US white World TRASH

USA as the real "TRASH"-Land of the Globe

Based on "White Trash" of Nancy Isenberg

Same goes for "The Sellout" of Paul Beatty

I read the book of Nancy Isenberg, pretending that always in America, existed some sort of "White Trash".

This is true and all her examples in history are best of literature. But she covers not one percent of the worldwide truth - about human Trash:

White Trash in America

It is right that there exists a class of white trash in the USA. But this is true for all 200 nations of the globe. The difference is that some nations have a social net, whereas in the USA it is the politics of the Republicans to let die the lower classes and make artificially rich the upper class of breed-specific idiots, having for sole GOD only cash and profits and growth and all fortunes alone for the upper percent.

The white trash exists per nature and has always been. The scandal is that the upper classes know about and enslaved artificially the down-driven people for whole of their lives since 70000 years.

There has never been some other reality: The White Trash as any other low intellect classes and even the brightest heads of the down-hold class never had any chance to up-rise.

Poverty is made by the upper classes and has nothing to do with laziness or incapability of those who are and were poor class - the famous trash in the eyes of the trash class of criminal rich idiots.

Other Trash in America

It is important to know, that the black Paul Beatty and red-Indian Trash had never a chance, since times of slavery until the politics of stupid and tax criminal Donald Trump, it was agreed that the BLACK NIGGERS should be held down and all land by the upper class families stolen und RED INDIANS killed in all ways possible, to let still the upper classes and the first families from USA the land and the best places in towns and for them to govern their land by conglomerates and Jewish banks and to have all rights possible for them alone.

Unfortunately, we are standing on the Edge of the downfall of Wall Street and all Stock exchanges of the globe, State bonds becoming worthless when USA, China, India and the rest implodes shortly and then the rich class is more down than any white and black trash was ever before.

The rich Trash in America

The true "White Trash" in America is the class of the top percent or top 100 skunk-families of USA.

They have alone human rights and possess more than 60 percent of the finance fortune, financed by the middle and poor Americans.

There exists no separate class of "White Trash" at all, but some middle class disappearing and condemned to die during the coming CRASH of the Jewish Finance industry and all States and banking systems of the globe, that can never more be prevented.

The idea that there exists a class with minor intellect is true according to my "8 Steps of Thoughts", but it goes quite through all classes and the most DUMMY of them all is the rich Class being tax-free all over the globe in 200 nations.

We will have to massacre the rich class before trying even to wipe out the down class of Trump's "White Trash".

Trash of Obama und Trump worldwide

We make a difference of Obama and Trump. This is NUTS:

Obama cared for China to become rich on the account of USA and Europe and a crazy economic law of neoliberal shit, to let the cheap industries flow to heaven whereas the rest goes down. Obama saved the rich class and all Jewish banks by the stolen money from the middle class and the poor and the rich did not lose one dime. And the idiocy to have the poor have health care, was without value and stupid as long as the rich and middle-class Trash meant it was their money that went to the black and white trash.

When 99 percent of stupid people to not understand the capitalistic system of stinky Democrats and criminal Republicans, you can forget America to deserve some Swiss social services.

Donald Trump and his junk experts - far too late - understood that USA can only try to come back by keeping China and some other Idiots low, whereas Japan was dead since 1990 und India and Europe short before collapse, one because of poverty and the other because of politics of trillion Euro invested in complete worthless shares, State bonds, derivatives, ABS, CDO and CDS and other shit of worthless Cash.

Not one person and intellectual realizes the worth of Delavy literature to explain why our world is going down the drain since the year 1945.

The Chinese and Indian and European Trash

The worst and stupid folks on Earth are of Chinese and Indian nature, because the one, China, has adopted a deathly neoliberal system killing the nation by subprime junk financed by shadow banks, short before going down the drain for all times - and India like all over-populated breakdown syndromes, namely Africa, having zero chance to survive the next 50 years without most people falling in decay including their towns and the whole infrastructure and land, during the time all oceans and water reserves of the planet go to hell for all times.

Europe has taken over the ideology of USA and WEF Davos and now first Greece and then Italy and England and all other EU nations go down the drain, either before USA or China or Brazil - but there is a run "for the fittest" - to say the most criminal upper class State.

The truth about the Trash of humans in the year 2018

We have to learn that we can never regulate the 100 trillion Dollars of debts in 200 nations of the globe, when the rich class was not forced to pay taxes, just as well their conglomerates, and we have used up all underground water, all sea sand and seldom earths and now the towns and infrastructures of the globe are condemned to go down for ever, especially during the CRASH of finance industry and the ultimate end of world economics according to rules of WEF and AIPAC.

There is not a TRASH down of the poor, but a trash of the RICH CLASS, fired up by religions, philosophers, god-damned skunks around Friedman und Hayek and the Mont Pelerin Society - and now we have the end of humanity before our eyes.

The End of Trash in final history

The 99,99 percent of completely crazy and dull folks on Earth will never get that we have not a problem with White Trash, but all humans that ever lived - were trash.

To kill animals, the poor, the non-religious folks, the others, the nature, the oceans and lands and build up an "America First" idiocy all around the globe with a multitude of atom weapons and crazy heads and zero brains, this was the TRASH of humanity I was speaking of since 1975 in all my books, never understood by the human TRASH of the 99,999 percent.

The rest was enabled to guess that we are going towards the edge of time, but in fact, idiocies of normal life alone interested them during the voyage to hell, the whole planet drove forward its death and NOW,  there are no chances anymore to go back to controllable situations. We are DEAD and don't know it yet.

And GOD and ALLAH clap hands and hope that first the Jews, those who brought neoliberalism over our world, would see Auschwitz first....

And now go to hell - all rich, middle and poor Trash - for all times - poor minds with zero intellect of the few.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in November 2018