Summer 2012 - Death of USA

Summer 2012 - Chinese = Dead Materia

Chinese being dead materia? What a STUPIDITY!

Well - wait and see.

Sommer 2012 - and rotten Media

You expect the World Media informing the shit-in-brains, the 7 billion of POPS, about the craze of the Euro and the real facts about humanity?

What a shit - Euro and Dollars and all currencies are dead for a long time.

Media do nothing else but manage and administrate the downfall of the humanity in complete bankruptcy and trying to tell us, what happened long time before. All is Swissair - no assets since years but billions in debts - and waiting for the grounding of humanity.

But let's go into the details:

The deadlines

Financial Bankruptcy of all States by 2020. Death of globalised economics by 2025. Culture breakdown ended by 2035. Humanity having come to their evident ending point, about 2050. The planet getting rid of idiots by ecologic collapse - until around 2099.

Be sure that this program becomes a FACT, but before we must know some little bit more about our "Condition Humaine" - Friends.

Chinese - dead materia

Chinese always considered all ANIMALS to be DEAD MATERIA. What a surprise to get it, how humans out of China are nothing but dead materia. China is fully dependent on imports and exports, on nourishment and resources imported. China is bankrupt with huge debts in all areas and the next drought, even given in the USA, shall kill China. And the 1,5 billion of idiots will massacre their rich and tax-free sacks, like in any other land of the globe too.

Indians - dead materia

Not talking of the intelligent Indians - the Red Indians killed by U.S. folks. Talking of the Asian idiots having exploded in POPS but soon being without nourishment and water and having no import possibilities. I think there is no need for a drought, the facts of growth in stupidity and dead animals shall do. And the Seas are emptied from fish and all the rest. Note- India going to hell now.

Americans - dead materia

America is like Swissair and Enron. Dead since 1990. And the mega-Craziness increased since and the fact of a dead U.S. Empire is so clear that I should not mention the facts: Bankruptcy of the nation USA - plus the 50 States - plus the towns and counties - plus all rotten Jews and Bankers at Wall Street - plus all pension funds and banks and hedge funds and all the rest. USA needs their rotten wheat, soya, maize and other food for petrol as long as the cars are running. Dollar by masses of trillions bound to become worthless. Exports of USA getting towards complete still-stand. The rest is illusions out of Hollywood.

Europeans - dead materia

Having been living on cost of the FREE GOODS of a planet, and the debts towers of all future generations, first the South of Europe goes into pieces, then it mounts up to France, Germany, rotten Tax Fraud State Switzerland, Holland, Demark, whereas East Europe is dead like Greece since 1989. But Europe has stopped to be living on its resources. Therefore economics will fall in pieces during the time of DE-GLOBALISATION out of the TRAP opened by Popper, Friedman, Keynes, Ronald, Thatcher, GW Bush and Obama and the Junk-Jews out of Wall Street and City of London. The Dead Materia of Europe is not cash or culture or some other rests of humanity - but a rotten culture and philosophy of the WHITE TRASH, exported to all lands.

Same goes for Africa, Japan, Australia

There is no land in Africa being able to live on its own. All are in free fall, including South Africa. The Whites will be massacred if not going out of free will soon. The ecologic time bomb of the Earth came first over Africa. But the Situation in Japan, South America and Australia is not better. So the humans becoming fast a fine and dead materia in finances, economics, culture and ecology - what else?

Assets and Fortune of the World - dead materia

There are no assets and fortunes in the World:

- Currencies going rotten in inflation. State bonds already today zero value. Same goes for other bonds of all areas on the globe. The roll-back of economics leaves no share-holder values. Real Estate imploding on debt situation. Nobody having cash for arts or yachts. Gold and precious metals good for survival. All banks dead, some goes for insurance, pension and finance funds.

Then the disappearing Middle Class and Poor will massacre the rich tax-free sacks and their governments and then we have dead materia, not only in assets and fortunes, but in dead animals with name of Homo non-sapiens.

Exceptions - Russia, Canada, Scandinavia

Well, according to my literature, the northern belt of the Earth could escape for some time from dead materia. They could save-guard their energy stuff, nourishment production, water etc. for some time - basing on

Autarky and Autonomy

What is written in my books was that the world with effect of 1975, should not be globalised to DEATH by neo-conservative Liberals having shit in their brains, but go back on autarky and autonomy. Today, only Canada, Scandinavia and Russia could try to go this PATH. They won't do it, naturally, as predicted in my books, and therefore they too go to hell like the southern REST.

Protection of our "clean world" from mad immigrants

As mentioned, Russia, Canada and Scandinavia may for some time escape the deadly effect of the ECOLOGY COLLAPSE of the Globe. But only under the condition, those regions are able to stay "clean" from Immigrants - to say, preventing of being run over by Chinese, by Africans, by Americans, by Swiss and other god-damned idiots of zero brains in their rotten Nations.

Delavysmus - no dead materia

Well, there is no lust and time to repeat the contents of my prediction of communisms and capitalism falling into their MERDE for all times. Better was the description of the debt accounting situation of a rotten humanity. Very funny the fact about the economics running out of GAS and youth culture being a rotten system of Internet. But the best was the true description of the ecologic collapse in climate and weather machinery of a very, very small planet with exhausted resources, water and air.

How to come out of shit, when 7 billion have shit-in-brains? - as was written, but I want today see the rotten humans go very fast to hell, and therefore any word is now too much.

My revenge on the Shit-in-Brains of 7 billion idiots

Telling my parent, relatives and friends all what's written above - around 1975. Then seeing all my manuscripts sent into the basket by 150 Editing Companies in Germany and Switzerland and all Media Feuilletons of the Globe.

The printed books paid by my pension funds are rottening in my cellar for all times - and this is very good so, because the point of no return, to say 1975, has gone for all times.

Today by 2012, the rotten and idiotic MEDIA only can tell to the idiotic folks, how the general downfall of humanity goes on and on, when the final hours have come NOW - well, in fact by 1990. What happened since, was giving GAS on self-destruction and leaving no PLAN B to any genius of the Globe - without any brain but some Dynamite Prizes.

Let's get some idiots the Book-Prize of German Friedens-Handel, poor idiots around the imbeciles without brains with names of -

- Obama, Merkel, Romney, Cameron, Berlusconi, Hollande, the 7 Dwarfs of Berne, the rotten Jews of Wall Street, Hu and Wen and Singh and Mandela, having gone in the traps of the saved Jews from Auschwitz with names like Goldman, Sachs, Lehman, Morgan, Rating Offices, Strauss-Kahn, Greenspan, Popper, Habermas, Krugman, Soros, Friedman and Putin inclusive Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

There is no difference in quality of intellect. From Zero, there is no value further down.

I wonder why out of 7 billion of shit-in-brains, I was the only person to foresee the coming PROGRESS of Globalisation in a dirty POOL of zero brains. To sell shit for gold was the speciality of the Jews. How come that all folks on Earth copied the deadly SCHEME?

God knows. Allah knows. Buddha knows, but they all are not in existence. Therefore Ratzinger should know, but this gay has also shit in his religious brains like the Evangelicans in the USA, the Islamists in the Islam, the killing Christians and Jews - and above all and very late, some dirty Chinese, taking Animals for Dead Materia - Friends.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 25, 2012