GOD's Creations

The Sight of GOD

You want to understand the World? There is no other means than to imagine you would be God Almighty yourself.

Well, where would you start as GOD or ALLAH or other idiot creating a world?

1. Creating a Universe

If you want to see a world-theatre of humans on a planet called EARTH, you need first a Universe. But there must be a reason for GOD to have a Universe. And so he said: "I create a Universe with 1134'093'333 Galaxies and 987'945' 003'738'116 Suns. In the average I want about 5 planets per Sun-System and in one of them I want to have the planet Earth with living creature in it."

But God being a stupid man, or some electronic brains in the Universe does know nothing about eternity in times and endlessness in space, but all about wars and torture of humans, and therefore he commits suicide and leaves the world as it is.

And exactly for this reason, the human brains will never get what the Universe shall be, what God, life, death, eternity and endlessness shall be, and therefore humans since Adam and Eve until Habermas and Obama stayed blind and stupid - until his predicted End of the Species by 2099.

2. Creating humans and other worms

Before being non-existent, GOD created sex, and humans, all animals, oceans, landscapes, mountains, continents and capitalism.

Once this was done, he ordered that there should be teachers of War and Torture, Popes to fuck children and burn women in fires under towels and be stoned. But since this was not so interesting, GOD decided to invent geniuses and philosophers and those brought a cash-Earth over the human world, with profits, Jews, Banks, cheap products of China and as forerunner a crazy atomic State USA, and the downfall of humans could start. Fist socialism tumbled to Hell and then capitalism under the burden of neo-liberalism.

But since this theory was too easy, GOD made a gift to humanity, consisting of blindness towards mass explosion of idiots to 10 billions, resources gone in 200 years due to capitalism and technologies and he created a fine Film of air full of poison, and oceans and forests and mega-towns sinking down in a climate-collapse and catastrophes of weather in a period of a twinkle of an eye period from 1900 to 2099.

3. Creating the End of the World

As said before, GOD was a Skunk, invented by Popes in all religions by debile masters of minds and esoteric women with zero-brains - and therefore it was easy to be seen, that not one person between the human geniuses saw coming their end, nobody understood the CHAOS on Earth, and the limits of stupidity and feasibilities of a rotten Planet was only "read" by the author of these lines here.

But worse was that GOD had no idea how to end with the Universe, this shit of nothing HE had created some time ago, brining into reality some holocaust of Jews, of Hitler, of Stalin, of Mao, of JFK, of Kissinger, of Milton Friedman and Ronald and Thatcher and making us the gift of Bush, Obama, Blair, Merkel, Berlusconi, Murdoch, Gates, Buffett, Bernanke, Greenspan and the dirty Jews of Wall Street.

And so the world of humans tumbled first into the TRAP of finance crashes, than came industry and commerce crashes, then some fine riots and cultural crashes - all finalized by the overall ECOLOGICAL CRASH - and this was the End of the plan to have a universe just for the purpose of getting some crazy generations of rotten Humans without brains.

And still some Remaining Questions

The major and fundamental question could have been, what the sense was for a Universe, for all galaxies, for eternity in times and endlessness in space and the existence of humans, animals, plants, water, air and all the rest of zero sense on EARTH.

And since I am GOD in person, I can tell you now that before the last human has made his Cross over his dirty ASS, there will have been not one human brain to understand this report here.

Recently I met GOD in person and HE said to me: "Listen Chap, don't write such shit about my person. I am God Almighty and I can destroy you any time, big shit. You be now decent with humans and God - or I will destroy the whole universe and myself."

Now, I was very glad to have found the solution: "Dear GOD - you are nothing but a heap of shit. Be kind and disappear out of this Universe and make that this Big Shit of World never could have existed. Forget the lies spread by humans in literature and philosophies about the Great Sense of Existence. Just stop the criminal CRAZE of humans - or I shall do it."

And there, God became very humble and destroyed present times, past times and future times -

- and when you idiot believe to be reading these lines, just know that you have been dead during your whole inexistence of mental life - which never was a FACT - poor idiot made by God Almighty.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 29, 2012  

Non-existent GOD

Non-existent God slaughtering Humanity

Funny Idea of a God who would not exist, but still wanting do some harm to his best friends - the fine and friendly Humans.

Wait and see - the sense of this article goes wide over what ever you could expect.

Proofs for existence of God

Call him God or Allah or natural God or call it Evolution - it's all about the same. All religions pretend that God created the world and ourselves and HE would be good and nice and full of common sense and kindness.

And indeed - how to explain the existence of Time and Space and of a Universe with billions of suns if not galaxies, without HIM? And even without this concept, alone the creation of our planet, of water, of planets with animals and humans, having corps, brains, eyes is more of a wonder that never any humans could create, not by means of quadrillions of Dollars at disposal.

And so it is no wonder that people of all regions of our Globe, since eternities of time believed in a power, high up above the simple idiot of a human, who in fact is a wonder himself, a wonder we can never grasp, even if reading 1000 books about the nature and existence of what we are.

