueville: 

Killing all Indians, enslaving all Niggers, making war against each other for religion and republic views of idiots, establishing the „Deep State“ and becoming the worst Colony of England ever. 

What we have today, started around 1600 and became worse all the time until 2021. 


Part Two – Turning Point 

The only period of sense and a little justice for the down-under 50 percent of fools was from 1950 to 1970. 

Afterwards came the Wall Street Jews according to the Elders of Zion and established a terrible neoliberal Bullshit of Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, where Money became shit, stock exchanges pure casinos and the turn of social justice to: The corrupt winner takes it all according to the principles of Marx, Popper, Milton Friedman and the Rich Class. 


Part Three – Wrong Turn 

Now the Left of Democrats as Lifestyle idiots for the successful bankers and the landside idiots of Texas, becoming strong by Tea Party shit, convinced the whole world that absolute freedom of the billionaires, the tax-free conglomerates with 50 tax oasis like Switzerland, Delaware, Caribbean, Singapore or Hong Kong would bring huge profits and the trickle down effect for nuts would bring – 

- happiness to all rust belt idiots of white trash, all niggers in USA and Africa, all yellow junk in Japan and China and to Hindu idiots in Modi India. 

Well, the result of the complete downfall of all lands with worthless money, indebtedness never to be paid back, rotten shit at all stock exchanges, the pure power of all banker Jews and rotten idiots in Politics became current gaming. 

Stupid Andersen does not see the point. 


Part Four – Same Old – Same Old 

Never saw a more stupid writer than fairytale idiot Andersen: 

He believes that if the Silicon Valley murderers of economic power and bringing millions of small business in bankruptcy would be better, if progress of Death would be improved, deathly growth followed up, tax-free winners giving one percent of their stolen shit taken from free and stolen resources like oil and gaz and all other materials in the ground by criminal human bullshit of Lobbys in Washington, would have mercy and let better leak their assholes by the poor 99 Percent. 

American Exceptionalism always was to be stupid, religious, bold, brain full of shit, killing all folks in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chile and Argentina and above all - in all rotten districts of agglos in the USA and on the farmers land of the free – Trump electors. 

The most stupid ever of Presidents in history, look out for them in USA as well as the most stupid authors ever in history like Fantasyland of Andersen. 


Part Five – Make America Great Again 

The bewonderer of Donaldina Trump, Kurtly, just wants more profits at Wall Street, more of Jews on the Mars out of Silicon Valley, better and lower taxes for the rich Class, still no courts to punish the dirty and corrupt Elite and Rich Class and some wonder of even more pandemic bullshit under Biden to destroy the planet, to increase the climate Collapse and to get dull like hell and even duller as US bullshit of  the globe. 

What he sees as best solution, NOW, is worse as continuing the downfall of USA forever. 

And believing China or India or Africa or Europa etc. would have another chance, is intellectual bullshit – on the niveau of the stinking brain of types like Kurtly Andersen. 

Learn what goes on in this world – by reading the books of René Delavy – brains full of Shit in dead USA! 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in August 2021 - after the dull idiot of a Jew



Andersen is a “Knalltüte” 


It is clear that Andersen is right in 90 percent of his arguments against the incredible stupidity of US citizens. 

Youth is blind and below any possibility to understand reality. 

Most folks just are interested in their own life and in money and they accept any injustice and murdering conditions if believing in advantages of their own – and therewith they are programming their own death and unimportance in society. 

But to say that the scientific folks of USA or else would be great, is a great shame and bullshit. 

And not seeing the Crimes of the Jews, having built up the “Deep State” by their deathly neoliberalism and Wall Street junk is below any intellectual status what so ever, Andersen.


What poor Anderson fairy tale will never get: 

- Trumpism – Jewish neoliberalism – United Shit of Amis – Science – Philosophy - Explosion of Pops and Culture and Religion are the same – they produced the final death of Humanity, still to come within the 21. Century - Stunk!


Learn from the scripts of Delavy! 



Most natural IDIOCRAZY of Andersen 

Let’s make clear that 95 percent of his book is excellent and he proves that AMIS are the most stupid and religious-craze sick folks of Trump on our Globe. 

It’s a wonder, the US Skunks have not yet atomized the whole world of Reagan.


But some other things are funny: 

1. Andersen does not get that females have a brain of esoteric bullshit as basis of Me Too quark and their tendency to believe any idiocy of mind what so ever and not understanding complex systems and the true nature of the coming climate-collapse and death of humanity before 2099. 

