Russia Today

The real JUNK about TV Russia Today

The Swiss Fox TV, to say the neoliberal Paper named NZZ of Tax Fraud Zurich means in his articles, that TV Russia Today is the worst TV of the whole World.

But now let's see some worse of USA, Vatican, Switzerland, Germany, England and the rest of a Junk World:

Russia Today

They may bring to life some views on how Putin and Russian see the politics of the dirty West against Russia, after having installed by U.S. principles the oligarchs around Putin.

But let's see some truths:

1. Russia had a right on the KRIM, given away to Ukraine for no reasons at all since the Krim was always part of Russia.

2. The Crimes of the EU started the reaction in Eastern Russian part of Ukraine and therefore, let us say that the Russian have a right to go home. The western idiots of Maidan believe in Europe, what just today is tumbling to hell from Greece over Spain over Portugal over Italy and England, down on France and Germany.

3. The NATO broke all promises and stepped inside the Russian geosphere without any good reasons. Had the Russians done the same, and they did it with Cuba, USA would have risked an atom war for firing the Russians back home.

4. Russia was the victim from the west under Napoleon, Hitler, Friedman and Greenspan and Ronald and were very gentle, not to destroy USA in good times, before the Jews of Wall Street could destroy the world-finances.

And so, Russia Today is the best TV of the globe.

USA Today

USA are under AIPAC and the Wall Street Jews and the Republicans the dirty TV FOX, just believing, the killers of USA in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Chile, Argentina and else, would be the kings of the dirty Niger Obama, who just continued the crimes of Ronald, Thatcher, Clinton, Bush and other Idiots.

USA spreads lies about their reality over the globe, when having killed millions of folks in the above countries and today destroy capitalism worldwide, not noticed so far by the zero heads of the WEST.

Switzerland Today

Switzerland is the dirtiest country in Tax Fraud in Favour of the rich Class of VIPs, banks, conglomerates and else. But on Swiss TV Idee Shit we hear another music:

Switzerland would be the most democratic shit ever seen, taking all advantages of EU and giving nothing back but crimes, creeping in the asshole of Blocher Christus and some other idiots of a Swiss model, taking all other countries for fools and producing the huge deficits of State in other nations.

Germany Today

Willy Brandt, that shit of a person, goes into his knees in Warsaw, for him not having shouted for 30 years like the rest of German women and idiots to Hitler, having destroyed Russia and other countries, when at the same time, his darling USA killed 3 millions of Vietnamese and tortured to death in the name of neoliberalism some hundred thousands of Argentinians, Chileans, Brazilians and other 50 lands in South, Central America, Asia and Africa.

Today, Merkel just tries to keep warm Germany, when on the ideology of Growth, the rest of Europe goes to hell just now.

Vatican Today

The dirty Pope FRANZ I of Vatican killed as many Argentinians with his Generals as ever possible and leads a church, that killed billions of folks as "none-believers", as Islamists, as Jews and as Witches and other fine matters, when still believing today, the Earth would be a plate, some inexistent God would have created the Earth some 10000 years ago and all priests would not fuck in the assholes of boys and the vaginas of young girls. Hope Allah will kill any Pope when dead.

England Today

England is broke since Lady iron Thatcher and is in fact dead. But still some Cameron creeps in the Asshole  of the AIPAC and Swiss WEF Jews and has as only money source some criminal Jews in the City of London and at BBC. We can forget about the former Great Britain of dirty Colonisation. Such land should be bombed by U.S. Atomics long time ago.

And therefore, the WEST should be quiet about the Crimes of Russian and Putin.

Who is living in a Glass-House, should not throw stones against God almighty.

Have Thanks - idiots.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 2, 2014