Macro-Cosmos against Micro-Cosmos

Factual World - Little Circles

The World of FACTS does not exist.

What humans have - is a world of little CIRCLES - and nothing else.

Let's explain the phenomenon:

When Macro-Cosmos tumbles down the drain for all times - Micro-Cosmos follows on the spot...

The Principles = MACRO-COSMOS

All Folks on Earth, the Elite and their Masses, believe that we are living in a World of FACTS. What may be given in media, books, internet and universities would be FACT.

This is a fundamental error:

Not one person on Earth knows anything about systems, about the real past, about the present and the future. Not one person can interpret the financial, economic, political, cultural or ecologic situation on the planet. What is assumed to be, on a worldwide scale, makes about 10 percent of TRUTH and FACTS.

And therefore we have a Globe in Free Fall to Hell and not one intellectual, or genius, or dynamite prize idiot or Obama, or Putin, or Hu, or Merkel or other VIP of idiocy, who could read and see and interpret the facts.

Fact is that humanity is bankrupt in finances, economic development had come to an end long time ago, the ecologic situation is such that no Cash on Earth can restore the craze, and culture has become the internet of Fools without any brains. Under these conditions, humanity tumbles just now to hell without any recourse ever.

But this has been written about 1000 times by me already. Let's rather go into the little circles of the ones that have shit in their brains instead of an idea of a factual World.

The Facts about Little Circles = MICRO-COSMOS

- Dynamite Prize Idiots know nothing of facts. They know all about the little circles of their special knowledge. If those idiocies would kill the planet, is of no importance.

- Experts know absolutely nothing of the overall systems, about origins and effects. They have personal views of tiny little bits of facts, but they sell their shit for gold.

- Professors know all about their fields but nothing of the world developments in finances, economics, philosophies, developments, black swans and present downfall of a planet.

- Politicians know nothing at all, except how to present a golden nation or a golden situation, to be re-elected, when all systems on Earth go down to hell now.

- Ecologists know nothing except the present apparent State of Affairs with climate, oceans, forests, weather etc. The effects of the past, the rotten present and the deadly future are of a nature, these idiots cannot read just for 10 percent of the facts.

- Bankers are only interested to make money with the Cash of workers, employees, pension funds, nations and to be sure to be saved by the taxes of those idiots, if their Casino goes wrong.

 - Jews want have more richness, less taxes, be admired for their intelligence when making crash Wall Street, Israel, some order in Arabia and telling folks that their crimes are the effect of Hitler and Auschwitz.

- Any person in the media just gets about one percent of what happens on Earth. And then he or she makes a fuss and writes about incompetent politicians in the Crash of USA and Europe, of Euro and Dollar and all the Rest, when him/herself having zero plans how to overcame the free fall to hell with trillion debt towers and rotten Wall Street bankers and Jews.

- The specialist in electronics and computerization of the globe believes in a future of overall knowledge, when Internet only leads to Crazy occupy and tea parties, pirates, idiots, killers and a system that would produce more crime and bankruptcy in banks and in the heads of a Shit-Youth never seen before.

- The normal workers and worker unions only see their work, their salaries, their pension funds and are not interested in any system tumbling to hell for reasons, they do not want to understand. They would elect a piss of a cow for U.S. President and Chinese Emperor, if that idiot would pretend to know how to get "Full-Employment".

- The normal employees in banks, insurance, industry, services etc. know nothing except the shit presented in Fox TV, CNN, NYT and other piss of mind, not explaining the systems of communism, capitalism, neo-liberalism, but only giving an idea of one per mille of the daily effects of a deadly machinery that has come to a stop for all times.

- The normal women cannot think in abstractedness of systems and of future. All the whores want is a rich guy to give cash for consumerism, tourism of death, family-life for idiots, Hollywood feelings for other idiotic facts and no future for their children.

- The rich sacks want to pay no taxes and live in infrastructure paid by Middle Class and Poor and are astonished to see nations going down to hell including themselves by deficits and state bankruptcies, produced by the rich Class of Crooks.

- The poor idiots believe any shit to dynamite prize idiots, politicians, experts, professors, philosophers - who never had anything else in their heads than pure shit.

- There is no difference of politics of Left or Right, of Republicans or Democrats, of Dictatorships and Democrazy. It's all the same: One big Heap of shit in the brains of the rotten Elite, accepting to having lived for 60 years on cost of all future generations.

But what can the masses without education know, when the most intellectual folks on Earth have nothing but a little Circle of Shit in their minds?


Living in Circles is very fine and justified - but that thing has one little disadvantage:

It will kill from now on until 2099 not only humanity in finances, economics, culture, politics and ecology - but also the whole of a planet to be destroyed with greatest easiness - just to produce by nature some fine 10000 kinds of 9/11 - friends.

And believe me - a fast and terrible sudden End in Horror would be better than a Horror without any End - in view of an Earth full with 7 billions of Imbeciles, governing in pride and stupidity some Holocaust of Animals and Nature.

Okay - now go and buy the books of idiots and become even duller as you are at present.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 22, 2012