There are other and better reasons to believe in a God of any or all religions, which have about the same concepts and mechanics, what has nothing to do with God - but about ALL about the human nature of the construction of our Brains.

Proofs for non-existence of God

For the same reasons as we want to prove the existence of a God, for the same reason I can pretend that God never existed.

How the hell could a God look like who created the universe, the Milky Way, the sun, the planet Earth, the life of animals including the funny human and the plants, the way it is?

Is it some sort of gigantic Computer? And when it could exist, where would this computer be - on a distant star, in the depth of our Universe, in some other Universe? And if not a computer, how would he look like. To say it's "in heaven" is the usual stupidity to admit that we know NOTHING.

And why should a God dictate that humans slaughter and torture to death some other humans - in HIS name -plus all of animals - and all animals each other and all plants each other and even the galaxies each other? Does is make sense to believe in a God, as human do, when we widen our intellectual horizon a bit?

But it becomes worse….

The Sense of Religions

Assuming a God would really exist, or an Allah or Buddha or name it. How could he ever accept:

1. That we believe at the same time in idiots like Jesus, Mohammed, Maria and other legends, having committed useless wonders in HIS name? Saving some person and letting starve the rest of billions?

2. That we have Popes and Priests in all religions, walking around in beautiful cloths, creeping in the assholes of the rich and powerful VIPs in all times, giving the Cash to the rich and spitting on the poor, blessing and making the cross on wars and torture - and destruction of nature and telling at the same time 1000 LIES each new day?

3. That God of all religions is misused to burn alive women as witches, killing folks in millions not believing in such "real" God, being on the side of U.S. Presidents and Pinochets killing millions in Vietnam, Chile, Argentina etc. in the name of another God, called neoliberal Capitalism of the Jews?

4. Taking animals and nature for some chamber of trial and errors and causing not only holocausts with humans, but one huge holocaust of animals and fishes, in numbers of trillions and pain not to be measured?

5. Religious leaders pretend to "know" God himself and standing "near to HIM", when in fact they were in all times the greatest CRIMINALS any God could ever have invented?

6. When Humans are just now not only destroying the Finance Scheme of the Globe, but the Planet as such, with humans, animals, nature, water and air altogether?

The sense of religions never has been God, but the slaughtering of anything that moves, but pretending to handle in the interest of a God. The Religious Leaders never had at disposal any human Common Sense. All was an instrument to keep the poor and ignorant low, to take them for slaves and using all their force and savings in the interest of the TOP FEW of human might.

Cash as the real God

More funny is it that the true face of our GOD on Earth has been replaced since a long time by CASH. The churches are empty, but the temples of evil are full of humans, worldwide: Our banks, the stock exchanges, the temples of consumerism and the casinos in form of Las Vegas, Wall Street, Zurich Bahnhofstrasse, tax paradises for the millionaires etc.

And where in Arabia and Islam they do, as if their Allah would be the most valuable thing, they have oil getting out, they have fanatic politicians and they have hatred against those, believing still in another idiot, sorry, God.

When people of all nations have not the slightest idea, who could be God, but measure absolutely all they are doing, even religions, in terms of money and cash, then we have come to the End of any philosophical God and replaced him by Greed, Growth and the final Destruction of our Earth for all times to come.

The Behaviourism and End of Humanity

The behaviour of humans has always been criminal and stupid to the max, but so far, nature and the wideness of our Earth has forgiven any stupidity.

This GAME is over: We have masses of humans, more than our planet can stand, we have the end of resources and energy, we have poisoned the Sea, the water reserves and the grounds, we have a technological world only for one reason: To destroy our Planet, the Climate and our fine Weather Machine and we have Cash to let run all nations just now in bankruptcy, followed by rotten and senseless industry and the easy-going mechanics of Humanity.

And this is the End of Humanity - and the most funny thing is, that we have no alternatives, no solutions, no way out of the impasse, and no God and not even a Devil to tell us, how we ever could live on - after the year 2099.

The Sense of Existence

When you have read so far, you may very slowly come on my level of intellect, WHY such an animal like the human beast should be in existence, privileged by a self-invented God in the interest of the Powerful, the Rich, the Priests and all other Assholes of this Globe.

Whenever there was a Sense in Existence of our World, our Universe, with all Stars and Planets and Life - we could never know what and where this Sense was. We could develop in theory further in Intellect and never know what God means. But fact is, that this humanity goes the way of general dullness and I can assure you, that humans have never before in history been so dull and ignorant as just NOW.

Under these conditions, it does not make sense for God to give such Humans another chance for survival. The best solution a really existent God could ever have had, is the present downfall of humanity - under all systems breaking down just now.

But the truth is worse:

A non-existent God is slaughtering Humanity just NOW

- this is the only TRUTH left to our Species that had all chances for a Paradise on Earth. Producing a HELL was a risk and will cost now the life not of some humans, but of them ALL, about 20 billions in number - by 2099.

Have my best Greetings - Friends - and sleep well….

RenĂ© Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 25, 2012