Recently - Obama Care and Romney Craze.

Solutions to World-Problems

I know all solutions to all of the present World-Problems and wrote a book with title "10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz" - based on stuff written already 1975.

But some other Skunks know also all solutions to the world-problems:

- IPCC, WEF, CERN, FED, ECB, NGOs, G-20, Krugman, Soros, Roubini, Bernanke, Obama, Merkel, Hollande, Cameron, Putin, Hu and Wen, Singh, Friedman, Keynes, Popper, HW Sinn of Germany and some other one million of folks without functioning brains

- when not being aware of not knowing just one per mille of the real and abstract world-problems - not one person or organisation or government can ever be correct.

By the way: My 10 books were treating the origins of downfall and the given solutions for a world that is going to tumble to hell, but could have functioned, if the right systems would have been introduced and the change be treated and implemented before the year 2000 would have come - but -

- afterwards, the automatic CLASH of all systems would be a MUST and without recourse.

Let's go into this matter of given solutions by brainless folks:

1. Recently I got from a former colleague in profession a Mail about the idiocies of HW Sinn about the finance problems in Germany and the risk of INFLATION. This man is a fanatic of inflation and so I wrote: "Suppose all recommendations in view of HW Sinn for Germany and inflation would be resolved, not one percent of World-Problem would be resolved." This man will not understand, like Obama and all Americans and Chinese, what I was just telling him.

2. Recently a friend said: "Just think of all the nourishment sent on the scrap hills in the rich world, how many poor could be given food - no wonder, we have a Jean Ziegler problem in nourishment for the coming 12 billion of folks." I tried to explain her that if this problem would be resolved with transports and distribution, the world problem in the great whole would not decrease, but increase by such a stupid distribution. And even if all Junk-Problems of the planet would be resolved, oceans would still be full of plastic and poison and mega-towns without groundwater in a few years from now.

3. Recently Obama Care and Romney Fuck promised a nice new Springtime in the USA if they would win the U.S. Presidency. Fact is that the monster-storm "Sandy" came first and afterwards the complete financial breakdown of U.S. finance and industry systems, due to blinded automatisms in capitalism of Popper and Friedman, any child would understand in reading my books. Who asks solutions from the perpetrators, having their heads in the asshole of the tax-free rich Class, should be slaughtered instead of being made win some elections.

4. Recently China was exchanging his political heading when promising a nice future with spring rolls full of chicken meat based on Holocaust of Animals. Due to the idiocies of resources going out, the consumerism in Europe and USA going down to the devil and resources used up from 1900 to 2000, China like India is standing in front of an implosion of State, not one other government or system on the globe could ever prevent. Idiots cannot govern our presence, only a genius could find some smoothing instruments.

5. Recently IPCC and some WEF idiots of other NGOs didn't want to go on the moon, what is so easy, no, they wanted to stop the complete collapse of climate and the destruction of a planet by a weather machine gone totally and for all times out of order. First, this problem cannot be resolved with quadrillions of Dollars, second the Dollar is nothing worth already tomorrow and third, the ecologic catastrophe alone will kill humanity before the year 2099 has come.

6. Recently there was a conference of G-20 or G-200 and all scrap of intellect and politics was there. They discussed for 5 weeks costing billions, some rotten solutions to finance problems they themselves had arranged for the last 50 years with Wall Street Jews and devilish Deficit Spending and in fact they tried to turn the wheel back to former misery that did not function either. One year after the rotten conference, they realized that nothing happened and the world was coming to a final abyss, not only in finances, but with economics, resources, water, air, consumerism, transports, oil, cultural craziness, stupidity of masses and revolutions killing all tax-free rich idiots plus media plus politicians - but still not one percent of World-Problems would be resolved.

7. Recently the book market of the globe was emerged with proposal books, how to come out of the present complete breakdown of systems. Would all those problems given in all books written by men and women without any brains be mastered, still not one percent of world-problems would be resolved, because what 99 percent of shit-in-brains are proposing, would accelerate and increase the final downfall of humanity.

8. Recently in Europe was discussed if we require austerity, paying back the debts by surplus in state accounts which are impossible or - as the other sole alternative - arrange further growth in industry, in investments and in more happy hours after work. Not one idiot saw the fact that capitalism will break in pieces with austerity and with growth, as long has we have Junk-Jews on Wall Street, Rating offices dictating deadly interest rates, stupid political VIPs in all nations on the globe understanding nothing of systemic problems. And much more of interest is that growth is the origin of all given mass world-problems, therefore further growth will kill humanity and the planet even faster for all times to come than it did before the Wall Street Crash.

9. Recently I read a report about increasing intellect of coming generations, with help of internet, schooling, better universities and other Junk. Nobody understands that those institutions made by fools, were the origin and the reason, why 100 percent of today's societies are idiotic, paranoid, schizophrenic, not knowing just ONE reason for our world-problems and how to come out of self-made globalised downfall - where the rich Class does not pay taxes. It required greatest stupidity to come there, where we are. To pretend that same stupidity could bring solutions in the future, is nothing but mystical Hollywood dreaming - in fact a Crime of Paranoia to humanity.

Just learn: To prevent the complete breakdown of all given systems on a rotten globe, condemned to go to hell from 2012 to 2099, has become impossible.

And since the situation is such, that the greatest geniuses of Dynamite Prizes and Peace Prize of Pauls-Church idiots, comparable to Obama, Putin, Merkel, Berlusconi, Murdoch, Schwab, Hitler, Stalin and Pinochet, do know just one percent of the world problems and solutions about future developments, plus understanding the origins in the past of the final misery of humanity in the year 2012, without any outcome of the final downfall of our present world to 2025, since such is the situation today, all 200 nations at U.N. can only make the Jesus Cross over the U.S. heads and let out a last prayer to Allah and ask for some future terror of fine Arabs or Americans, gone before through Israel Universities of rotten Jewish philosophers.

And such "better solutions" of shit-in-brainy VIPs would let pretend the ELITE idiots ruling our politics and finances, not to look out for the bankruptcy of USA, Europe and Greenland already fact today, plus the coming misery of ecologic tragedy in Africa and South America, plus the forthcoming implosion of China and India, plus imminent fact of resources becoming priceless and then our fine collapse of climate and weather, bringing millennium droughts, floods, super-storms and monster-waves - and so let's finally pray to Jesus Christ or the rotten Pope of Rome and then die very slowly during the years coming, from 2013 to 2025, when the evidence of zero solutions of problems in the world would have become so evident and water-clear, like our plastic oceans that even your cats or dogs may understand more NOW about the given END than you - stupid.

And General Rommel liked Germany and useless wars and his position too but still today is a national hero - like Obama is a national hero and likes USA and makes criminal wars in the name of his Junk-Americans. Well, Rommel crept in the asshole of Hitler and Nazism and Obama in the one of Ronald and Neo-liberalism. For thanks Rommel was killed by Hitler like the 6 Mio. Jews and Obama will be killed by his own stupidity as some 300 Mio. Amis.

You may today look out for any Peace Book Prize for superficial minds, given in Frankfort Churches for rotten brains in American, Chinese, African and European heads, the solutions you would never ever find in those rotten characters, talking of miseries in some areas of their little world of false conscience, when soon and worldwide, all water-free mega-cities would be burning down to hell without any person knowing, how this fact could ever happen.... - talking of the predicted "Mad Max World".

Watch out, man, please kill first the perpetrators - before you as victim will kick the bucket.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 1, 2012