God in Heaven

Who is GOD?

An orthodox Catholic believing in God, an orthodox Jew believing in another God, an orthodox Buddhist or Hindu believing in Buddha and other esoteric shit, an orthodox  Islamist believing in Allah and an orthodox Chinese believing in Cash arrested René Delavy and wanted him to admit, that there would be a only GOD in heaven, otherwise they would bring him either to Auschwitz or to the WEF in Davos.

Well, René Delavy got the chance before, to ask some questions which were:

1. Well, you Christ, believing in God, how the hell can you accept that the others have other Gods when there is ONE God in the universe who must have created the world and human mankind? Is it stupidity or tolerance to accept such intellectual scrap?

2. Well, you Jews have in fact only ONE religion: The one of the bankers at the Wall Street. Your force is WEF and AIPAC and shareholder value of Chicago School and such preach the destruction of all savings of other religion folks on Earth, in addition to all Arabs. How the hell can you believe in a just God, being such assholes?

3. Well, you Buddhist or Hindu, you have Casts in India and 20 other swinish mass-folks lands and believe that by birth, grand part of folks under dictate of Buddha or else would be idiots and poor swines, which you can violate any day, whereas the fine Elite is near paradise and can meet God any time? How much of shit in your brain is allowed to be called a skunk?

4. Well, you Islamist have today your fine Mohammed and Allah to dictate to have terror regimes against the rest of unbelieving Shit, put you put women under Burka and fuck them each new evening by force and think, all other religions are more than pure shit and must be eliminated from the face of Earth. How the hell could you get a devil for God, when your intellect is the one of Mafia?

5. Well you Chinese, you have taken over first the shit of Marx Karl, then of Mao killing millions, than the one of Deng and followed by the crazy principles of Friedman and Popper and today you believe in Cash as sole God and are just now on the point of a complete collapse of your capitalism. How the hell could you get so god-damn shitty in your brain?

6. How the hell can you all of fools and criminals believe in your 100 Gods, when all what I can see in history are wars, torture, cash, greed, arrogance, stupidity, children fucking priests, other folks slaughtering Gods in heaven by trillions and an end of the human story after the year 2000? Are you nuts or in other ways extremely criminal and stupid? And why do you not get lost?

The guys did not find any true answer, but them all were shocked from the arguments of this idiot and in addition extremely angry, not against each other, but against René Delavy.

And this guy continued with his wise sermon:

How the hell can we have several Gods who pretend to make war and torture against each other, killing innocent women as witches, stoning girls you violated first, fucking children even as father and orthodox Jew, handling other persons in casts like shit, taking cash of AIPAC alone for God and torturing all socialists in Vietnam and Argentina to death and as Chinese having zero respect of animals and torturing those by billions to death?

Is it not true what I wrote in books? If a real God in heaven would exist, long time ago he would have extinguish this shit of humanity and just does it now in the 21st Century, in as much as alone by rotten finance industry it is a bank that this humanity is lost for all times. Comes in addition the coming Crash of economics due to out-powering the planet from all resources and masses of 10 billion of idiots. Plus the complete paranoia and stupidity of 99,99 percent of folks on Earth believing in a lost future. And on top a climate and weather machinery, killed by humans for all times to come, producing soon super-storms, sint-floods, droughts and monster-waves in oceans never seen before, ending up with this shit of Humans, you idiots pretend being handling in the name of some idiots with name of:

- God, Allah, Buddha, Nirvana, AIPAC and WEF, Friedman and Popper, American shit of Shares and other stupidities, being the work of a real existing DEVIL, not in heaven, but on Earth of shitty humans without any brains.

It is not known, how this story ended, since the orthodox guys were so much of shit-in-brains, they could not even follow the arguments of Delavy and preferred to believe in the stupid human rights congress in favour of killers in Den Haag, rather than in very normal arguments.

And now, MY GOD, the one of Delavy, will take care, that such shit of humans will kick the bucket soon, by 2099 at the latest.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 31, 2015