World is governed by Fanatics
1975, I know for sure that our whole world is governed by Fanatics and there
was never a chance for a crazy Humanity to survive the 21st Century.
see some facts:
Situation of Switzerland
news on Swiss TV:
and some snow does not come for tourism. Two crazy ministers exchange full of laugh their
charges. USA condemns some banks with billion charges for international tax
fraud. The bilateral matters with EU come out of control. A drone risks to kill
the best ski runner of the globe in Italia. Some photographer becomes famous
for showing the increased poverty in the world since 20 years.
world situation
is the world situation:
finance matters of our criminal Industry of Jewish Bankers of Chicago School
go to hell. The increasing debt trillions will crash and take nations,
currencies and banks into its grave. The world economy is condemned to break in
pieces. The dullness of 99,99 percent of folks reaches new peaks. The climate
and weather mechanics are out of order for all times killing humanity in the
near future.
these matters are governed by Fanatics:
in Politics:
are governed by very stupid Niggers in the White House, by stupid Merkel,
Berlusconi, Blair, Ronald, Thatcher, Pinochet, Putin, Obama, Bush, Modi,
Jinping, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and other Mandela and Gandhi cripples. Those
idiots only prepared to bottom for 10 billion of idiotic masses, going down in
debts, missing resources, cash without value, collapse of climate and geosphere
of the globe and no future at all. They were able to create wars, torture,
terrorists in religions and blindness in using up our planet, and having no
soul and ethics, but nothing than shit in their brains.
in Science:
Science did in the last 200 years: All was nuts, stupid theories in feasibility, using
up all reserves, all water, all air and all we got by nature. They made
expositions of deathly matters with animals, plants, genetics and created the
atom bomb and AKW and other shit inclusive deathly cars, planes, huge cruiser
ships and industrial hedonism and told us, this would be "The best World
in Economics:
like Friedman, Keynes, Marx, Hayek, Popper, Smith and other shit pretended that
the mass, exploding from one to 10 billion in 200 years of the industrial ERA
would survive if we believe in stupid neoliberalism, capitalism, Marxism and
other shit, on the basis of zero control of nations on criminal bankers and some few
becoming rich by not paying taxes and States should have immense Deficit
Spending and trillions in debts, and nothing could happen, when it was clear
since 1975, that all will end up in the terrible collapse of the world finance
in Philosophy and Religion:
idiotic humans still believe there is a God or Allah or other Shit, having
control on the Earth, on wars, on science and the stupidity of the Mass Folks
on Earth and being "good" to humans, the philosophers at least should
have got, that we are running more and more into a tunnel, not of love, but a
tunnel of self-destruction worldwide. Any Theory in Philosophy ever created,
was pure shit of human behaviourism, instead of understanding the "Rules
of Nature on Earth". And so we were condemned to die towards the end of
the technological ERA of capitalism.
in Culture:
we call culture, is a myth: Some idiots painted a little, made some
compositions, wrote the eternally same novel book, created some literature of
bluff and said that modern ARTS would be great, when it was only the mirror of
human craziness of a mass of fools, governed by criminal class of rich and
powerful SKUNKS, having no brains and ethics, but pure SHIT in their heads, and
all clapped hands and were happy with idiotic books, films, TV and internet.
in Ecology with stupid NGOs:
is clear that our alibi Congresses and NGOs are the last bluff we had on Earth:
During the time all finances got to hell, the world economics are coming into
free fall of a final disaster, humans got idiotic more and more from year to year under
stupid rules and philosophies, your climate and its weather mechanics got out
of any control and soon, we will have little chance, without cash, without
resources, without any future, to survive on a bubble driven into craziness and
empty sources.
Mass of very paranoid and stupid Folks:
this happened during the time, the mass of idiots exploded from two billion in
1927 to 10 billion in 2050 - and during this time, all resources went to hell:
Oil and gas destroyed our geosphere and climate, water was used up and made to
be some piss, the air around the world became unbreathable, money became our
God worldwide, greed and idiocy led to bankrupt States, the rich class did no
longer pay any taxes and the poverty and misery of the masses of the 90 percent
of foolish and paranoid and pathologic folks went down the drain by own will -
and did not get ten percent of their real STATUS QUO.
under those conditions, we have big happiness in the parts still functioning in
our dead world and all believe, the future, lost for all times, would be better
than a past, in which humans just killed our Earth, nature, resources and any
kind of possibility, of a positive development by a dull mass of nations, into a
lost future.
this is the moment, dear friend, you should go to hell - Idiot.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on December 25, 2015