End-Time 2099

The fixed idea about the final Year "2099"

What is Paranoia?

Under normal people and circumstances, to believe in a lie or a fixed idea being wrong, could be called "paranoia". If in addition, the patient believes to hear some voices and being haunted by the State, by VIPs, by superior forces, we can talk of "schizophreny".

Now, nothing of this applies on me at the moment.

It's the other way round, I am sure and can prove the fact, that wide over 99 per cent of folks today, suffer under some sort of general paranoia and schizophrenic tremolo and don't know.

But to explain a fundamental truth like the one that humanity and in fact life on the planet Earth will be gone by 2099, needs more of respect and intellect than the paranoid folks in 200 nations could guess. Let's see what's all behind:

The history of the year 2099

The ultimate year for suicide of humanity is not a theme in my 10 books of philosophy and analysis of mine. If having written on economics, finances, cultures, religions, philosophy or science, I was fully concentrating on fundamental rules and logical origin-effect chains.

But around 1975 I was writing after my End of having achieved all Diplomas in profession, the famous "ORAKEL 1995", say under impression of the evident "Waldsterben", the craze in stock exchanges, the odd developments in USA, Europe, China and Africa in politics and the end of time with atom bombs, AKW, using up all resources under the grounds, in the oceans, over the Earth, that the end-time could come very rapidly, to say by 1995.

It was true, the predicted End of Communism came by 1989, the end of capitalism showed evidence by 1995, the collapse of all systems were clear and the general paranoia of media, VIPs, politics and systems, mainly neoliberalism, were a fact, but the End-Time for humans was not in sight.

I studied a long time about the problem, to be right in facts but not at all in timing and decided to issue the Orakel anew under title "ORAKEL 2099", given as additional chapter in one of my books.

What was more important from 2000 to 2013?

Now, it is clear that the complete collapse of all systems humans had installed, our Earth and humanity will kick the bucket from now on, to say 2000 to 2150, somewhere in time. Seeing no precise time, since no one can predict the future, I decided to take a metaphor of "2099" - because 100 years from the year 2000 seemed to be the most likely period to be taken for a complete breakdown of all systems, mainly in ecologic catastrophes and results of Pops explosion.

Now, still, why since some time, I should stay on the problem of humanity and planet being DEAD by 2099? Is there any reason or is it a "Fixed Idea"?

Well, let's turn the question around 180 Degree:

What was more important in any facts given on Earth from the year 2000 to 2013 than the crazy developments in all fields, all pointing to an End-time, out of which no solution, Plan B or new thinking could ever lead:

- The Crash of Wall Street 2007 - nuts. Lehman Brothers 2008 - nuts. Obama being U.S. president for nothing with GW Bush politics - nuts. The developments with Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Israel to Islamism as new democrazy - nuts. The idiocies of IMF, Worldbank, Fed, ECB, WEF and all banks and States leading to the final bankruptcy of capitalism - nuts in comparison to the final breakdown in the 21st Century.

Whatever you may have seen on TV, the news idiocies in Internet, the general stupidity and lies of World-media, all was nuts and of zero importance from 2000 to 2013.

Whatever you may learn this very day, December 10, 2013, is compared to my writing of zero significance - and your paranoia does not let through this truth, because YOU are gone NUTS.

The fundamental Truths of the World

When reading my literature and philosophy, you may tumble over some very logical TRUTHS nobody could deny:

1. Humanity falls in all the TRAPS our systems have opened from 1750 to the End Century, the one being the 21st.

2. Today, there is no way out of complete Crash of capitalism, basing on rules of neoliberalism of Popper, Friedman and some other blind idiots, taking the breakdown of cash systems as the solution.

3. The technological ERA finished up with resources, energy stuffs, killing the oceans, the geosphere, the climate, the weather-machine and the complete collapse of ecologic systems and producing too the world-economy crash very soon.

4. The coming collapses in finances, economics, culture, paranoia of the 99 per cent, the missing resources, crash in exports and imports and above all the fast growing matter with gigantic droughts, sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves are a fact.

Humanity will not be killed and finished by ONE of these facts, no - each one of them are in times of a time-bomb in Pops explosion, together with modern idiotic life-style of greed and growth, good enough, to kill any species or planet in any galaxy of the endless world.

The general Stupidity and Paranoia of Folks

The one suffering from Paranoia or Schizophreny does not really be the person the recognize the true state of affairs.

But when wide over 99 per cent of folks do not see the evidence of the above mentioned FACTS, we can easily talk of craziness of masses.

Worse is that Obama, Putin, Draghi, Yellen, Lagarde, Merkel, Hollande, Cameron, Xi, Singh, Lula, Mandela and other idiots are the TOP of idiots, believing in what they pretend, when they have a brain of a child, when being nice, or a brain full of shit, when saying the truth.

All philosophers, scientists, Dynamite Prize idiots, politicians, CEO, Heads of NGOs and the Masters and Jews in Power of finances are nuts, paranoid, stupid, not understanding 10 per cent of the world systems of the past, the present and of the future - and believe me:

- There will never again pop up some other idiot as Delavy, to explain to you the simple effects of your rotten mind.

It cannot be said, if the stupidity comes from the media, the internet, the VIPs, the universities or the past philosophies and literature, but it is a fact, that it is impossible to teach the truth to the masses, when they want believe in a paradise which was turning slowly from 1900 to 2000 into the real HELL, out of it does not lead one simple way.  We have reached our End-time and don't know yet.

The End by 2099

I said it before; the year 2099 is a metaphor and a little bit lacking of accuracy.

But who cares. In view of the FACTS pointing and proving the end of the technologic area, the complete dullness of 99,999 per cent of folks, the given point of no return having been 1975 and since have accelerated to exhaustion of our planet, when the number of idiots mounted from 2 billion in 1927 to 8 billion by 2027 - what did you expect with your brains full of shit and paranoia, how the future for humans, animals, plants, water and air might well be?

You start to think? Just don't try - because your brain is made for fucking, for destroying your life and the one of all others, to fuck your lady and for consumerism until the last trop and Dime. Just leave it

- Elephants have the greater heads as you have.

You shall never understand not even 10 per cent of the real situation on Earth today, even if you would have got all prizes including Dynamite or Pulitzer.

To be NUTS means: to know nothing at all.

And now prepare yourself to kick the bucket fast and keep quiet.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 10, 2013