What you see during a Lifetime
Imagine that you would have lived some
5000 or 2000 years ago, or around the birth of Jesus Christ, under the Old
Romans, during the wars of Napoleon, during the World War under Hitler, in
times of peace and beautiful places on a given planet - or now after the
election of some Donald Trump.
Each life is a drama, be it short or
long, be it a personal Hollywood film and so individual, since no life can be
compared to any other.
The life is what you are, how you
think, what your position is, if you are rich or poor, successful or a bloody
loser, a nigger, red Indian, white Evangelican, Islam monster, a Chinese worker,
an American idiot, a Swiss tax fraud expert - or else.
Your life and your fate is the one of
your given time, your given space, your era and your area, of what your parents
were, if you are very intelligent or do not understand just one thing as most
folks who ever lived.
And each life ends by death, just like
with all animals that ever existed since Adam and Eve or evolution of Darwin -
and then there will be our eternal blackout, not to know that you had a short
existence on some given planet with the name of "Earth" - and how you
had been a perpetrator or a victim during your short time of life - a monster
or believing you were not.
Whenever in the past 50000 years you
had been at life as human, you were here to witness some reality, what was a
fake, because wide over 99,99 percent of folks have no notion of reality, of
truth, of their crimes and of their eternal stupidity.
Today, folks, especially Americans,
have no idea what happens inside their financing world, their killing industry,
the coming and inevitable disasters with missing resources, cash, sand, ecologic
breakdown worldwide, the crash of China, India, USA, Europe and all nations within
the 21st century.
When I assume that you would die
tomorrow, you would never witness the crimes of humans, those of 2000 years
against the planet, against nature, against animals, understanding what
happened as crimes and torture by religion craze, by wars of potentates, by industry
of fools and be living with the time bomb of the given explosion of Pops that
kills us within the next 50 to 100 years.
You guess to know what means when the
greatest criminal of the globe is elected as U.S. President and then destroys
his land and even some others?
With or without Donald Trump or Ronald
Reagan, you should have known that within the next 5 to 10 years, when being
surviving, how all nations will break down in bankruptcies, all currencies
becoming zero values, stock exchanges tumbling down in China, USA, Brazil,
Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and 180 other States and the
Finance Industry of Jews going down to hell, and never any Plan B or solutions
to come or even to be imagined by fools of nothing.
And so you would go to heaven or hell,
in fact in the emptiness of your existence, without having witnessed the drama
of a dying planet with incredibly stupid folks all over and media to lie about
all facts since ever.
To be living means to be dull like a
snake and to be dead means, to be nothing at all, not even the memory of those
who are not yet dead, would help to understand, what you have been reading just
Who is responsible for the Status quo
of this Earth, is not worth to be living, not even to be dying. Who is
responsible should be reborn as a creature to be tortured to death, as happens
with most animals on this planet.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on February 10, 2017