Dallas - USA first, seen by Baudrillard

America - viewed by Baudrillard and Delavy

Dear Dallas

You understood to some extent your condition as US American:

It is true that politics, universities, business and Hollywood destroyed the brains of all Americans, from the state as child and never corrected.

Being born in USA means to think like Trump in grades of cash, profit, being rich, the American dream, life as being a Hollywood picture, zero notion of reality and being born for nothing in the "greatest nation of all times" and "America is First!".

Now - First the opinion of Jean Baudrillard 

Jean Baudrillard understood in his book "America" already around 1986 under Ronald Reagan the coming downfall of USA under Bush, Obama and Trump.

His analysis is precise and he gets that Americans live in a lost country, the most primitive society ever, having killed all Red Indians and Niggers and feeling entitled to kill Russians, Soviets, Vietnamese, Folks and socialists in Chile, Argentina etc. and starting wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Baudrillard felt that only religion, sects, Mormons, idiots, cash, Las Vegas and such interest fill in the brains of all Americans, be they named Dallas, Christos, Professors, university Dynamite Prize Holders, workers in the Rust Belt, New Yorkers in vertical line or Los Angelis in horizontal line without respect of life or death and any sort of reality lost for ever.

But Baudrillard saw only some primitive, abstract and psychological side of Americans and confronted it with the craziness of European culture, going deeper in intellect and reasoning, but not being better as the US Dream of nothing.

René Delavy sees it completely different:

USA is a result of wrong principles in philosophies, religion, culture, geopolitics, psychology, cash ideologies, neoliberalism, deathly globalisation, using up of all resources in 200 years, killing the atmosphere and climate and weather conditions and getting in wars with any nation and protecting the Jews of WEF and Wall Street with their crimes and rich class not paying any taxes whereas the poor class explodes now and had been treated like shit in the past, mainly in the USA, folks having not even health care for those who do not cheat with taxes like did the US Shit, now U.S. President Donald Trump.

In my books I explained - contrary to Baudrillard - to 100 percent the origins of the deathly stupidity and primitivety of USA and all folks in the United States.

More is, that USA and the rest by 2020 will see that all nations, currencies and other shit like the Jewish derivatives are of no value and all such scrap goes into bankruptcy, without having any chances to prevent the disaster. The decline of China, India, USA and some parts of Europe is imminent.

By 2025, it will be evident, that under the lead of USA all nations are going into a trap of globalised crash of World economics for sure.

By 2050 we will see that pandemics, environment problems, climate catastrophes, missing water, nourishment for 10 billion of idiots will have led to wars, revolutions, killing each other and suicide of masses in China, India, USA, Brazil, Russia and the rest, fallen down to Earth since quite some time.

By 2099, this humanity will be rushed from the surface of this Earth and then we can see what this stupid and brain-sick society was in reality.

The timing may be different, but not the facts and the truth, that there are zero solutions and Plan B to come out of this disaster.

Contrary to all folks, I look down on Earth in the time when I will be dead and have no notion of existence of a Universe anymore:

Having had the chance to have a living during some period in time on the planet Earth, contrary to Americans who cannot see how the sun goes up, travels over USA and disappears again, my notion is one of the fact how the Earth turns in emptiness of space - and some folks of idiots in USA believe to be in a Hollywood film, some primitive fiction of nothing, including their sun.

Not being able to name all origins of human disasters by philosophy, religion, culture, accepting any shit of person and making them president of that shit, following Hitler as example, can only happen in a country, that has always been FIRST in crimes and stupidity.

In fact, USA are not interesting, it's a question of rotten existence of the most criminal and stupid animal ever, that succeeded in destroying the planet within only 2000 years, the bulk of the work being done from 1950 to 2050.

Well, texts cannot explain the extent of the Craze of USA, when not even dead Jean Baudrillard could do more than scratch the surface.

Now, this does it, to start with....

Wish you good luck for the medical treatment and hope, you get your chances to still see alive the complete downfall of USA, even without the coming disaster over California, we await each new day.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in February 2017