"Black Earth" of Snyder -
and Dirty Jews
have now finished reading the very thick and sick book "Black Earth"
of Timothy Snyder and - although I am
old - I believed to know all about the
Holocaust under Hitler and Auschwitz, but now I must realize that I and all other
of folks of USA and Europe knew absolutely nothing.
truth about the European Holocaust 1939 to 1945
of the Jews were murdered not in Auschwitz and in Germany, but about 5 millions
of Jews and much more millions of folks from Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia,
Lithuania, Greece etc. were killed by their own folks under order and direction
of Hitler or Stalin and the different principles that were valid in the Heads
of those monsters.
believed that the Jews were responsible for all miseries in the world inclusive
communism and must be eliminated from the face of the Earth, already written
down in "Mein Kampf". He wanted some agriculture zone East of Germany
to make sure that the superior race of Germans would be the masters of the
world in the "Third Reich".
was crazy and he hated anything that would put in danger his power and his idea
of Communism and so he let torture and shoot millions of Russians, Poles,
Ukrainians, Jews and take what other folks you want.
in the lands destroyed by any State order in Poland and other areas overrun
first by the army of Stalin than the one of Hitler, it became possible, to kill
Jews and others per millions from 1939 to 1945.
came very late into the game for other European residual Jews to be murdered.
But it was great to concentrate the crimes of Germany in the 2nd WW on
Auschwitz, because in this way the whole guilt of the crime could be
concentrated on the Germans and any other nations be forgotten and released.
therefore, read on....
crimes Timothy Snyder ignored
all crimes committed by USA, Great Britain, Swiss and other shit nations were
ignored by the low brain Timothy.
did prevent to take over great number of Jews from Europe. They knew about the
terrible killing in concentration camps and filling gorges by bodies in the
East of Europe and did nothing. They took profit from the war until the Japs
started the attack in Pearl Harbor.
Britain also did not want to take over great number of Jews and further did not
allow the Jews to go to Palestine over the Sea. This alone killed millions of
murdered about one million of Jews. They were the bank of Hitler, they managed
the deal with army weapons (Bührle Factories and arms from abroad), they dealt
in Gold with Germans and they prevented the Jews to flee over its territory. By
those actions, the Swiss prolongated the existence of Hitler Regime by at least
one year more and sent hundred thousands of Jews, directly or indirectly by knowing
to be rejected at the Swiss border, at least one millions of Jews in their
this and much more never was the subject of the odd writing of Timothy Synder,
who prevented all what could bring in misery the western capitalistic world of
these days and the crimes of the Dirty Jews in addition.
by nations
do the Jews today not ask for repair payments, not only from Germany, but from
all nations involved in the terrible massacre on their folks, in billions of
Dollars from all nations that killed over 6 million of Jews?
sort of Racism should have an effect on the future, but when the Jews decided to
keep quiet and to creep in the asshole of USA and their banks at Wall Street,
they can leave any sort of justice and compensation.
Middle East Crimes by Jews?
is it so that the crimes committed by Jews against the British protection administration
were accepted and they got their land in Arab Lands, instead of in Bavaria, committing
then all crimes in the Middle East, in the midst of Arabs, where they never
do we accept the crimes done by Jews on all folks around Israel in the last 50 years,
having provoked 9-11, the wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and else?
is it possible, that such a dirty race due to "Auschwitz", has all
rights on this globe to the detriment of the rest? This is unique in the
history on this globe - all a result of the Crimes of Hitler and Stalin.
should be eliminated from the cards of our world.
criminal Mafia methods of Dirty Jews
is true that all coming disasters in finance crash, end of world economy and
much of the ecologic collapse of our Earth and the growing global paranoia and
stupidity of the folks, were created by Jews. Sure, some other races, mainly
stupid Tea Party Americans, helped a little, but to 90 percent it's the crime
of Jews.
The Jews brought the atom bomb and the AKWs.
The Jews have found the theory of neoliberalism, Chicago School, Shock
Doctrine, AIPAC, WEF, dirty Hedge funds, banks too big to fail, the principles
of State deficits to kill nations by debts, the dirty derivatives, structured products
like ABS, CDO and CDS - what all will end very soon in the total collapse of
our western capitalism in USA, China, India, Europe and the rest.
It's also in general the Jews in Charge of western Note banks like Fed, ECB and
other big banks at Wall Street and City of London and Zurich Bahnhofstrasse,
leading soon in the total breakdown of world finances, of currencies, of nations
and an End of a global order by Dollars, Euro, Yen, Yuan and other shit.
the world economy breaks in pieces according to my books, we shall have the
global revolutions and holocausts, as predicted by Timothy Snyder, but not written down by this idiot, but in a way of the literature of René Delavy.
this matter, Timothy Snyder is naive to the maximum. How can one be so stupid,
to tell us some truth and knowing nothing of the economic and financial Systems
on this Earth in the years around 2000?
knows nothing about the State of World Finances, of the End of world economy,
the subprime crash in China, the end of debt idiocies in Japan, USA and some
European Countries and missing resources and energies, sand and cash and seldom
earths etc., in all lands on Earth and the coming Climate collapse in Ecology
was totally misunderstood by this goddamn greenhorn.
To be so dull as Snyder - (is HE some Jew?) - and not to mention in his idiotic book the explosion of pops worldwide, what ALONE shall kill humanity in the 21st century, is not only stupidity and ignorance, but a further crime committed by Jews.
And so Snyder believes only that we might have some ecologic problems in some areas around the globe and if we should not take care, dear God in Heaven, we might have some new Hitlers or Stalins or GW Bushs or Ronalds and Thatchers to provoke a run for food or water, and this may cause some isolated holocausts in some places on Earth.
To be so dull as Snyder - (is HE some Jew?) - and not to mention in his idiotic book the explosion of pops worldwide, what ALONE shall kill humanity in the 21st century, is not only stupidity and ignorance, but a further crime committed by Jews.
And so Snyder believes only that we might have some ecologic problems in some areas around the globe and if we should not take care, dear God in Heaven, we might have some new Hitlers or Stalins or GW Bushs or Ronalds and Thatchers to provoke a run for food or water, and this may cause some isolated holocausts in some places on Earth.
is big Shit:
we face is the Massacre of the poor billions on this Earth, eliminating any
person of power and richness, when the downfall of World finances and economics
will start very soon, around the year 2025, and the victims will look out for
those who were responsible and kill such idiots by millions in any country on
this globe.
it is funny, that the dirty Jews did most to provoke such a situation.
a pragmatic Idiot from USA or Britain writes a book, he should first go to
school and learn a little bit more about human systems, otherwise such
literature is not worth the paper written on.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on November 22, 2015