Crazy Arabs

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The Arab Emirates are the World

How can the real situation of our world be better demonstrated as by going back on a documentary sent by ARTE TV today?

This documentary seemed to admire the coming up of the Golf States to the richest nations of the globe, without seeing the risks of self-destruction, being very evident:

Therefore, the coming downfall of the economy and finances and the rest of the world can be shown better on Lands like Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Arab Emirates and similar oil and gas idiots.

The difference to USA, Europe, Japan and other "successful" nations is the fact, that instead of a huge indebtedness, those lands in Arabia have Dollars in trillions in reserve and on such financial basis can buy any bank, conglomerate, air fleet, army gadgets they want - and then lose again whatever they got.

But first let's talk of the history of Arabia:

First those Arabs were very poor, they had nothing but camels and a little bit of traffic and low economy in the sandy lands without towns, infrastructure, electricity, trains, high ways and take what you want.

Then came the Pearl Fishing industry and gave to some folks a little bit of wealth until the Japanese found ways of industrial pearl production in masses and stopped the process.

Later on, one by one the Arab nations found oil or gas under the ground, inside the desert and offshore and when the prices for such treasuries mounted high by Arab boycott, all of a sudden, the rich idiots could build huge modern towns, get armies, create TV stations and universities and fuck their ladies under towels for free. And they still admired the Koran, the Sharia and Mohammed, what was their right, in an explosion of religious terror around them.

Finally they started to buy shares and bonds and State papers all over the globe, changed salt water of the oceans into clear source water, had big areas of dreamlands for tourism and made any deals with banks, hedge funds, raw materials and else that passed the mind of the richest class, trying to be better than the Jews of Wall Street.

Finally, the workers and technicians and managers from Europe, India, Philippines and other nations made 90 percent of the pops in the Emirates and still, the small Arab Class believed to have a splendid future.

Now get it - what the future will be

As I said, at least the Arabs had huge foundations and bank cash all over, instead the mountains of debts as in the USA, Europe, Japan, Russia, Africa and the rest. Even China has more debts than wealth, but here the truth is still unknown, the coming collapse of this shit-land, together with India and other over-pops nations, is just in the pipeline without oil in it.

Now let's see what will happen to the Arab Idiots (and the rest of the World):

First, the price for oil may go to bottom, due to alternative energy production and fracking methods of killing the soil of USA.

Then the conglomerates and the shares of such will break down after the Crash of the Banks, of derivatives, of currencies und of nations, what will make fall in pieces the cash fortunes of the Arabian idiots too.

The hype with tourism will find its end, due to two reasons:

First the idiots of USA and Europe will have seen Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar and not going there twice.

Second, the economic situation in Europe, Japan and USA will erode and therefore the mass of folks will no longer have cash for such voyages and hotel and casino costs, but solely to pay their debts and the interest charges thereon, if at all they still could have a job to earn some money.

The infrastructures of all Arab Lands will fall into pieces, water will get out and leave again sandy structures of a natural desert. All towns will get lost when the foreign workers and managers will have left those hell towns of a great emptiness in spirit and the Sheiks and whores and masses of profiteers will find themselves with a lot of old-fashioned weapons and technologies without any use and value.

Anyway, like Japan, China, India and other stupid lands such as Greece, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland and Germany, Israel, Japan, England and also USA, the Arabs will have become the victims of a neoliberal shit of ideology that could never in 2000 years have functioned.

And this is the destiny of Emirates and Saudi Arabia, it will be the same for Israel, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, whole of Africa, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, USA, Japan, Brazil, Argentina and finally also the construct of idiots, the good old England surrounded by some EU junk States and opposing Russia, killing each other, for no reasons at all.

And this will end with finances and economics of a world in decay, before the ecologic collapse of our Planet will arrange the final breakdown of human systems - but this again is just another story, you could read in my article "Idiotie der Menschen".

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 10, 2014