Tony Judt - His Changing Mind

Critics on Tony Judt's - "When the Facts change"

I just started the book "When the Facts change" - issued by Jennifer Homans, his widow in New York - Penguin Books.

Tony Judt proves to be a right-wing JEW, a so-called European historian, seeming to criticize USA and Israel in profound ways.

Well, I started on the first chapter

"Downhill all the Way"

and was about sure to get a critic on the Wester life-style of USA and was happy.

What was presented was a profound essay to prove that the "left-wing writer" Eric Hobsbawm was quite an idiot in judging the development on Eastern Europe under the process to become communistic after the Second World War.

Even if the studies of Judt would be more precise than the ones of Hobsbawm, the whole thing becomes the usual shit to prove how those countries, Poland, Hungary, Czechs, Ukraine, Romania etc. became part of the Stalin ideology and worldwide wanted total socialism.

Now, this might be right, but it is crazy to see the crimes of Marx and Stalin and of Socialism and not seeing the much, much higher crimes of USA, West-Germany, Israel, the dirty Jews at Wall Street, the preparation of a deathly neo-liberalism in all lands, killing today China, India, USA and Russia and talking of "crimes" the leftish world around Marx had provoked in the 20th Century.

If the book goes on like this over the next 350 pages, there will be another Shit-Book of Anglo-American Idiots of the Tea Party, to be thrown away for just admiring the Jews and Amis, and looking down on criminal Stalin and Mao, having nothing in common with Karl Marx.

Marxism was a mess - but compared to the American ideals, it was ethical and great.

Hope, Judt is not so much of an idiot, as I assume after 20 pages of his book already....

RenĂ© Delavy -    January 7, 2016


Trying get on with "When the Facts Change":

I truly tried to get on with the excellent historical analysis of the dead Tony Judt's book, but what I cannot stand is his

Goodhumaness and  his pro-Jewishness and his pro-Tea Party:

Judt's views on Europe:

The judgement is of a decent Continent with lots of understanding for the politics of Israel and USA.

He takes this as a quality and is very angry about the campaigns against France and Germany in the Iraq war, when Bush said: "Either they are with USA or with the Enemy" - and the dead-idiotic remark of Rumsfeld about the "Old Europe" of fools being against USA and Israel (France and Germany) and the "New Europe" being for USA (Eastern Europe and Britain).

Tony Judt in his articles in New York Magazins proved how wrong it was to attack those nice pro-American idiots and lose them as allies.

But the problem with Europe is utterly different:

The Fact that all European countries took over from USA its neoliberalism brought the crimes of Switzerland in Tax Fraud, the crimes of the Jews at the WEF in Davos, the Crimes at ECB in issuing trillions of lost Euros, of bringing the habit of huge deficit spendings in Greece, Italy, Ireland, England and others, leading to the coming total bankruptcy of European South, followed by the north and the tumbling of all banks on a globalised basis before 2020.

Further, the Pro-Islamism and Pro-Semitism of Europeans brought the crimes of Israel, provoking terror in Islam, 9-11, the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria and the fact that millions of idiots from North Africa and Middle East will come to Europe in those rich countries, where in fact already today 40 percent of folks live in poverty.

All this was not proven by our very stupid Tony Judt, who in this good-humaness never understood any crime of finance industry, tax freedom for the rich class, world crimes of USA in the Internet and the war games of this rotten failed State and the facts about the coming disaster in ECOLOGY.

Problem with Israel

As Jew, Judt wanted to prove that Israel made some "mistakes" in his policy, assisted by right-wing Republican USA, but this would be resolved some day.

Fact is, that Hitler should never have allowed to such a land of big-shit to go against humanity, provoking the hatred of 1,5 billion of Islam folks, followed by worldwide anti-Americanism still getting higher and higher and the fact, the USA brought to China and India and Japan a deathly scheme of Mont Pelerin Shit of Jews, on such basis and theory now China, India and Japan will break into pieces in the coming years.

Worldwide wisdom of ignorance by Judt

Judt is one of the historical scientists of superficial thinking - to believe:

1. If all folks have demo-Crazy we would have great fun in our World. In fact, the "Dictatorships of dull Majorities" brought the power of uncontrolled "free markets and finance shit" on this globe and agreed with laws for tax-freedom of 90 percent of profits of world conglomerates, what leaded to the bankrupt situation of USA, Greece, Ireland, England, Spain, Japan, South Africa, Russia and soon China, India and Switzerland.

2. Judt never understood the problem of Ecology and the destruction of our geosphere and oceans and climate by USA, China and neoliberal thinking in the dull heads of the 99 percent of folks on Earth, made dull and dependent from useless CASH worldwide and 1000 trillion Dollars in Infrastructures, that must in the near future break away for all times, leaving zero chances for humanity to present any Plan B.

3. Judt believed in eternal growth, innovation, future techniques, best feelings of Americans, some dirty Nigger to come in the White House, to save USA and the world from 50 Years of crimes against the poor, middle-class going now to the desert, finance Jews of WEF and AIPAC having all political power in USA, Japan, China, Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland and other 150 countries -all shit, we have to get rid in Auschwitz now.

4. Judt did never understand that 9-11 was a provocation of USA and wanted by the right-wing forces, having made a war against Soviet Union plus Russia afterwards, given the chance to all crimes to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland Tax Fraud and freedom for the dirty Jews in all Banks at Wall Street, City of London, Deutsche Bank and all Swiss Banks. The wars following 9-11 are comparable to Vietnam, just kill all socialists in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and 50 other nations in South America, Central America, Africa and Asia in the interest of the dirtiest Empire ever - USA of  AIPAC.

5. Judt never got to what extent Marxism was a social capitalism and to what extent the Mont Pelerin Society destroyed the future of all countries by worthless shit of finance, with help of rotten Fed, ECB, Wall Street banks, Rating offices, Big 4 of Accounting, Swiss tax Fraud, rotten Hedge funds and trillions of Dollars in totally worthless derivatives like ABS, CDO, CDS, State bonds and other shit, inclusive a shareholder value world, where all Shares are overstated by at least 200 percent and leading to the crash of Stock exchanges of China, Japan, India, USA and all other lands before 2020.

Therefore, to read a book of dead idiot Tony Judt is not worth one second of my lifetime.

But since all Journals of the globe diffuse such shit all the time, I am sure to read that book to the end, because my texts need such stuff, to recognize to what extent all Americans, Europeans, media and editor companies got crazy and paranoid and the folks of the 99 percent did never get these FACTS - being changing all the time....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 12, 2016