2. It is sure that animals are 10 times more valuable as humans with our scientific crazy killing by progress and growth, killing the whole planet just NOW. 

3. He thinks that the Junk-Jews have the best religion of USA and the World! Fact is: the protocols of the Elders of Zion are not a fairy tale (Goebbels believed in them – why not?), but they exist and can be printed out in the internet. They are NOT a conspiracy but what have they done for sure in the interest of the Jews since Auschwitz to create the neoliberal “Deep State” and gain all advantages of the criminal finance industry of fools (bringing in misery more than 60 percent of humans) before the big CRASH, to gain all power - even above the nigger Obama or Trump, this intellectually brainsick man of Jews. 


And so, I could put forward 1000 items in his “Fantasy”-Book that are contrary to his beliefs of NORMALITY – a thing that never has existed since Andersen found that God created our plat Earth some 6588 years ago.... 




Never the Satan und Religious murderers around Trump and the Republicans saw any punishment for justice – folks just accepted their killer instincts. 

The crazy Women of Me Too and those idiotic whores like Thatcher, Nancy, Oprah, and all CEO and Banker ladies of crime and Stupidity on the basis of the rotten female Brains, having pushed the downfall of our societies all around the world even faster – and when one Americans can be killing 1000 other innocent folks without seeing any judge - then I demand: 

When normal men get back the power in the world, of all colours and even Jews, then they must put at the wall, say Auschwitz, all rotten female, Satan idiots, religious freaks and fanatics and killers of USA for final. 

In other words: The 99 percent must kill all folks of the ONE percent, based on my scripts – all clear – left and right shit of minds – in fact all idiots in your Fantasyland? 

The counter revolution after the CRASH will come – and Preppers can do what they want, they are dead before hiding.... 

Should I ever gain absolute POWER, I would let torture to death all such SKUNKS and any person who tried to work against my interests. 


Greatest Crimes? 

Sex with children?

Still done without charge in all Islam countries, Saudi Arabia, Israel, India, USA and it was normal practice in history, around 1900, with Hippies in 1970, around Sartre and Beauvoir and today, all priests and parents to some percentage have sex with children.

Me Too Idiocy can be compared to such Satanic idiocy – women to lose any power in future.


Greatest Crime?

Forbidden abortion, explosion of pops, craziness of AMIS, CRASH provoked by finance Jews and destruction of the planet by crazy humans of soon dead 10 billion.


Greatest Skunks?

Thatcher, Reagan, Trump, Nigger Obama, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Kissinger and some 1000 other human shit, highly esteemed by masses and brainless skunks of POPS.


Greatest Assumption?

Humanity being DEAD and out on my “10 Commandments of Death” in the 21st Century. 



US Folks dead soon 

I want to see the neoliberal and paranoid US Americans see dead. 

Therefore, I accept Andersen’s fright in a better and normal way:


US stupid right-wing shit should: 

- Be against climate change and drive folks in a collapse – destroy water and land by fracking – give order for an atomic war between Israel and Iran – have 10 arms and rockets in each household – not vaccinate folks at all, now with corona mutations – let all power to Republicans of brainy bullshit - lower the taxes for the rich class and conglomerates and drive USA in bankruptcy – believe the dirty Jews about stunk at Wall Street, Davos, Derivatives of Craze, Bitcoins, Amazon killing millions of small business – supervision of all folks by Facebook and other Silicon Valley crimes – having a civil war against hispanic growth and niggers (“black” is a crime) and islamical folks under burka etc. etc. 

The dull Empire USA is in its free fall to hell and not even God or Satan can prevent, USA being dead and crashed and out within the next 20 years – and this is the free will of my personal God of Corona, following this program – what else?


Providence and Coincidence

About 87,601 per cent of US American Shit believes in God and that each life of humans and animals is for sure dictated by PROVIDENCE.

This is great: Each person tortured to death by AMIS JUNK is dictated by God or Jesus or Allah and so all AMIS and Trumps of USA are tortured and never they see them as Victims. In fact, it's the other way round....

We may guess like idiot Andersen fairy teller, that humans are dictated by science or COINCIDENCE.

This is bullshit: In fact it looks as if every life would be under spell of coincidences all the time and this is somehow true, if we want explain our existence the easy way.

But in fact, we have a reality dictating our lives and anything going on is the result of:

By billions of moves of idiots with shit in their brains, humans get all the time in situations looking LIKE coincidence, when it is just reality.

Further, we can say that women have a brain full of bullshit, to say feelings and sex and MeToo Junk, whereas men and children are crazy when born by MeToo shit of females.

