Putin and USA - some Truth

Putin - West Media creeping in the ASS of USA

All Western Media, of Germany, Switzerland, France etc. creep in the ASS of USA in matters of the Takeover of


by Russia of Putin.

They pretend that Russia would violate popular, social and human rights and laws by "stealing" the KRIM from Ukraine.

Well, well, well, both KRIM and Ukraine belonged for all times to Russia or before to the Soviet Union and anyway, let's compare the Russian crimes to those of USA:

1. Without asking Russia or China, USA attacked Vietnam and killed 3 Mio. of communists and some other lands, killing some other millions of socialists.

2. Without asking Russia or China, USA ordered the Regimes of Pinochet, Videla and 50 other crooks in South America, to kill youth per hundred of thousands, to let them torture to death, in the name of AIPAC, the Jewish Banks of Wall Street, for capitalism and for the profits of U.S. industry.

3. Without asking Russia or China, they convinced the EU to make false promises to western idiots in Ukraine to take them in this society, when EU cannot even save Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, England, Ireland etc. from the forthcoming bankruptcy of Europe and the EURO.

4. Without asking anyone, USA attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia and not Rwanda and Central Africa to kill in the name of oil and the U.S. Industry and army some hundred thousands of Iraqis, Afghans and other Niggers on five continents.

5. Without asking the poor, USA invented the international Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion together with Switzerland and 50 other Tax Paradises in favour of the Rich Class of USA and the World.

6. Without asking anyone, USA exported their WEF Scheme of Chicago School to China, India, Russia, Brazil and the rest and now, all nations and banks, inclusive the 50 U.S. States and all Jewish Banks go down the drain for all times to come.

7. Without asking me, USA as forerunner prepared and exported the American Dream and U.S. Way of Life, killing all nations by an ecologic time bomb and 7 billion of idiots can now starve in the name of rotten USA.

8. Without asking the Tea Party, USA kept for nothing the most expensive Army of the world to the charge of middle class and poor and now, they have no cash anymore for the interests on their huge deficits, indebtedness of U.S. nation, for health care and for infrastructures and the Poor, driven to hell by Jewish bankers and American white junk.

9. Without asking China or Russia, USA placed missiles directly to the frontier of Russia and China and makes a fuss now about The KRIM. This is world-record in cunningness and lies.

10. The idiotic US experts, promised Ukraine and East of Europe a paradise, when they "saved" them from Soviet Scheme and since, East Europe is going to hell, cannot pay their consumption of gas and oil and are going into bankruptcy - more rapidly than the South of Europe and England and USA.

Under such conditions, I wonder why USA is still in function under a rotten Nigger hearing on the Name of Obama bin Laden out of Washington.

Better keep mouth shut and keep cool - idiots of USA, the most stupid folks of any region on our globe since Plato in Old Greece.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 17, 2014