The World is built

The World is built - Now comes the End

Recently, I saw a film around a year in the 18th Century and spoke to my friend:

"Listen, woman, this is what I mean: The life is terrible and archaic as compared to modern times of the year 2000, but there is freedom. All chances for a world that can live and continue, existed. No masses, no mass consumerism, no idiocy of the great figure like today.  Now, the world is built and what we can see, is the End of humanity."

My woman did not seem to understand and insisted in the usual term, that today everything is better than in the past.

Therefore I write this text here to make understand folks the real State of Affairs we have now.

The End in Finances

Today we experience the End of Capitalism and of Neoliberalism.

What we see are trillions in DEBTS that can never more be paid back. We see worthless papers in trillions of Dollars of Euro, Dollar, Yen, Yuan etc. that already tomorrow will tear the whole building of finances to bottom.

My principles of "Highest Accounting" dictate that the loss of debts makes worthless a multiplication of "Assets" in the world, since debts are real and nominative, whereas assets are unreal and just an estimation.

Further it is given that the bankruptcy of a family in accounting is the same as for a normal company, for a conglomerate, for a bank too big to fail and for a nation.

Further it is clear that the greater the entity is, the longer it goes for the crash and the greater it will be.

Since 1975, I predicted what happened at Wall Street from 2006 to 2009 and I can tell you that since, by the factor of 10 was increasing the world financial misery and when the real Crash comes around 2018, it will be of a force and magnitude never assumed before - it will make tumble to hell the whole of world economy.

The End of World-Economy

In former times, we had possibilities of GROWTH and inventions of new gadgets, like cars, planes, atom works and computers and all the rest. We had the resources, we had the finances, we had the people and we had the water and air to get higher and higher.

Today, the mega-towns are built, the infrastructures of the globe for some 300 trillions of Dollars are going in pieces - impossible to build them a second time by reparation and maintenance.

Whatever is found to increase BIP or the Debt Towers or take what you want, make the Crash of World-Economy higher and higher.

It is a must that USA, China, India, Europe and the rest tumble NOW down to hell, be it by the collapse of capitalism or just for 1000 other reasons. The dullness of politicians, of scientists, of culture idiots, of philosophers, of religious leaders, of economic junk and of finance Jews has become so gigantic, that there is no other way out but the complete downfall of any formal economy in each of the 200 nations.

And the fact that the richest Junk who became always richer when paying no taxes, did not only add to that scenery, but accelerated it to the maximum. And therefore, the elite of our world is interested, together with world media, to lie all day long about the real State of Affairs in the present World-Economy.

The End of Dullness of the 99 Percent

It is said that the University Life on this globe becomes always higher in intellect and that the masses grow in intellect each new day.

The contrary is the case: Where the scientists and the literary writers and all media do not understand one percent of facts of our real world and each new gadget or "increase" in intellect adds to the present downfall of all systems, we can forget about IQ and highest information possibilities in history, due to the net and the computers and other idiocies of infotainment.

What the real story is: Since 1750, the general intellect of all folks on Earth has become lower in quality from day to day. The two World Wars and the complete destruction by atom and gen-manipulation of the globe are just a sign of what happened, not more.

The present capitalism, the present debt situation, the present end of all systems, be them capitalism, neoliberalism, socialism, communism - and a technologic world of the worst, inclusive the end of resources, the end of energy stuffs, the coming collapse of our weather machine, all this is due to a terrible increase of dullness and its acceleration from 1750 to 2015.

The End of Resources and of Holocaust of Animals

It is clear that the mass humanity that increased in 200 years from one billion to 10 billion, has NOW used up in principle all resources and all energy stuffs of all future.

The alternative solutions in any field, will not add to the present situation where we have come to the Ally of No-Go, but those idiocies just extended the CRAZE of feasibilities in going as far, to have nothing left for future generations, when at the same time we have infrastructures and mega-towns, falling into pieces in very short time. By 2035, the collapse of all existing matters in several hundred trillions of Dollars is a fact and no politics or other kind of idiots can find ways, to stop the craze of a planned End in resources.

At the same time, humans created a holocaust of animals, where the oceans were fished empty, and the animal farms must bring meat for idiotic masses and killing some 100 billion of animals each year for human food, when at the same time, the normal food in form of plants can neither nourish those animals and not even the humans as such. The reason are the missing of water, the missing of good soil and the missing of ecologic conditions, to maintain the high level of agrarian production we knew in the past. From now on, the production of any sorts of nourishments will rapidly go down and down to less of possibilities, since nature cannot be raped by the human masses and phantasies.

The ecologic End of our Globe

The ecologic End of our Globe was never really predicted, except in the texts of Delavy.

But it should have been clear since 1900 that the explosion of folks on Earth to several billions, the ideology of Growth, the idiocy of capitalism in any social system, the technologic world as such in masses, would end up with all ecologic possibilities:

- Water, grounds, air in our geosphere, the collapse of the climate and our weather machinery, the quality of natural products, the death of animals and plants and all possibilities to develop further in a system that dictates nothing but the complete destruction of the ecologic normal conditions on a very small Planet.

And now this State of Affairs is reached and still the billions of folks mount to heaven, the life-style is such, new in China and India, to have conditions the planet can never fulfil.

What we see in very short time, before the year 2050 has been reached, are super-storms, sint-floods, century droughts each new year and monster-waves in the oceans, what any normal life on Earth makes impossible.

Globalisation comes to a stop and gigantic revolutions will kill any sort of Elites, who were responsible for the CRAZE mentioned in this report or in my book "Collection of Editors Letters".

And God likes my story

There is no doubt that not one person, reading these lines, will appreciate what is written here. But change, change cannot one person of the 99,99 percent of the masses and their dull Elites anything written here. It just goes the way as given in my literature since more than 30 years.

But our God or Allah or Buddha or take what you want of inexistent Gods, laugh their heads off when seeing the end come of a rotten humanity that never wanted to stop a craze on account of animals, of plants, of nature and of the beauty of a given planet, that could have become a paradise, just when the humans had been intelligent instead of dead-dull.

Now, we have to live with the FACTS given by development of BIP, debts, a very stupid economy, the destruction of resources, animals, nature, climate and the rest.

And who cries tears about normal facts, is and was ever nothing but paranoid and schizophrenic to the maximum, since the ape came down of his tree to become a "Homo non-sapiens", killing the Earth on purpose and just by believing, he or she would be God itself.

And now, this Story ends on a most natural way and what we can do, is wait and see and hope, no word written by Delavy was ever true.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 6, 2014