Humans are GOD

„Similarity to God“

All religions swear on a defence to make a picture of your God. This is one of the usual lies under brothers of arms in our world, around the fanatic way, religions not to see, nowadays, as part of the complete breakdown of systems, but as part of our saving tools. However, in fact those religions and philosophies were the main reason for the crash of our species.

But in practice it is natural for all folks to have an imagination of God, as a living being, existing similar to a human and thinking like we do.

Now, a thing or a matter, having created the whole universe, cannot be imagined by any human brain – never. Rather a rat would get what is an atom bomb, before such a stupid species like the Homo would get what could be “God”.

What more is: Such a God – how folks believing to be similar to Gods want to have him – itself thinks like a common and stupid Ape, being a criminal and an idiot himself as God, since:

- God has created an awful chaos in our universe, where humans kill in the name of any stupid God other humans in terrible ways per millions, all animals massacre other animals, each plant fights against all others, catastrophes of nature on Earth and in the world are normal case, the dirty humans destroy in frenzy our paradise on Earth, the “thinking idiots” try in some sort of vanity to get cash and profits – during the time the pure masse of idiots on a planet used up all we had on this bubble within 200 years, in a way there is no future for coming generations in the 21st century.

It is a scandal of spirit that under such premises all humans as paranoid idiots believe in a “one and only God of its religion”, be the idiots some scientists, politicians, Jews, bankers, Christs, CEO, writers and artists or dirty Popes and children fucking priests and other whores, all of them believe to know who is a “real God” – and most naturally, the fanatics are convinced that another stupid Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Mohammed and other esoteric Shit should go to hell and be eliminated any time.

People recognize correctly that all other “Gods” can only be assholes of fantasy, similar to the invention of the neoliberal model by Jews, but never they would see “their own God” or Jew as being the greatest asshole of all Gods, because such master of the universe would commit the crimes and the killing “on their side” of religion or philosophy. The idiots of religion and philosophy in USA and Israel are not different to IS in Syria or the witch-makers in Brazil.

On the other side, such a truth was always denied and lied about, contrary to its evidence in “modern” times, when a system of Good-Humaness of dirty chaps and whores was created, what brainsick Apes would proudly call “civilisation”. It’s a logic of devil, when such a thing like God could not even be taken into account as Walt Disney film.

But to be truthful, the common folks, instructed by VIPs, mean a “Dictatorship of dull Majorities”, where the mighty and the rich class can count on all rights in justice, betrayal of taxation, having alone the real power, possession all raw material and mines and oil, disposing of 95 percent of grounds and wealth – but the rest of the soon 99 percent driving towards misery can jump in the Orcus of death – whereas the god-believing shit of species in form of creatures of war and uselessness, take even their “God” as witness for their own paranoid sickness and crimes in all religions and philosophies, during the time of a wanted destruction of our life basis, looking out for a second planet in the universe to get a chance for a second full destruction, being found some millions of light-years away. Contrary to the idiocy of what we call “thinkers”, humanity today would not require a second planet, but about 10 of them, and they would not hesitate to kill them all.

We have come to an end of world finances, world economics, world resources, water and geosphere, world stupidity, world vanity of masses and eternal growth as model of self-destruction and gigantic stupidity, nor having ever recognized, as the upper apes, what was done. On the contrary, the animals of media just take all this as prove for highest success of mankind, such a schizophrenic species could have realized a greatest achievement in our reality.

“Political correctness” and female shit of behaviourism have not only made stupid our children, but made mad and foolish all brains of all humans on Earth.

Alone the craze we could flee from Earth and turn back again all watches after a period of craze - and save humans from their own idiocy, is such a craziness, so that I can write with easiness about the so-called 99,99 percent of pathologic fools at present, and most of them miserable, around the year 2000 on Earth, without any “God” of any religion appearing and drafting signs against my texts in the depth of heaven.

And now, just kick the bucket slowly and once for all, as it is good custom.

And who should know about a solution out of the slums and junk of being in the disasters of the coming period, gets on the spot one million from my person.

René Delavy – Berlin and Bournemouth

Written on August 14, 2015