This is what my personal GOD said and don't dare explaining me, that my GOD could be false and not dictating the End of Humanity just NOW - kids of US shit in mind!



What Andersen wrote in 2020 only, good old Delavy wrote in much more details in texts from 1975 to 2000. 

It was NOT my fault, when all German and Swiss neoliberal Jewish editors rejected all my books and I had it to finance out of my pocket and not one JUNK JEW Andersen was there, to expand my writing – 

- except - without any effect for 4 years and 400 texts some Worldnews - and for one year and 50 texts some Pravda in Moscow.


Der Wahnsinn von Kurtly Andersen 

Diesen Text muss ich in German schreiben, weil sonst die Punkte zu wenig klar werden: 

Andersen leidet wie Harari, Nietzsche, Habermas, Tocqueville, Rousseau, Plato oder Chomsky und alle Denker und Schreiberlinge der Welt an einem gewaltigen Denk-Irrtum. 

Diese Affen glauben alle an Fortschritt, krankhaftes Wachstum, Reichtum, Demokratie, Menschenrechte, Gerechtigkeit und einer immer «Besseren Welt». 

In Tat und Wahrheit ist mein Denkansatz, dass seit 70'000 Jahren die Menschheit von Generation zu Generation immer blöder wurde, dies die einzige Wahrheit von «Fortschritt». 

Ich erkläre: 

Andersen beklagt, dass es seit 1980 keinen Fortschritt mehr gegeben hätte bis heute in der Pandemie des COVIT-19 im Jahr 2021. 

Was will er, diese Sau? 

Noch mehr Technik, noch mehr Digitalisierung, noch mehr Trump, noch mehr Freiheit für die korrupte Eliten und Misere der versklavten Massen? 

Die Entwicklung seit 1900 war eine einzige Katastrophe im «Fortschritt»: 

- Atombomben, Weltkrieg, AKW, jedem sein Auto und Flugi, jedem sein Rock n’Roll, jedem seinen Event, jedem etwas Reichtum wie in der Schweiz und dann – ab 1980 – sagt das Baby Andersen – lief nichts mehr??? 

Er soll sich klar werden was geschah nach 1980 und was hätte geschehen können. 


1. Szenarium – immer mehr Fortschritt und Moden: 

Dieser Idiot sieht nicht, dass immer noch mehr nicht gehen kann, es eine Katastrophe der Endlösung des Affen ist, wie noch schneller, noch mehr Science Fiction, noch mehr Idiotien des Alls und deren Erforschung, noch mehr Gentechnik und noch mehr gute Banken der WEF-Juden? 

Ein Wahnsinn des Faktischen, wie man die Natur, die Tiere, die Meere, das Klima noch besser hätte kaputtmachen können – genialer Blödsinn von Juden wie Zuckerberg, Bezos, Schwab, Harari oder Andersen.... 

Die Sau hat nichts begriffen.


2. Szenarium – was real geschah: 

Ganz einfach: 

Man bleibt stehen in allen Technologien, nicht in der Masse, denn jetzt kam China und produzierte die Welt zu Tode, Die Menschen verblödeten immer mehr, ein Trump kam an die Macht und eine Pandemie zeigte die Grenze eines jüdischen Neoliberalismus des Grauens von Blödmann Schwab, Popper, Pinker. 

Was wirklich geschah, war die Grenze überschreiten und der Fall ins Nichts:


Mit jedem Fortschritt kam das Ende durch Klima-Kollaps, Verelendung von Afrika, der BRICS und besonders in den USA und dem Planeten als Ganzes näher. 

Meine «10 Gebote des Todes» hätte sich mit dem Fortschritt von Idiot Harari, Chomsky, Andersen sogar noch schneller entwickelt als sich es tat. 

Und nun verreckt die gesamte Menschheit im 21. Jahrhundert und keine Macht der Welt, vor allem nicht der inexistente GOTT von 250 Religionen oder der wahre GOTT, Delavy, kann je etwas ändern am Wahnsinn einer immer noch blöderen Folge von total verrückten Generationen, die immer dümmer und dümmer wurden seit 70'000 Jahren. 


So, nun begreift nur noch ein einziger Mensch was Realität ist, und deshalb habe ich «8 Stufen des Denkens» geschaffen, mit der Pointe, dass es eigentlich gar keine denkfähigen Menschen mehr geben kann in dieser Dreckswelt der Korrupten, der Reichen und der Sklaven von Sauhunden und Huren, die sich noch Menschen nennen und glauben, dies sei eine Auszeichnung. 


geschrieben am September 1, 2021